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Catalog: /thredds/catalog/files/g/ds629.1/


OpenDAP Data Access Access dataset through OPeNDAP using the DAP2 protocol.
DAP4 Data Access Access dataset using the DAP4 protocol.
NetcdfSubset Data Access A web service for subsetting CDM scientific grid datasets.
CdmRemote Data Access Provides index subsetting on remote CDM datasets, using ncstream.
CdmrFeature Data Access Provides coordinate subsetting on remote CDM Feature Datasets, using ncstream.
WCS Data Access Supports access to geospatial data as 'coverages'.
WMS Data Access Supports access to georegistered map images from geoscience datasets.
HTTPServer Data Access HTTP file download.
ISO Metadata Provide ISO 19115 metadata representation of a dataset's structure and metadata.
NCML Metadata Provide NCML representation of a dataset.
UDDC Metadata An evaluation of how well the metadata contained in the dataset conforms to the NetCDF Attribute Convention for Data Discovery (NACDD)


Godiva3 Browser
default_viewer.ipynb Jupyter Notebook The TDS default viewer attempts to plot any Variable contained in the Dataset.


  • Rights: Freely Available
  • summary: The realistic representation of tropical convection in our global atmospheric models is a long-standing grand challenge for numerical weather forecasts and global climate predictions. Our lack of fundamental knowledge and practical capabilities in this area leaves us disadvantaged in modeling and predicting prominent phenomena of the tropical atmosphere such as the ITCZ, ENSO, TBO, monsoons and their active/break periods, the MJO, subtropical stratus decks, near-surface ocean properties, easterly waves, tropical cyclones, bulk budgets of cloud microphysical quantities, and even the diurnal cycle. Furthermore, tropical weather/climate disturbances strongly influence stratospheric-tropospheric exchange as well as the extratropics, with the later mediated via poleward migration of synoptic systems or through initiating Rossby wave trains that can involve a range of processes and time scales. To address the challenge of tropical convection, WCRP and WWRP/THORPEX propose a Year of coordinated observing, modeling and forecasting of organized tropical convection and its influences on predictability as a contribution to the United Nations Year of Planet Earth to complement the International Polar Year (IPY). This effort is intended to exploit the vast amounts of existing and emerging observations, the expanding computational resources and the development of new, high-resolution modeling frameworks, with the objective of advancing the characterization, diagnosis, modeling, parameterization and prediction of multi-scale convective/dynamic interactions, including the two-way interaction between tropical and extra-tropical weather/climate. This activity and its ultimate success will be based on the coordination of a wide range of ongoing and planned international programmatic activities (e.g., GEWEX/CEOP/GCSS, AMY, EOS, GOOS), strong collaboration among the operational prediction, research laboratory and academic communities, and the construction of a comprehensive data base consisting of satellite data, in-situ data sets and global/high-resolution forecast and simulation model outputs relevant to tropical convection. The proposed timing, focus year approach and integrated framework of this effort is intended to leverage the most benefit from recent investments in Earth Science infrastructure as well as entrain a new generation of young scientists into tackling the outstanding problems in the field of weather and climate prediction.
  • summary: ds629.1 represents a transformed version of the raw ECMWF YOTC archive (ds629.0) by the Data Support Section. The transformed versions are archived on an N400 1600x800 regular Gaussian grid, starting from high resolution reduced Gaussian grids and spectral coefficients.
  • NCAR RDA - WCRP and WWRP-THORPEX YOTC (Year of Tropical Convection) Project, Single Parameter 6-Hourly Surface Analysis and Surface Forecast Time Series, Transformed to a Regular 1600x800 (N400) Gaussian Grid (ds629.1)
  • YOTC (Year of Tropical Convection) A joint project of the WWRP-THORPEX and the WCRP


  • : Numerical Weather Prediction
  • : Tropical
  • : Model data
  • : Convection
  • : YOTC


  • modified : 2012-03-14T14:51:52Z



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