netcdf files/g/d083003/2018/201807/gdas1.fnl0p25.2018070800.f00.grib2 {
    lon = 1440;
    lat = 721;
    time = 1;
    height_above_ground = 1;
    pressure_difference_layer = 1;
    altitude_above_msl = 3;
    isobaric = 17;
    height_above_ground_layer = 1;
    height_above_ground_layer1 = 1;
    isobaric1 = 1;
    isobaric2 = 26;
    pressure_difference_layer1 = 1;
    isobaric3 = 21;
    sigma_layer = 4;
    depth_below_surface_layer = 4;
    height_above_ground1 = 3;
    height_above_ground2 = 1;
    height_above_ground3 = 2;
    potential_vorticity_surface = 2;
    pressure_difference_layer2 = 2;
    isobaric4 = 31;
    sigma = 1;
    height_above_ground4 = 3;
    int LatLon_Projection;
      :grid_mapping_name = "latitude_longitude";
      :earth_radius = 6371229.0; // double

    float lat(lat=721);
      :units = "degrees_north";

    float lon(lon=1440);
      :units = "degrees_east";

    double reftime;
      :units = "Hour since 2018-07-08T00:00:00Z";
      :standard_name = "forecast_reference_time";
      :long_name = "GRIB reference time";
      :calendar = "proleptic_gregorian";

    double time(time=1);
      :units = "Hour since 2018-07-08T00:00:00Z";
      :standard_name = "time";
      :long_name = "GRIB forecast or observation time";
      :calendar = "proleptic_gregorian";

    float height_above_ground(height_above_ground=1);
      :units = "m";
      :long_name = "Specified height level above ground";
      :positive = "up";
      :Grib_level_type = 103; // int
      :datum = "ground";

    float pressure_difference_layer(pressure_difference_layer=1);
      :units = "Pa";
      :long_name = "Level at specified pressure difference from ground to level";
      :positive = "up";
      :Grib_level_type = 108; // int
      :datum = "ground";
      :bounds = "pressure_difference_layer_bounds";

    float pressure_difference_layer_bounds(pressure_difference_layer=1, 2);
      :units = "Pa";
      :long_name = "bounds for pressure_difference_layer";

    float altitude_above_msl(altitude_above_msl=3);
      :units = "m";
      :long_name = "Specific altitude above mean sea level";
      :positive = "up";
      :Grib_level_type = 102; // int
      :datum = "mean sea level";

    float isobaric(isobaric=17);
      :units = "Pa";
      :long_name = "Isobaric surface";
      :positive = "down";
      :Grib_level_type = 100; // int

    float height_above_ground_layer(height_above_ground_layer=1);
      :units = "m";
      :long_name = "Specified height level above ground";
      :positive = "up";
      :Grib_level_type = 103; // int
      :datum = "ground";
      :bounds = "height_above_ground_layer_bounds";

    float height_above_ground_layer_bounds(height_above_ground_layer=1, 2);
      :units = "m";
      :long_name = "bounds for height_above_ground_layer";

    float height_above_ground_layer1(height_above_ground_layer1=1);
      :units = "m";
      :long_name = "Specified height level above ground";
      :positive = "up";
      :Grib_level_type = 103; // int
      :datum = "ground";
      :bounds = "height_above_ground_layer1_bounds";

    float height_above_ground_layer1_bounds(height_above_ground_layer1=1, 2);
      :units = "m";
      :long_name = "bounds for height_above_ground_layer1";

    float isobaric1(isobaric1=1);
      :units = "Pa";
      :long_name = "Isobaric surface";
      :positive = "down";
      :Grib_level_type = 100; // int

    float isobaric2(isobaric2=26);
      :units = "Pa";
      :long_name = "Isobaric surface";
      :positive = "down";
      :Grib_level_type = 100; // int

    float pressure_difference_layer1(pressure_difference_layer1=1);
      :units = "Pa";
      :long_name = "Level at specified pressure difference from ground to level";
      :positive = "up";
      :Grib_level_type = 108; // int
      :datum = "ground";
      :bounds = "pressure_difference_layer1_bounds";

    float pressure_difference_layer1_bounds(pressure_difference_layer1=1, 2);
      :units = "Pa";
      :long_name = "bounds for pressure_difference_layer1";

    float isobaric3(isobaric3=21);
      :units = "Pa";
      :long_name = "Isobaric surface";
      :positive = "down";
      :Grib_level_type = 100; // int

    float sigma_layer(sigma_layer=4);
      :units = "sigma";
      :long_name = "Sigma level";
      :positive = "down";
      :Grib_level_type = 104; // int
      :bounds = "sigma_layer_bounds";

    float sigma_layer_bounds(sigma_layer=4, 2);
      :units = "sigma";
      :long_name = "bounds for sigma_layer";

    float depth_below_surface_layer(depth_below_surface_layer=4);
      :units = "m";
      :long_name = "Depth below land surface";
      :positive = "down";
      :Grib_level_type = 106; // int
      :datum = "land surface";
      :bounds = "depth_below_surface_layer_bounds";

    float depth_below_surface_layer_bounds(depth_below_surface_layer=4, 2);
      :units = "m";
      :long_name = "bounds for depth_below_surface_layer";

    float height_above_ground1(height_above_ground1=3);
      :units = "m";
      :long_name = "Specified height level above ground";
      :positive = "up";
      :Grib_level_type = 103; // int
      :datum = "ground";

    float height_above_ground2(height_above_ground2=1);
      :units = "m";
      :long_name = "Specified height level above ground";
      :positive = "up";
      :Grib_level_type = 103; // int
      :datum = "ground";

    float height_above_ground3(height_above_ground3=2);
      :units = "m";
      :long_name = "Specified height level above ground";
      :positive = "up";
      :Grib_level_type = 103; // int
      :datum = "ground";

    float potential_vorticity_surface(potential_vorticity_surface=2);
      :units = "K m2 kg-1 s-1";
      :long_name = "Potential vorticity surface";
      :positive = "up";
      :Grib_level_type = 109; // int

    float pressure_difference_layer2(pressure_difference_layer2=2);
      :units = "Pa";
      :long_name = "Level at specified pressure difference from ground to level";
      :positive = "up";
      :Grib_level_type = 108; // int
      :datum = "ground";
      :bounds = "pressure_difference_layer2_bounds";

    float pressure_difference_layer2_bounds(pressure_difference_layer2=2, 2);
      :units = "Pa";
      :long_name = "bounds for pressure_difference_layer2";

    float isobaric4(isobaric4=31);
      :units = "Pa";
      :long_name = "Isobaric surface";
      :positive = "down";
      :Grib_level_type = 100; // int

    float sigma(sigma=1);
      :units = "sigma";
      :long_name = "Sigma level";
      :positive = "down";
      :Grib_level_type = 104; // int

    float height_above_ground4(height_above_ground4=3);
      :units = "m";
      :long_name = "Specified height level above ground";
      :positive = "up";
      :Grib_level_type = 103; // int
      :datum = "ground";

    float Absolute_vorticity_isobaric(time=1, isobaric2=26, lat=721, lon=1440);
      :long_name = "Absolute vorticity @ Isobaric surface";
      :units = "1/s";
      :abbreviation = "ABSV";
      :missing_value = NaNf; // float
      :grid_mapping = "LatLon_Projection";
      :coordinates = "reftime time isobaric2 lat lon ";
      :Grib_Variable_Id = "VAR_0-2-10_L100";
      :Grib2_Parameter = 0, 2, 10; // int
      :Grib2_Parameter_Discipline = "Meteorological products";
      :Grib2_Parameter_Category = "Momentum";
      :Grib2_Parameter_Name = "Absolute vorticity";
      :Grib2_Level_Type = 100; // int
      :Grib2_Level_Desc = "Isobaric surface";
      :Grib2_Generating_Process_Type = "Forecast";
      :Grib2_Statistical_Process_Type = "UnknownStatType--1";

    float Apparent_temperature_height_above_ground(time=1, height_above_ground2=1, lat=721, lon=1440);
      :long_name = "Apparent temperature @ Specified height level above ground";
      :units = "K";
      :abbreviation = "APTMP";
      :missing_value = NaNf; // float
      :grid_mapping = "LatLon_Projection";
      :coordinates = "reftime time height_above_ground2 lat lon ";
      :Grib_Variable_Id = "VAR_0-0-21_L103";
      :Grib2_Parameter = 0, 0, 21; // int
      :Grib2_Parameter_Discipline = "Meteorological products";
      :Grib2_Parameter_Category = "Temperature";
      :Grib2_Parameter_Name = "Apparent temperature";
      :Grib2_Level_Type = 103; // int
      :Grib2_Level_Desc = "Specified height level above ground";
      :Grib2_Generating_Process_Type = "Forecast";
      :Grib2_Statistical_Process_Type = "UnknownStatType--1";

    float Cloud_mixing_ratio_isobaric(time=1, isobaric3=21, lat=721, lon=1440);
      :long_name = "Cloud mixing ratio @ Isobaric surface";
      :units = "kg/kg";
      :abbreviation = "CLWMR";
      :missing_value = NaNf; // float
      :grid_mapping = "LatLon_Projection";
      :coordinates = "reftime time isobaric3 lat lon ";
      :Grib_Variable_Id = "VAR_0-1-22_L100";
      :Grib2_Parameter = 0, 1, 22; // int
      :Grib2_Parameter_Discipline = "Meteorological products";
      :Grib2_Parameter_Category = "Moisture";
      :Grib2_Parameter_Name = "Cloud mixing ratio";
      :Grib2_Level_Type = 100; // int
      :Grib2_Level_Desc = "Isobaric surface";
      :Grib2_Generating_Process_Type = "Forecast";
      :Grib2_Statistical_Process_Type = "UnknownStatType--1";

    float Cloud_water_entire_atmosphere_single_layer(time=1, lat=721, lon=1440);
      :long_name = "Cloud water @ Entire atmosphere layer";
      :units = "kg.m-2";
      :abbreviation = "CWAT";
      :missing_value = NaNf; // float
      :grid_mapping = "LatLon_Projection";
      :coordinates = "reftime time lat lon ";
      :Grib_Variable_Id = "VAR_0-6-6_L200";
      :Grib2_Parameter = 0, 6, 6; // int
      :Grib2_Parameter_Discipline = "Meteorological products";
      :Grib2_Parameter_Category = "Cloud";
      :Grib2_Parameter_Name = "Cloud water";
      :Grib2_Level_Type = 200; // int
      :Grib2_Level_Desc = "Entire atmosphere layer";
      :Grib2_Generating_Process_Type = "Forecast";
      :Grib2_Statistical_Process_Type = "UnknownStatType--1";

    float Convective_available_potential_energy_surface(time=1, lat=721, lon=1440);
      :long_name = "Convective available potential energy @ Ground or water surface";
      :units = "J/kg";
      :abbreviation = "CAPE";
      :missing_value = NaNf; // float
      :grid_mapping = "LatLon_Projection";
      :coordinates = "reftime time lat lon ";
      :Grib_Variable_Id = "VAR_0-7-6_L1";
      :Grib2_Parameter = 0, 7, 6; // int
      :Grib2_Parameter_Discipline = "Meteorological products";
      :Grib2_Parameter_Category = "Thermodynamic stability indices";
      :Grib2_Parameter_Name = "Convective available potential energy";
      :Grib2_Level_Type = 1; // int
      :Grib2_Level_Desc = "Ground or water surface";
      :Grib2_Generating_Process_Type = "Forecast";
      :Grib2_Statistical_Process_Type = "UnknownStatType--1";

    float Convective_available_potential_energy_pressure_difference_layer(time=1, pressure_difference_layer2=2, lat=721, lon=1440);
      :long_name = "Convective available potential energy @ Level at specified pressure difference from ground to level layer";
      :units = "J/kg";
      :abbreviation = "CAPE";
      :missing_value = NaNf; // float
      :grid_mapping = "LatLon_Projection";
      :coordinates = "reftime time pressure_difference_layer2 lat lon ";
      :Grib_Variable_Id = "VAR_0-7-6_L108_layer";
      :Grib2_Parameter = 0, 7, 6; // int
      :Grib2_Parameter_Discipline = "Meteorological products";
      :Grib2_Parameter_Category = "Thermodynamic stability indices";
      :Grib2_Parameter_Name = "Convective available potential energy";
      :Grib2_Level_Type = 108; // int
      :Grib2_Level_Desc = "Level at specified pressure difference from ground to level";
      :Grib2_Generating_Process_Type = "Forecast";
      :Grib2_Statistical_Process_Type = "UnknownStatType--1";

    float Convective_inhibition_surface(time=1, lat=721, lon=1440);
      :long_name = "Convective inhibition @ Ground or water surface";
      :units = "J/kg";
      :abbreviation = "CIN";
      :missing_value = NaNf; // float
      :grid_mapping = "LatLon_Projection";
      :coordinates = "reftime time lat lon ";
      :Grib_Variable_Id = "VAR_0-7-7_L1";
      :Grib2_Parameter = 0, 7, 7; // int
      :Grib2_Parameter_Discipline = "Meteorological products";
      :Grib2_Parameter_Category = "Thermodynamic stability indices";
      :Grib2_Parameter_Name = "Convective inhibition";
      :Grib2_Level_Type = 1; // int
      :Grib2_Level_Desc = "Ground or water surface";
      :Grib2_Generating_Process_Type = "Forecast";
      :Grib2_Statistical_Process_Type = "UnknownStatType--1";

    float Convective_inhibition_pressure_difference_layer(time=1, pressure_difference_layer2=2, lat=721, lon=1440);
      :long_name = "Convective inhibition @ Level at specified pressure difference from ground to level layer";
      :units = "J/kg";
      :abbreviation = "CIN";
      :missing_value = NaNf; // float
      :grid_mapping = "LatLon_Projection";
      :coordinates = "reftime time pressure_difference_layer2 lat lon ";
      :Grib_Variable_Id = "VAR_0-7-7_L108_layer";
      :Grib2_Parameter = 0, 7, 7; // int
      :Grib2_Parameter_Discipline = "Meteorological products";
      :Grib2_Parameter_Category = "Thermodynamic stability indices";
      :Grib2_Parameter_Name = "Convective inhibition";
      :Grib2_Level_Type = 108; // int
      :Grib2_Level_Desc = "Level at specified pressure difference from ground to level";
      :Grib2_Generating_Process_Type = "Forecast";
      :Grib2_Statistical_Process_Type = "UnknownStatType--1";

    float Dewpoint_temperature_height_above_ground(time=1, height_above_ground2=1, lat=721, lon=1440);
      :long_name = "Dewpoint temperature @ Specified height level above ground";
      :units = "K";
      :abbreviation = "DPT";
      :missing_value = NaNf; // float
      :grid_mapping = "LatLon_Projection";
      :coordinates = "reftime time height_above_ground2 lat lon ";
      :Grib_Variable_Id = "VAR_0-0-6_L103";
      :Grib2_Parameter = 0, 0, 6; // int
      :Grib2_Parameter_Discipline = "Meteorological products";
      :Grib2_Parameter_Category = "Temperature";
      :Grib2_Parameter_Name = "Dewpoint temperature";
      :Grib2_Level_Type = 103; // int
      :Grib2_Level_Desc = "Specified height level above ground";
      :Grib2_Generating_Process_Type = "Forecast";
      :Grib2_Statistical_Process_Type = "UnknownStatType--1";

    float Geopotential_height_isobaric(time=1, isobaric4=31, lat=721, lon=1440);
      :long_name = "Geopotential height @ Isobaric surface";
      :units = "gpm";
      :abbreviation = "HGT";
      :missing_value = NaNf; // float
      :grid_mapping = "LatLon_Projection";
      :coordinates = "reftime time isobaric4 lat lon ";
      :Grib_Variable_Id = "VAR_0-3-5_L100";
      :Grib2_Parameter = 0, 3, 5; // int
      :Grib2_Parameter_Discipline = "Meteorological products";
      :Grib2_Parameter_Category = "Mass";
      :Grib2_Parameter_Name = "Geopotential height";
      :Grib2_Level_Type = 100; // int
      :Grib2_Level_Desc = "Isobaric surface";
      :Grib2_Generating_Process_Type = "Forecast";
      :Grib2_Statistical_Process_Type = "UnknownStatType--1";

    float Geopotential_height_zeroDegC_isotherm(time=1, lat=721, lon=1440);
      :long_name = "Geopotential height @ Level of 0 °C isotherm";
      :units = "gpm";
      :abbreviation = "HGT";
      :missing_value = NaNf; // float
      :grid_mapping = "LatLon_Projection";
      :coordinates = "reftime time lat lon ";
      :Grib_Variable_Id = "VAR_0-3-5_L4";
      :Grib2_Parameter = 0, 3, 5; // int
      :Grib2_Parameter_Discipline = "Meteorological products";
      :Grib2_Parameter_Category = "Mass";
      :Grib2_Parameter_Name = "Geopotential height";
      :Grib2_Level_Type = 4; // int
      :Grib2_Level_Desc = "Level of 0 °C isotherm";
      :Grib2_Generating_Process_Type = "Forecast";
      :Grib2_Statistical_Process_Type = "UnknownStatType--1";

    float Geopotential_height_potential_vorticity_surface(time=1, potential_vorticity_surface=2, lat=721, lon=1440);
      :long_name = "Geopotential height @ Potential vorticity surface";
      :units = "gpm";
      :abbreviation = "HGT";
      :missing_value = NaNf; // float
      :grid_mapping = "LatLon_Projection";
      :coordinates = "reftime time potential_vorticity_surface lat lon ";
      :Grib_Variable_Id = "VAR_0-3-5_L109";
      :Grib2_Parameter = 0, 3, 5; // int
      :Grib2_Parameter_Discipline = "Meteorological products";
      :Grib2_Parameter_Category = "Mass";
      :Grib2_Parameter_Name = "Geopotential height";
      :Grib2_Level_Type = 109; // int
      :Grib2_Level_Desc = "Potential vorticity surface";
      :Grib2_Generating_Process_Type = "Forecast";
      :Grib2_Statistical_Process_Type = "UnknownStatType--1";

    float Geopotential_height_maximum_wind(time=1, lat=721, lon=1440);
      :long_name = "Geopotential height @ Maximum wind level";
      :units = "gpm";
      :abbreviation = "HGT";
      :missing_value = NaNf; // float
      :grid_mapping = "LatLon_Projection";
      :coordinates = "reftime time lat lon ";
      :Grib_Variable_Id = "VAR_0-3-5_L6";
      :Grib2_Parameter = 0, 3, 5; // int
      :Grib2_Parameter_Discipline = "Meteorological products";
      :Grib2_Parameter_Category = "Mass";
      :Grib2_Parameter_Name = "Geopotential height";
      :Grib2_Level_Type = 6; // int
      :Grib2_Level_Desc = "Maximum wind level";
      :Grib2_Generating_Process_Type = "Forecast";
      :Grib2_Statistical_Process_Type = "UnknownStatType--1";

    float Geopotential_height_tropopause(time=1, lat=721, lon=1440);
      :long_name = "Geopotential height @ Tropopause";
      :units = "gpm";
      :abbreviation = "HGT";
      :missing_value = NaNf; // float
      :grid_mapping = "LatLon_Projection";
      :coordinates = "reftime time lat lon ";
      :Grib_Variable_Id = "VAR_0-3-5_L7";
      :Grib2_Parameter = 0, 3, 5; // int
      :Grib2_Parameter_Discipline = "Meteorological products";
      :Grib2_Parameter_Category = "Mass";
      :Grib2_Parameter_Name = "Geopotential height";
      :Grib2_Level_Type = 7; // int
      :Grib2_Level_Desc = "Tropopause";
      :Grib2_Generating_Process_Type = "Forecast";
      :Grib2_Statistical_Process_Type = "UnknownStatType--1";

    float Geopotential_height_surface(time=1, lat=721, lon=1440);
      :long_name = "Geopotential height @ Ground or water surface";
      :units = "gpm";
      :abbreviation = "HGT";
      :missing_value = NaNf; // float
      :grid_mapping = "LatLon_Projection";
      :coordinates = "reftime time lat lon ";
      :Grib_Variable_Id = "VAR_0-3-5_L1";
      :Grib2_Parameter = 0, 3, 5; // int
      :Grib2_Parameter_Discipline = "Meteorological products";
      :Grib2_Parameter_Category = "Mass";
      :Grib2_Parameter_Name = "Geopotential height";
      :Grib2_Level_Type = 1; // int
      :Grib2_Level_Desc = "Ground or water surface";
      :Grib2_Generating_Process_Type = "Forecast";
      :Grib2_Statistical_Process_Type = "UnknownStatType--1";

    float Geopotential_height_highest_tropospheric_freezing(time=1, lat=721, lon=1440);
      :long_name = "Geopotential height @ Highest tropospheric freezing level";
      :units = "gpm";
      :abbreviation = "HGT";
      :missing_value = NaNf; // float
      :grid_mapping = "LatLon_Projection";
      :coordinates = "reftime time lat lon ";
      :Grib_Variable_Id = "VAR_0-3-5_L204";
      :Grib2_Parameter = 0, 3, 5; // int
      :Grib2_Parameter_Discipline = "Meteorological products";
      :Grib2_Parameter_Category = "Mass";
      :Grib2_Parameter_Name = "Geopotential height";
      :Grib2_Level_Type = 204; // int
      :Grib2_Level_Desc = "Highest tropospheric freezing level";
      :Grib2_Generating_Process_Type = "Forecast";
      :Grib2_Statistical_Process_Type = "UnknownStatType--1";

    float Haines_index_surface(time=1, lat=721, lon=1440);
      :long_name = "Haines index @ Ground or water surface";
      :units = "";
      :abbreviation = "HINDEX";
      :missing_value = NaNf; // float
      :grid_mapping = "LatLon_Projection";
      :coordinates = "reftime time lat lon ";
      :Grib_Variable_Id = "VAR_2-4-2_L1";
      :Grib2_Parameter = 2, 4, 2; // int
      :Grib2_Parameter_Discipline = "Land surface products";
      :Grib2_Parameter_Category = "Fire Weather Products";
      :Grib2_Parameter_Name = "Haines index";
      :Grib2_Level_Type = 1; // int
      :Grib2_Level_Desc = "Ground or water surface";
      :Grib2_Generating_Process_Type = "Forecast";
      :Grib2_Statistical_Process_Type = "UnknownStatType--1";

    float ICAO_Standard_Atmosphere_Reference_Height_maximum_wind(time=1, lat=721, lon=1440);
      :long_name = "ICAO Standard Atmosphere Reference Height @ Maximum wind level";
      :units = "m";
      :abbreviation = "ICAHT";
      :missing_value = NaNf; // float
      :grid_mapping = "LatLon_Projection";
      :coordinates = "reftime time lat lon ";
      :Grib_Variable_Id = "VAR_0-3-3_L6";
      :Grib2_Parameter = 0, 3, 3; // int
      :Grib2_Parameter_Discipline = "Meteorological products";
      :Grib2_Parameter_Category = "Mass";
      :Grib2_Parameter_Name = "ICAO Standard Atmosphere Reference Height";
      :Grib2_Level_Type = 6; // int
      :Grib2_Level_Desc = "Maximum wind level";
      :Grib2_Generating_Process_Type = "Forecast";
      :Grib2_Statistical_Process_Type = "UnknownStatType--1";

    float ICAO_Standard_Atmosphere_Reference_Height_tropopause(time=1, lat=721, lon=1440);
      :long_name = "ICAO Standard Atmosphere Reference Height @ Tropopause";
      :units = "m";
      :abbreviation = "ICAHT";
      :missing_value = NaNf; // float
      :grid_mapping = "LatLon_Projection";
      :coordinates = "reftime time lat lon ";
      :Grib_Variable_Id = "VAR_0-3-3_L7";
      :Grib2_Parameter = 0, 3, 3; // int
      :Grib2_Parameter_Discipline = "Meteorological products";
      :Grib2_Parameter_Category = "Mass";
      :Grib2_Parameter_Name = "ICAO Standard Atmosphere Reference Height";
      :Grib2_Level_Type = 7; // int
      :Grib2_Level_Desc = "Tropopause";
      :Grib2_Generating_Process_Type = "Forecast";
      :Grib2_Statistical_Process_Type = "UnknownStatType--1";

    float Ice_cover_surface(time=1, lat=721, lon=1440);
      :long_name = "Ice cover @ Ground or water surface";
      :units = "";
      :abbreviation = "ICEC";
      :missing_value = NaNf; // float
      :grid_mapping = "LatLon_Projection";
      :coordinates = "reftime time lat lon ";
      :Grib_Variable_Id = "VAR_10-2-0_L1";
      :Grib2_Parameter = 10, 2, 0; // int
      :Grib2_Parameter_Discipline = "Oceanographic products";
      :Grib2_Parameter_Category = "Ice";
      :Grib2_Parameter_Name = "Ice cover";
      :Grib2_Level_Type = 1; // int
      :Grib2_Level_Desc = "Ground or water surface";
      :Grib2_Generating_Process_Type = "Forecast";
      :Grib2_Statistical_Process_Type = "UnknownStatType--1";

    float Land_cover_0__sea_1__land_surface(time=1, lat=721, lon=1440);
      :long_name = "Land cover (0 = sea, 1 = land) @ Ground or water surface";
      :units = "";
      :abbreviation = "LAND";
      :missing_value = NaNf; // float
      :grid_mapping = "LatLon_Projection";
      :coordinates = "reftime time lat lon ";
      :Grib_Variable_Id = "VAR_2-0-0_L1";
      :Grib2_Parameter = 2, 0, 0; // int
      :Grib2_Parameter_Discipline = "Land surface products";
      :Grib2_Parameter_Category = "Vegetation/Biomass";
      :Grib2_Parameter_Name = "Land cover (0 = sea, 1 = land)";
      :Grib2_Level_Type = 1; // int
      :Grib2_Level_Desc = "Ground or water surface";
      :Grib2_Generating_Process_Type = "Forecast";
      :Grib2_Statistical_Process_Type = "UnknownStatType--1";

    float Per_cent_frozen_precipitation_surface(time=1, lat=721, lon=1440);
      :long_name = "Per cent frozen precipitation @ Ground or water surface";
      :units = "%";
      :abbreviation = "CPOFP";
      :missing_value = NaNf; // float
      :grid_mapping = "LatLon_Projection";
      :coordinates = "reftime time lat lon ";
      :Grib_Variable_Id = "VAR_0-1-39_L1";
      :Grib2_Parameter = 0, 1, 39; // int
      :Grib2_Parameter_Discipline = "Meteorological products";
      :Grib2_Parameter_Category = "Moisture";
      :Grib2_Parameter_Name = "Per cent frozen precipitation";
      :Grib2_Level_Type = 1; // int
      :Grib2_Level_Desc = "Ground or water surface";
      :Grib2_Generating_Process_Type = "Forecast";
      :Grib2_Statistical_Process_Type = "UnknownStatType--1";

    float Potential_temperature_sigma(time=1, sigma=1, lat=721, lon=1440);
      :long_name = "Potential temperature @ Sigma level";
      :units = "K";
      :abbreviation = "POT";
      :missing_value = NaNf; // float
      :grid_mapping = "LatLon_Projection";
      :coordinates = "reftime time sigma lat lon ";
      :Grib_Variable_Id = "VAR_0-0-2_L104";
      :Grib2_Parameter = 0, 0, 2; // int
      :Grib2_Parameter_Discipline = "Meteorological products";
      :Grib2_Parameter_Category = "Temperature";
      :Grib2_Parameter_Name = "Potential temperature";
      :Grib2_Level_Type = 104; // int
      :Grib2_Level_Desc = "Sigma level";
      :Grib2_Generating_Process_Type = "Forecast";
      :Grib2_Statistical_Process_Type = "UnknownStatType--1";

    float Precipitable_water_entire_atmosphere_single_layer(time=1, lat=721, lon=1440);
      :long_name = "Precipitable water @ Entire atmosphere layer";
      :units = "kg.m-2";
      :abbreviation = "PWAT";
      :missing_value = NaNf; // float
      :grid_mapping = "LatLon_Projection";
      :coordinates = "reftime time lat lon ";
      :Grib_Variable_Id = "VAR_0-1-3_L200";
      :Grib2_Parameter = 0, 1, 3; // int
      :Grib2_Parameter_Discipline = "Meteorological products";
      :Grib2_Parameter_Category = "Moisture";
      :Grib2_Parameter_Name = "Precipitable water";
      :Grib2_Level_Type = 200; // int
      :Grib2_Level_Desc = "Entire atmosphere layer";
      :Grib2_Generating_Process_Type = "Forecast";
      :Grib2_Statistical_Process_Type = "UnknownStatType--1";

    float Pressure_potential_vorticity_surface(time=1, potential_vorticity_surface=2, lat=721, lon=1440);
      :long_name = "Pressure @ Potential vorticity surface";
      :units = "Pa";
      :abbreviation = "PRES";
      :missing_value = NaNf; // float
      :grid_mapping = "LatLon_Projection";
      :coordinates = "reftime time potential_vorticity_surface lat lon ";
      :Grib_Variable_Id = "VAR_0-3-0_L109";
      :Grib2_Parameter = 0, 3, 0; // int
      :Grib2_Parameter_Discipline = "Meteorological products";
      :Grib2_Parameter_Category = "Mass";
      :Grib2_Parameter_Name = "Pressure";
      :Grib2_Level_Type = 109; // int
      :Grib2_Level_Desc = "Potential vorticity surface";
      :Grib2_Generating_Process_Type = "Forecast";
      :Grib2_Statistical_Process_Type = "UnknownStatType--1";

    float Pressure_maximum_wind(time=1, lat=721, lon=1440);
      :long_name = "Pressure @ Maximum wind level";
      :units = "Pa";
      :abbreviation = "PRES";
      :missing_value = NaNf; // float
      :grid_mapping = "LatLon_Projection";
      :coordinates = "reftime time lat lon ";
      :Grib_Variable_Id = "VAR_0-3-0_L6";
      :Grib2_Parameter = 0, 3, 0; // int
      :Grib2_Parameter_Discipline = "Meteorological products";
      :Grib2_Parameter_Category = "Mass";
      :Grib2_Parameter_Name = "Pressure";
      :Grib2_Level_Type = 6; // int
      :Grib2_Level_Desc = "Maximum wind level";
      :Grib2_Generating_Process_Type = "Forecast";
      :Grib2_Statistical_Process_Type = "UnknownStatType--1";

    float Pressure_tropopause(time=1, lat=721, lon=1440);
      :long_name = "Pressure @ Tropopause";
      :units = "Pa";
      :abbreviation = "PRES";
      :missing_value = NaNf; // float
      :grid_mapping = "LatLon_Projection";
      :coordinates = "reftime time lat lon ";
      :Grib_Variable_Id = "VAR_0-3-0_L7";
      :Grib2_Parameter = 0, 3, 0; // int
      :Grib2_Parameter_Discipline = "Meteorological products";
      :Grib2_Parameter_Category = "Mass";
      :Grib2_Parameter_Name = "Pressure";
      :Grib2_Level_Type = 7; // int
      :Grib2_Level_Desc = "Tropopause";
      :Grib2_Generating_Process_Type = "Forecast";
      :Grib2_Statistical_Process_Type = "UnknownStatType--1";

    float Pressure_height_above_ground(time=1, height_above_ground=1, lat=721, lon=1440);
      :long_name = "Pressure @ Specified height level above ground";
      :units = "Pa";
      :abbreviation = "PRES";
      :missing_value = NaNf; // float
      :grid_mapping = "LatLon_Projection";
      :coordinates = "reftime time height_above_ground lat lon ";
      :Grib_Variable_Id = "VAR_0-3-0_L103";
      :Grib2_Parameter = 0, 3, 0; // int
      :Grib2_Parameter_Discipline = "Meteorological products";
      :Grib2_Parameter_Category = "Mass";
      :Grib2_Parameter_Name = "Pressure";
      :Grib2_Level_Type = 103; // int
      :Grib2_Level_Desc = "Specified height level above ground";
      :Grib2_Generating_Process_Type = "Forecast";
      :Grib2_Statistical_Process_Type = "UnknownStatType--1";

    float Pressure_surface(time=1, lat=721, lon=1440);
      :long_name = "Pressure @ Ground or water surface";
      :units = "Pa";
      :abbreviation = "PRES";
      :missing_value = NaNf; // float
      :grid_mapping = "LatLon_Projection";
      :coordinates = "reftime time lat lon ";
      :Grib_Variable_Id = "VAR_0-3-0_L1";
      :Grib2_Parameter = 0, 3, 0; // int
      :Grib2_Parameter_Discipline = "Meteorological products";
      :Grib2_Parameter_Category = "Mass";
      :Grib2_Parameter_Name = "Pressure";
      :Grib2_Level_Type = 1; // int
      :Grib2_Level_Desc = "Ground or water surface";
      :Grib2_Generating_Process_Type = "Forecast";
      :Grib2_Statistical_Process_Type = "UnknownStatType--1";

    float Pressure_reduced_to_MSL_msl(time=1, lat=721, lon=1440);
      :long_name = "Pressure reduced to MSL @ Mean sea level";
      :units = "Pa";
      :abbreviation = "PRMSL";
      :missing_value = NaNf; // float
      :grid_mapping = "LatLon_Projection";
      :coordinates = "reftime time lat lon ";
      :Grib_Variable_Id = "VAR_0-3-1_L101";
      :Grib2_Parameter = 0, 3, 1; // int
      :Grib2_Parameter_Discipline = "Meteorological products";
      :Grib2_Parameter_Category = "Mass";
      :Grib2_Parameter_Name = "Pressure reduced to MSL";
      :Grib2_Level_Type = 101; // int
      :Grib2_Level_Desc = "Mean sea level";
      :Grib2_Generating_Process_Type = "Forecast";
      :Grib2_Statistical_Process_Type = "UnknownStatType--1";

    float Relative_humidity_isobaric(time=1, isobaric4=31, lat=721, lon=1440);
      :long_name = "Relative humidity @ Isobaric surface";
      :units = "%";
      :abbreviation = "RH";
      :missing_value = NaNf; // float
      :grid_mapping = "LatLon_Projection";
      :coordinates = "reftime time isobaric4 lat lon ";
      :Grib_Variable_Id = "VAR_0-1-1_L100";
      :Grib2_Parameter = 0, 1, 1; // int
      :Grib2_Parameter_Discipline = "Meteorological products";
      :Grib2_Parameter_Category = "Moisture";
      :Grib2_Parameter_Name = "Relative humidity";
      :Grib2_Level_Type = 100; // int
      :Grib2_Level_Desc = "Isobaric surface";
      :Grib2_Generating_Process_Type = "Forecast";
      :Grib2_Statistical_Process_Type = "UnknownStatType--1";

    float Relative_humidity_zeroDegC_isotherm(time=1, lat=721, lon=1440);
      :long_name = "Relative humidity @ Level of 0 °C isotherm";
      :units = "%";
      :abbreviation = "RH";
      :missing_value = NaNf; // float
      :grid_mapping = "LatLon_Projection";
      :coordinates = "reftime time lat lon ";
      :Grib_Variable_Id = "VAR_0-1-1_L4";
      :Grib2_Parameter = 0, 1, 1; // int
      :Grib2_Parameter_Discipline = "Meteorological products";
      :Grib2_Parameter_Category = "Moisture";
      :Grib2_Parameter_Name = "Relative humidity";
      :Grib2_Level_Type = 4; // int
      :Grib2_Level_Desc = "Level of 0 °C isotherm";
      :Grib2_Generating_Process_Type = "Forecast";
      :Grib2_Statistical_Process_Type = "UnknownStatType--1";

    float Relative_humidity_height_above_ground(time=1, height_above_ground2=1, lat=721, lon=1440);
      :long_name = "Relative humidity @ Specified height level above ground";
      :units = "%";
      :abbreviation = "RH";
      :missing_value = NaNf; // float
      :grid_mapping = "LatLon_Projection";
      :coordinates = "reftime time height_above_ground2 lat lon ";
      :Grib_Variable_Id = "VAR_0-1-1_L103";
      :Grib2_Parameter = 0, 1, 1; // int
      :Grib2_Parameter_Discipline = "Meteorological products";
      :Grib2_Parameter_Category = "Moisture";
      :Grib2_Parameter_Name = "Relative humidity";
      :Grib2_Level_Type = 103; // int
      :Grib2_Level_Desc = "Specified height level above ground";
      :Grib2_Generating_Process_Type = "Forecast";
      :Grib2_Statistical_Process_Type = "UnknownStatType--1";

    float Relative_humidity_sigma(time=1, sigma=1, lat=721, lon=1440);
      :long_name = "Relative humidity @ Sigma level";
      :units = "%";
      :abbreviation = "RH";
      :missing_value = NaNf; // float
      :grid_mapping = "LatLon_Projection";
      :coordinates = "reftime time sigma lat lon ";
      :Grib_Variable_Id = "VAR_0-1-1_L104";
      :Grib2_Parameter = 0, 1, 1; // int
      :Grib2_Parameter_Discipline = "Meteorological products";
      :Grib2_Parameter_Category = "Moisture";
      :Grib2_Parameter_Name = "Relative humidity";
      :Grib2_Level_Type = 104; // int
      :Grib2_Level_Desc = "Sigma level";
      :Grib2_Generating_Process_Type = "Forecast";
      :Grib2_Statistical_Process_Type = "UnknownStatType--1";

    float Relative_humidity_entire_atmosphere_single_layer(time=1, lat=721, lon=1440);
      :long_name = "Relative humidity @ Entire atmosphere layer";
      :units = "%";
      :abbreviation = "RH";
      :missing_value = NaNf; // float
      :grid_mapping = "LatLon_Projection";
      :coordinates = "reftime time lat lon ";
      :Grib_Variable_Id = "VAR_0-1-1_L200";
      :Grib2_Parameter = 0, 1, 1; // int
      :Grib2_Parameter_Discipline = "Meteorological products";
      :Grib2_Parameter_Category = "Moisture";
      :Grib2_Parameter_Name = "Relative humidity";
      :Grib2_Level_Type = 200; // int
      :Grib2_Level_Desc = "Entire atmosphere layer";
      :Grib2_Generating_Process_Type = "Forecast";
      :Grib2_Statistical_Process_Type = "UnknownStatType--1";

    float Relative_humidity_highest_tropospheric_freezing(time=1, lat=721, lon=1440);
      :long_name = "Relative humidity @ Highest tropospheric freezing level";
      :units = "%";
      :abbreviation = "RH";
      :missing_value = NaNf; // float
      :grid_mapping = "LatLon_Projection";
      :coordinates = "reftime time lat lon ";
      :Grib_Variable_Id = "VAR_0-1-1_L204";
      :Grib2_Parameter = 0, 1, 1; // int
      :Grib2_Parameter_Discipline = "Meteorological products";
      :Grib2_Parameter_Category = "Moisture";
      :Grib2_Parameter_Name = "Relative humidity";
      :Grib2_Level_Type = 204; // int
      :Grib2_Level_Desc = "Highest tropospheric freezing level";
      :Grib2_Generating_Process_Type = "Forecast";
      :Grib2_Statistical_Process_Type = "UnknownStatType--1";

    float Relative_humidity_pressure_difference_layer(time=1, pressure_difference_layer1=1, lat=721, lon=1440);
      :long_name = "Relative humidity @ Level at specified pressure difference from ground to level layer";
      :units = "%";
      :abbreviation = "RH";
      :missing_value = NaNf; // float
      :grid_mapping = "LatLon_Projection";
      :coordinates = "reftime time pressure_difference_layer1 lat lon ";
      :Grib_Variable_Id = "VAR_0-1-1_L108_layer";
      :Grib2_Parameter = 0, 1, 1; // int
      :Grib2_Parameter_Discipline = "Meteorological products";
      :Grib2_Parameter_Category = "Moisture";
      :Grib2_Parameter_Name = "Relative humidity";
      :Grib2_Level_Type = 108; // int
      :Grib2_Level_Desc = "Level at specified pressure difference from ground to level";
      :Grib2_Generating_Process_Type = "Forecast";
      :Grib2_Statistical_Process_Type = "UnknownStatType--1";

    float Relative_humidity_sigma_layer(time=1, sigma_layer=4, lat=721, lon=1440);
      :long_name = "Relative humidity @ Sigma level layer";
      :units = "%";
      :abbreviation = "RH";
      :missing_value = NaNf; // float
      :grid_mapping = "LatLon_Projection";
      :coordinates = "reftime time sigma_layer lat lon ";
      :Grib_Variable_Id = "VAR_0-1-1_L104_layer";
      :Grib2_Parameter = 0, 1, 1; // int
      :Grib2_Parameter_Discipline = "Meteorological products";
      :Grib2_Parameter_Category = "Moisture";
      :Grib2_Parameter_Name = "Relative humidity";
      :Grib2_Level_Type = 104; // int
      :Grib2_Level_Desc = "Sigma level";
      :Grib2_Generating_Process_Type = "Forecast";
      :Grib2_Statistical_Process_Type = "UnknownStatType--1";

    float Snow_depth_surface(time=1, lat=721, lon=1440);
      :long_name = "Snow depth @ Ground or water surface";
      :units = "m";
      :abbreviation = "SNOD";
      :missing_value = NaNf; // float
      :grid_mapping = "LatLon_Projection";
      :coordinates = "reftime time lat lon ";
      :Grib_Variable_Id = "VAR_0-1-11_L1";
      :Grib2_Parameter = 0, 1, 11; // int
      :Grib2_Parameter_Discipline = "Meteorological products";
      :Grib2_Parameter_Category = "Moisture";
      :Grib2_Parameter_Name = "Snow depth";
      :Grib2_Level_Type = 1; // int
      :Grib2_Level_Desc = "Ground or water surface";
      :Grib2_Generating_Process_Type = "Forecast";
      :Grib2_Statistical_Process_Type = "UnknownStatType--1";

    float Soil_temperature_depth_below_surface_layer(time=1, depth_below_surface_layer=4, lat=721, lon=1440);
      :long_name = "Soil temperature @ Depth below land surface layer";
      :units = "K";
      :abbreviation = "TSOIL";
      :missing_value = NaNf; // float
      :grid_mapping = "LatLon_Projection";
      :coordinates = "reftime time depth_below_surface_layer lat lon ";
      :Grib_Variable_Id = "VAR_2-0-2_L106_layer";
      :Grib2_Parameter = 2, 0, 2; // int
      :Grib2_Parameter_Discipline = "Land surface products";
      :Grib2_Parameter_Category = "Vegetation/Biomass";
      :Grib2_Parameter_Name = "Soil temperature";
      :Grib2_Level_Type = 106; // int
      :Grib2_Level_Desc = "Depth below land surface";
      :Grib2_Generating_Process_Type = "Forecast";
      :Grib2_Statistical_Process_Type = "UnknownStatType--1";

    float Specific_humidity_height_above_ground(time=1, height_above_ground3=2, lat=721, lon=1440);
      :long_name = "Specific humidity @ Specified height level above ground";
      :units = "kg/kg";
      :abbreviation = "SPFH";
      :missing_value = NaNf; // float
      :grid_mapping = "LatLon_Projection";
      :coordinates = "reftime time height_above_ground3 lat lon ";
      :Grib_Variable_Id = "VAR_0-1-0_L103";
      :Grib2_Parameter = 0, 1, 0; // int
      :Grib2_Parameter_Discipline = "Meteorological products";
      :Grib2_Parameter_Category = "Moisture";
      :Grib2_Parameter_Name = "Specific humidity";
      :Grib2_Level_Type = 103; // int
      :Grib2_Level_Desc = "Specified height level above ground";
      :Grib2_Generating_Process_Type = "Forecast";
      :Grib2_Statistical_Process_Type = "UnknownStatType--1";

    float Specific_humidity_pressure_difference_layer(time=1, pressure_difference_layer1=1, lat=721, lon=1440);
      :long_name = "Specific humidity @ Level at specified pressure difference from ground to level layer";
      :units = "kg/kg";
      :abbreviation = "SPFH";
      :missing_value = NaNf; // float
      :grid_mapping = "LatLon_Projection";
      :coordinates = "reftime time pressure_difference_layer1 lat lon ";
      :Grib_Variable_Id = "VAR_0-1-0_L108_layer";
      :Grib2_Parameter = 0, 1, 0; // int
      :Grib2_Parameter_Discipline = "Meteorological products";
      :Grib2_Parameter_Category = "Moisture";
      :Grib2_Parameter_Name = "Specific humidity";
      :Grib2_Level_Type = 108; // int
      :Grib2_Level_Desc = "Level at specified pressure difference from ground to level";
      :Grib2_Generating_Process_Type = "Forecast";
      :Grib2_Statistical_Process_Type = "UnknownStatType--1";

    float Storm_relative_helicity_height_above_ground_layer(time=1, height_above_ground_layer=1, lat=721, lon=1440);
      :long_name = "Storm relative helicity @ Specified height level above ground layer";
      :units = "J/kg";
      :abbreviation = "HLCY";
      :missing_value = NaNf; // float
      :grid_mapping = "LatLon_Projection";
      :coordinates = "reftime time height_above_ground_layer lat lon ";
      :Grib_Variable_Id = "VAR_0-7-8_L103_layer";
      :Grib2_Parameter = 0, 7, 8; // int
      :Grib2_Parameter_Discipline = "Meteorological products";
      :Grib2_Parameter_Category = "Thermodynamic stability indices";
      :Grib2_Parameter_Name = "Storm relative helicity";
      :Grib2_Level_Type = 103; // int
      :Grib2_Level_Desc = "Specified height level above ground";
      :Grib2_Generating_Process_Type = "Forecast";
      :Grib2_Statistical_Process_Type = "UnknownStatType--1";

    float Temperature_isobaric(time=1, isobaric4=31, lat=721, lon=1440);
      :long_name = "Temperature @ Isobaric surface";
      :units = "K";
      :abbreviation = "TMP";
      :missing_value = NaNf; // float
      :grid_mapping = "LatLon_Projection";
      :coordinates = "reftime time isobaric4 lat lon ";
      :Grib_Variable_Id = "VAR_0-0-0_L100";
      :Grib2_Parameter = 0, 0, 0; // int
      :Grib2_Parameter_Discipline = "Meteorological products";
      :Grib2_Parameter_Category = "Temperature";
      :Grib2_Parameter_Name = "Temperature";
      :Grib2_Level_Type = 100; // int
      :Grib2_Level_Desc = "Isobaric surface";
      :Grib2_Generating_Process_Type = "Forecast";
      :Grib2_Statistical_Process_Type = "UnknownStatType--1";

    float Temperature_potential_vorticity_surface(time=1, potential_vorticity_surface=2, lat=721, lon=1440);
      :long_name = "Temperature @ Potential vorticity surface";
      :units = "K";
      :abbreviation = "TMP";
      :missing_value = NaNf; // float
      :grid_mapping = "LatLon_Projection";
      :coordinates = "reftime time potential_vorticity_surface lat lon ";
      :Grib_Variable_Id = "VAR_0-0-0_L109";
      :Grib2_Parameter = 0, 0, 0; // int
      :Grib2_Parameter_Discipline = "Meteorological products";
      :Grib2_Parameter_Category = "Temperature";
      :Grib2_Parameter_Name = "Temperature";
      :Grib2_Level_Type = 109; // int
      :Grib2_Level_Desc = "Potential vorticity surface";
      :Grib2_Generating_Process_Type = "Forecast";
      :Grib2_Statistical_Process_Type = "UnknownStatType--1";

    float Temperature_maximum_wind(time=1, lat=721, lon=1440);
      :long_name = "Temperature @ Maximum wind level";
      :units = "K";
      :abbreviation = "TMP";
      :missing_value = NaNf; // float
      :grid_mapping = "LatLon_Projection";
      :coordinates = "reftime time lat lon ";
      :Grib_Variable_Id = "VAR_0-0-0_L6";
      :Grib2_Parameter = 0, 0, 0; // int
      :Grib2_Parameter_Discipline = "Meteorological products";
      :Grib2_Parameter_Category = "Temperature";
      :Grib2_Parameter_Name = "Temperature";
      :Grib2_Level_Type = 6; // int
      :Grib2_Level_Desc = "Maximum wind level";
      :Grib2_Generating_Process_Type = "Forecast";
      :Grib2_Statistical_Process_Type = "UnknownStatType--1";

    float Temperature_altitude_above_msl(time=1, altitude_above_msl=3, lat=721, lon=1440);
      :long_name = "Temperature @ Specific altitude above mean sea level";
      :units = "K";
      :abbreviation = "TMP";
      :missing_value = NaNf; // float
      :grid_mapping = "LatLon_Projection";
      :coordinates = "reftime time altitude_above_msl lat lon ";
      :Grib_Variable_Id = "VAR_0-0-0_L102";
      :Grib2_Parameter = 0, 0, 0; // int
      :Grib2_Parameter_Discipline = "Meteorological products";
      :Grib2_Parameter_Category = "Temperature";
      :Grib2_Parameter_Name = "Temperature";
      :Grib2_Level_Type = 102; // int
      :Grib2_Level_Desc = "Specific altitude above mean sea level";
      :Grib2_Generating_Process_Type = "Forecast";
      :Grib2_Statistical_Process_Type = "UnknownStatType--1";

    float Temperature_height_above_ground(time=1, height_above_ground1=3, lat=721, lon=1440);
      :long_name = "Temperature @ Specified height level above ground";
      :units = "K";
      :abbreviation = "TMP";
      :missing_value = NaNf; // float
      :grid_mapping = "LatLon_Projection";
      :coordinates = "reftime time height_above_ground1 lat lon ";
      :Grib_Variable_Id = "VAR_0-0-0_L103";
      :Grib2_Parameter = 0, 0, 0; // int
      :Grib2_Parameter_Discipline = "Meteorological products";
      :Grib2_Parameter_Category = "Temperature";
      :Grib2_Parameter_Name = "Temperature";
      :Grib2_Level_Type = 103; // int
      :Grib2_Level_Desc = "Specified height level above ground";
      :Grib2_Generating_Process_Type = "Forecast";
      :Grib2_Statistical_Process_Type = "UnknownStatType--1";

    float Temperature_tropopause(time=1, lat=721, lon=1440);
      :long_name = "Temperature @ Tropopause";
      :units = "K";
      :abbreviation = "TMP";
      :missing_value = NaNf; // float
      :grid_mapping = "LatLon_Projection";
      :coordinates = "reftime time lat lon ";
      :Grib_Variable_Id = "VAR_0-0-0_L7";
      :Grib2_Parameter = 0, 0, 0; // int
      :Grib2_Parameter_Discipline = "Meteorological products";
      :Grib2_Parameter_Category = "Temperature";
      :Grib2_Parameter_Name = "Temperature";
      :Grib2_Level_Type = 7; // int
      :Grib2_Level_Desc = "Tropopause";
      :Grib2_Generating_Process_Type = "Forecast";
      :Grib2_Statistical_Process_Type = "UnknownStatType--1";

    float Temperature_sigma(time=1, sigma=1, lat=721, lon=1440);
      :long_name = "Temperature @ Sigma level";
      :units = "K";
      :abbreviation = "TMP";
      :missing_value = NaNf; // float
      :grid_mapping = "LatLon_Projection";
      :coordinates = "reftime time sigma lat lon ";
      :Grib_Variable_Id = "VAR_0-0-0_L104";
      :Grib2_Parameter = 0, 0, 0; // int
      :Grib2_Parameter_Discipline = "Meteorological products";
      :Grib2_Parameter_Category = "Temperature";
      :Grib2_Parameter_Name = "Temperature";
      :Grib2_Level_Type = 104; // int
      :Grib2_Level_Desc = "Sigma level";
      :Grib2_Generating_Process_Type = "Forecast";
      :Grib2_Statistical_Process_Type = "UnknownStatType--1";

    float Temperature_surface(time=1, lat=721, lon=1440);
      :long_name = "Temperature @ Ground or water surface";
      :units = "K";
      :abbreviation = "TMP";
      :missing_value = NaNf; // float
      :grid_mapping = "LatLon_Projection";
      :coordinates = "reftime time lat lon ";
      :Grib_Variable_Id = "VAR_0-0-0_L1";
      :Grib2_Parameter = 0, 0, 0; // int
      :Grib2_Parameter_Discipline = "Meteorological products";
      :Grib2_Parameter_Category = "Temperature";
      :Grib2_Parameter_Name = "Temperature";
      :Grib2_Level_Type = 1; // int
      :Grib2_Level_Desc = "Ground or water surface";
      :Grib2_Generating_Process_Type = "Forecast";
      :Grib2_Statistical_Process_Type = "UnknownStatType--1";

    float Temperature_pressure_difference_layer(time=1, pressure_difference_layer1=1, lat=721, lon=1440);
      :long_name = "Temperature @ Level at specified pressure difference from ground to level layer";
      :units = "K";
      :abbreviation = "TMP";
      :missing_value = NaNf; // float
      :grid_mapping = "LatLon_Projection";
      :coordinates = "reftime time pressure_difference_layer1 lat lon ";
      :Grib_Variable_Id = "VAR_0-0-0_L108_layer";
      :Grib2_Parameter = 0, 0, 0; // int
      :Grib2_Parameter_Discipline = "Meteorological products";
      :Grib2_Parameter_Category = "Temperature";
      :Grib2_Parameter_Name = "Temperature";
      :Grib2_Level_Type = 108; // int
      :Grib2_Level_Desc = "Level at specified pressure difference from ground to level";
      :Grib2_Generating_Process_Type = "Forecast";
      :Grib2_Statistical_Process_Type = "UnknownStatType--1";

    float Total_ozone_entire_atmosphere_single_layer(time=1, lat=721, lon=1440);
      :long_name = "Total ozone @ Entire atmosphere layer";
      :units = "DU";
      :abbreviation = "TOZNE";
      :missing_value = NaNf; // float
      :grid_mapping = "LatLon_Projection";
      :coordinates = "reftime time lat lon ";
      :Grib_Variable_Id = "VAR_0-14-0_L200";
      :Grib2_Parameter = 0, 14, 0; // int
      :Grib2_Parameter_Discipline = "Meteorological products";
      :Grib2_Parameter_Category = "Trace gases";
      :Grib2_Parameter_Name = "Total ozone";
      :Grib2_Level_Type = 200; // int
      :Grib2_Level_Desc = "Entire atmosphere layer";
      :Grib2_Generating_Process_Type = "Forecast";
      :Grib2_Statistical_Process_Type = "UnknownStatType--1";

    float Ozone_Mixing_Ratio_isobaric(time=1, isobaric=17, lat=721, lon=1440);
      :long_name = "Ozone Mixing Ratio @ Isobaric surface";
      :units = "";
      :abbreviation = "O3MR";
      :missing_value = NaNf; // float
      :grid_mapping = "LatLon_Projection";
      :coordinates = "reftime time isobaric lat lon ";
      :Grib_Variable_Id = "VAR_0-14-192_L100";
      :Grib2_Parameter = 0, 14, 192; // int
      :Grib2_Parameter_Discipline = "Meteorological products";
      :Grib2_Parameter_Category = "Trace gases";
      :Grib2_Parameter_Name = "Ozone Mixing Ratio";
      :Grib2_Level_Type = 100; // int
      :Grib2_Level_Desc = "Isobaric surface";
      :Grib2_Generating_Process_Type = "Forecast";
      :Grib2_Statistical_Process_Type = "UnknownStatType--1";

    float Vertical_Speed_Shear_tropopause(time=1, lat=721, lon=1440);
      :long_name = "Vertical Speed Shear @ Tropopause";
      :units = "s-1";
      :abbreviation = "VWSH";
      :missing_value = NaNf; // float
      :grid_mapping = "LatLon_Projection";
      :coordinates = "reftime time lat lon ";
      :Grib_Variable_Id = "VAR_0-2-192_L7";
      :Grib2_Parameter = 0, 2, 192; // int
      :Grib2_Parameter_Discipline = "Meteorological products";
      :Grib2_Parameter_Category = "Momentum";
      :Grib2_Parameter_Name = "Vertical Speed Shear";
      :Grib2_Level_Type = 7; // int
      :Grib2_Level_Desc = "Tropopause";
      :Grib2_Generating_Process_Type = "Forecast";
      :Grib2_Statistical_Process_Type = "UnknownStatType--1";

    float Vertical_Speed_Shear_potential_vorticity_surface(time=1, potential_vorticity_surface=2, lat=721, lon=1440);
      :long_name = "Vertical Speed Shear @ Potential vorticity surface";
      :units = "s-1";
      :abbreviation = "VWSH";
      :missing_value = NaNf; // float
      :grid_mapping = "LatLon_Projection";
      :coordinates = "reftime time potential_vorticity_surface lat lon ";
      :Grib_Variable_Id = "VAR_0-2-192_L109";
      :Grib2_Parameter = 0, 2, 192; // int
      :Grib2_Parameter_Discipline = "Meteorological products";
      :Grib2_Parameter_Category = "Momentum";
      :Grib2_Parameter_Name = "Vertical Speed Shear";
      :Grib2_Level_Type = 109; // int
      :Grib2_Level_Desc = "Potential vorticity surface";
      :Grib2_Generating_Process_Type = "Forecast";
      :Grib2_Statistical_Process_Type = "UnknownStatType--1";

    float U-Component_Storm_Motion_height_above_ground_layer(time=1, height_above_ground_layer1=1, lat=721, lon=1440);
      :long_name = "U-Component Storm Motion @ Specified height level above ground layer";
      :units = "m.s-1";
      :abbreviation = "USTM";
      :missing_value = NaNf; // float
      :grid_mapping = "LatLon_Projection";
      :coordinates = "reftime time height_above_ground_layer1 lat lon ";
      :Grib_Variable_Id = "VAR_0-2-194_L103_layer";
      :Grib2_Parameter = 0, 2, 194; // int
      :Grib2_Parameter_Discipline = "Meteorological products";
      :Grib2_Parameter_Category = "Momentum";
      :Grib2_Parameter_Name = "U-Component Storm Motion";
      :Grib2_Level_Type = 103; // int
      :Grib2_Level_Desc = "Specified height level above ground";
      :Grib2_Generating_Process_Type = "Forecast";
      :Grib2_Statistical_Process_Type = "UnknownStatType--1";

    float V-Component_Storm_Motion_height_above_ground_layer(time=1, height_above_ground_layer1=1, lat=721, lon=1440);
      :long_name = "V-Component Storm Motion @ Specified height level above ground layer";
      :units = "m.s-1";
      :abbreviation = "VSTM";
      :missing_value = NaNf; // float
      :grid_mapping = "LatLon_Projection";
      :coordinates = "reftime time height_above_ground_layer1 lat lon ";
      :Grib_Variable_Id = "VAR_0-2-195_L103_layer";
      :Grib2_Parameter = 0, 2, 195; // int
      :Grib2_Parameter_Discipline = "Meteorological products";
      :Grib2_Parameter_Category = "Momentum";
      :Grib2_Parameter_Name = "V-Component Storm Motion";
      :Grib2_Level_Type = 103; // int
      :Grib2_Level_Desc = "Specified height level above ground";
      :Grib2_Generating_Process_Type = "Forecast";
      :Grib2_Statistical_Process_Type = "UnknownStatType--1";

    float Ventilation_Rate_planetary_boundary(time=1, lat=721, lon=1440);
      :long_name = "Ventilation Rate @ Planetary Boundary Layer";
      :units = "m2.s-1";
      :abbreviation = "VRATE";
      :missing_value = NaNf; // float
      :grid_mapping = "LatLon_Projection";
      :coordinates = "reftime time lat lon ";
      :Grib_Variable_Id = "VAR_0-2-224_L220";
      :Grib2_Parameter = 0, 2, 224; // int
      :Grib2_Parameter_Discipline = "Meteorological products";
      :Grib2_Parameter_Category = "Momentum";
      :Grib2_Parameter_Name = "Ventilation Rate";
      :Grib2_Level_Type = 220; // int
      :Grib2_Level_Desc = "Planetary Boundary Layer";
      :Grib2_Generating_Process_Type = "Forecast";
      :Grib2_Statistical_Process_Type = "UnknownStatType--1";

    float MSLP_Eta_model_reduction_msl(time=1, lat=721, lon=1440);
      :long_name = "MSLP (Eta model reduction) @ Mean sea level";
      :units = "Pa";
      :abbreviation = "MSLET";
      :missing_value = NaNf; // float
      :grid_mapping = "LatLon_Projection";
      :coordinates = "reftime time lat lon ";
      :Grib_Variable_Id = "VAR_0-3-192_L101";
      :Grib2_Parameter = 0, 3, 192; // int
      :Grib2_Parameter_Discipline = "Meteorological products";
      :Grib2_Parameter_Category = "Mass";
      :Grib2_Parameter_Name = "MSLP (Eta model reduction)";
      :Grib2_Level_Type = 101; // int
      :Grib2_Level_Desc = "Mean sea level";
      :Grib2_Generating_Process_Type = "Forecast";
      :Grib2_Statistical_Process_Type = "UnknownStatType--1";

    float 5-Wave_Geopotential_Height_isobaric(time=1, isobaric1=1, lat=721, lon=1440);
      :long_name = "5-Wave Geopotential Height @ Isobaric surface";
      :units = "gpm";
      :abbreviation = "5WAVH";
      :missing_value = NaNf; // float
      :grid_mapping = "LatLon_Projection";
      :coordinates = "reftime time isobaric1 lat lon ";
      :Grib_Variable_Id = "VAR_0-3-193_L100";
      :Grib2_Parameter = 0, 3, 193; // int
      :Grib2_Parameter_Discipline = "Meteorological products";
      :Grib2_Parameter_Category = "Mass";
      :Grib2_Parameter_Name = "5-Wave Geopotential Height";
      :Grib2_Level_Type = 100; // int
      :Grib2_Level_Desc = "Isobaric surface";
      :Grib2_Generating_Process_Type = "Forecast";
      :Grib2_Statistical_Process_Type = "UnknownStatType--1";

    float Planetary_Boundary_Layer_Height_surface(time=1, lat=721, lon=1440);
      :long_name = "Planetary Boundary Layer Height @ Ground or water surface";
      :units = "m";
      :abbreviation = "HPBL";
      :missing_value = NaNf; // float
      :grid_mapping = "LatLon_Projection";
      :coordinates = "reftime time lat lon ";
      :Grib_Variable_Id = "VAR_0-3-196_L1";
      :Grib2_Parameter = 0, 3, 196; // int
      :Grib2_Parameter_Discipline = "Meteorological products";
      :Grib2_Parameter_Category = "Mass";
      :Grib2_Parameter_Name = "Planetary Boundary Layer Height";
      :Grib2_Level_Type = 1; // int
      :Grib2_Level_Desc = "Ground or water surface";
      :Grib2_Generating_Process_Type = "Forecast";
      :Grib2_Statistical_Process_Type = "UnknownStatType--1";

    float Pressure_of_level_from_which_parcel_was_lifted_pressure_difference_layer(time=1, pressure_difference_layer=1, lat=721, lon=1440);
      :long_name = "Pressure of level from which parcel was lifted @ Level at specified pressure difference from ground to level layer";
      :units = "Pa";
      :abbreviation = "PLPL";
      :missing_value = NaNf; // float
      :grid_mapping = "LatLon_Projection";
      :coordinates = "reftime time pressure_difference_layer lat lon ";
      :Grib_Variable_Id = "VAR_0-3-200_L108_layer";
      :Grib2_Parameter = 0, 3, 200; // int
      :Grib2_Parameter_Discipline = "Meteorological products";
      :Grib2_Parameter_Category = "Mass";
      :Grib2_Parameter_Name = "Pressure of level from which parcel was lifted";
      :Grib2_Level_Type = 108; // int
      :Grib2_Level_Desc = "Level at specified pressure difference from ground to level";
      :Grib2_Generating_Process_Type = "Forecast";
      :Grib2_Statistical_Process_Type = "UnknownStatType--1";

    float Sunshine_Duration_surface(time=1, lat=721, lon=1440);
      :long_name = "Sunshine Duration @ Ground or water surface";
      :units = "s";
      :abbreviation = "SUNSD";
      :missing_value = NaNf; // float
      :grid_mapping = "LatLon_Projection";
      :coordinates = "reftime time lat lon ";
      :Grib_Variable_Id = "VAR_0-6-201_L1";
      :Grib2_Parameter = 0, 6, 201; // int
      :Grib2_Parameter_Discipline = "Meteorological products";
      :Grib2_Parameter_Category = "Cloud";
      :Grib2_Parameter_Name = "Sunshine Duration";
      :Grib2_Level_Type = 1; // int
      :Grib2_Level_Desc = "Ground or water surface";
      :Grib2_Generating_Process_Type = "Forecast";
      :Grib2_Statistical_Process_Type = "UnknownStatType--1";

    float Surface_Lifted_Index_surface(time=1, lat=721, lon=1440);
      :long_name = "Surface Lifted Index @ Ground or water surface";
      :units = "K";
      :abbreviation = "LFT X";
      :missing_value = NaNf; // float
      :grid_mapping = "LatLon_Projection";
      :coordinates = "reftime time lat lon ";
      :Grib_Variable_Id = "VAR_0-7-192_L1";
      :Grib2_Parameter = 0, 7, 192; // int
      :Grib2_Parameter_Discipline = "Meteorological products";
      :Grib2_Parameter_Category = "Thermodynamic stability indices";
      :Grib2_Parameter_Name = "Surface Lifted Index";
      :Grib2_Level_Type = 1; // int
      :Grib2_Level_Desc = "Ground or water surface";
      :Grib2_Generating_Process_Type = "Forecast";
      :Grib2_Statistical_Process_Type = "UnknownStatType--1";

    float Best_4_layer_Lifted_Index_surface(time=1, lat=721, lon=1440);
      :long_name = "Best (4 layer) Lifted Index @ Ground or water surface";
      :units = "K";
      :abbreviation = "4LFTX";
      :missing_value = NaNf; // float
      :grid_mapping = "LatLon_Projection";
      :coordinates = "reftime time lat lon ";
      :Grib_Variable_Id = "VAR_0-7-193_L1";
      :Grib2_Parameter = 0, 7, 193; // int
      :Grib2_Parameter_Discipline = "Meteorological products";
      :Grib2_Parameter_Category = "Thermodynamic stability indices";
      :Grib2_Parameter_Name = "Best (4 layer) Lifted Index";
      :Grib2_Level_Type = 1; // int
      :Grib2_Level_Desc = "Ground or water surface";
      :Grib2_Generating_Process_Type = "Forecast";
      :Grib2_Statistical_Process_Type = "UnknownStatType--1";

    float Volumetric_Soil_Moisture_Content_depth_below_surface_layer(time=1, depth_below_surface_layer=4, lat=721, lon=1440);
      :long_name = "Volumetric Soil Moisture Content @ Depth below land surface layer";
      :units = "Fraction";
      :abbreviation = "SOILW";
      :missing_value = NaNf; // float
      :grid_mapping = "LatLon_Projection";
      :coordinates = "reftime time depth_below_surface_layer lat lon ";
      :Grib_Variable_Id = "VAR_2-0-192_L106_layer";
      :Grib2_Parameter = 2, 0, 192; // int
      :Grib2_Parameter_Discipline = "Land surface products";
      :Grib2_Parameter_Category = "Vegetation/Biomass";
      :Grib2_Parameter_Name = "Volumetric Soil Moisture Content";
      :Grib2_Level_Type = 106; // int
      :Grib2_Level_Desc = "Depth below land surface";
      :Grib2_Generating_Process_Type = "Forecast";
      :Grib2_Statistical_Process_Type = "UnknownStatType--1";

    float Wilting_Point_surface(time=1, lat=721, lon=1440);
      :long_name = "Wilting Point @ Ground or water surface";
      :units = "Fraction";
      :abbreviation = "WILT";
      :missing_value = NaNf; // float
      :grid_mapping = "LatLon_Projection";
      :coordinates = "reftime time lat lon ";
      :Grib_Variable_Id = "VAR_2-0-201_L1";
      :Grib2_Parameter = 2, 0, 201; // int
      :Grib2_Parameter_Discipline = "Land surface products";
      :Grib2_Parameter_Category = "Vegetation/Biomass";
      :Grib2_Parameter_Name = "Wilting Point";
      :Grib2_Level_Type = 1; // int
      :Grib2_Level_Desc = "Ground or water surface";
      :Grib2_Generating_Process_Type = "Forecast";
      :Grib2_Statistical_Process_Type = "UnknownStatType--1";

    float Land-sea_coverage_nearest_neighbor_land1sea0_surface(time=1, lat=721, lon=1440);
      :long_name = "Land-sea coverage (nearest neighbor) [land=1,sea=0] @ Ground or water surface";
      :units = "";
      :abbreviation = "LANDN";
      :missing_value = NaNf; // float
      :grid_mapping = "LatLon_Projection";
      :coordinates = "reftime time lat lon ";
      :Grib_Variable_Id = "VAR_2-0-218_L1";
      :Grib2_Parameter = 2, 0, 218; // int
      :Grib2_Parameter_Discipline = "Land surface products";
      :Grib2_Parameter_Category = "Vegetation/Biomass";
      :Grib2_Parameter_Name = "Land-sea coverage (nearest neighbor) [land=1,sea=0]";
      :Grib2_Level_Type = 1; // int
      :Grib2_Level_Desc = "Ground or water surface";
      :Grib2_Generating_Process_Type = "Forecast";
      :Grib2_Statistical_Process_Type = "UnknownStatType--1";

    float Field_Capacity_surface(time=1, lat=721, lon=1440);
      :long_name = "Field Capacity @ Ground or water surface";
      :units = "Fraction";
      :abbreviation = "FLDCP";
      :missing_value = NaNf; // float
      :grid_mapping = "LatLon_Projection";
      :coordinates = "reftime time lat lon ";
      :Grib_Variable_Id = "VAR_2-3-203_L1";
      :Grib2_Parameter = 2, 3, 203; // int
      :Grib2_Parameter_Discipline = "Land surface products";
      :Grib2_Parameter_Category = "Soil Products";
      :Grib2_Parameter_Name = "Field Capacity";
      :Grib2_Level_Type = 1; // int
      :Grib2_Level_Desc = "Ground or water surface";
      :Grib2_Generating_Process_Type = "Forecast";
      :Grib2_Statistical_Process_Type = "UnknownStatType--1";

    float Vertical_velocity_pressure_isobaric(time=1, isobaric3=21, lat=721, lon=1440);
      :long_name = "Vertical velocity (pressure) @ Isobaric surface";
      :units = "Pa/s";
      :abbreviation = "VVEL";
      :missing_value = NaNf; // float
      :grid_mapping = "LatLon_Projection";
      :coordinates = "reftime time isobaric3 lat lon ";
      :Grib_Variable_Id = "VAR_0-2-8_L100";
      :Grib2_Parameter = 0, 2, 8; // int
      :Grib2_Parameter_Discipline = "Meteorological products";
      :Grib2_Parameter_Category = "Momentum";
      :Grib2_Parameter_Name = "Vertical velocity (pressure)";
      :Grib2_Level_Type = 100; // int
      :Grib2_Level_Desc = "Isobaric surface";
      :Grib2_Generating_Process_Type = "Forecast";
      :Grib2_Statistical_Process_Type = "UnknownStatType--1";

    float Vertical_velocity_pressure_sigma(time=1, sigma=1, lat=721, lon=1440);
      :long_name = "Vertical velocity (pressure) @ Sigma level";
      :units = "Pa/s";
      :abbreviation = "VVEL";
      :missing_value = NaNf; // float
      :grid_mapping = "LatLon_Projection";
      :coordinates = "reftime time sigma lat lon ";
      :Grib_Variable_Id = "VAR_0-2-8_L104";
      :Grib2_Parameter = 0, 2, 8; // int
      :Grib2_Parameter_Discipline = "Meteorological products";
      :Grib2_Parameter_Category = "Momentum";
      :Grib2_Parameter_Name = "Vertical velocity (pressure)";
      :Grib2_Level_Type = 104; // int
      :Grib2_Level_Desc = "Sigma level";
      :Grib2_Generating_Process_Type = "Forecast";
      :Grib2_Statistical_Process_Type = "UnknownStatType--1";

    float Water_equivalent_of_accumulated_snow_depth_surface(time=1, lat=721, lon=1440);
      :long_name = "Water equivalent of accumulated snow depth @ Ground or water surface";
      :units = "kg.m-2";
      :abbreviation = "WEASD";
      :missing_value = NaNf; // float
      :grid_mapping = "LatLon_Projection";
      :coordinates = "reftime time lat lon ";
      :Grib_Variable_Id = "VAR_0-1-13_L1";
      :Grib2_Parameter = 0, 1, 13; // int
      :Grib2_Parameter_Discipline = "Meteorological products";
      :Grib2_Parameter_Category = "Moisture";
      :Grib2_Parameter_Name = "Water equivalent of accumulated snow depth";
      :Grib2_Level_Type = 1; // int
      :Grib2_Level_Desc = "Ground or water surface";
      :Grib2_Generating_Process_Type = "Forecast";
      :Grib2_Statistical_Process_Type = "UnknownStatType--1";

    float Wind_speed_gust_surface(time=1, lat=721, lon=1440);
      :long_name = "Wind speed (gust) @ Ground or water surface";
      :units = "m/s";
      :abbreviation = "GUST";
      :missing_value = NaNf; // float
      :grid_mapping = "LatLon_Projection";
      :coordinates = "reftime time lat lon ";
      :Grib_Variable_Id = "VAR_0-2-22_L1";
      :Grib2_Parameter = 0, 2, 22; // int
      :Grib2_Parameter_Discipline = "Meteorological products";
      :Grib2_Parameter_Category = "Momentum";
      :Grib2_Parameter_Name = "Wind speed (gust)";
      :Grib2_Level_Type = 1; // int
      :Grib2_Level_Desc = "Ground or water surface";
      :Grib2_Generating_Process_Type = "Forecast";
      :Grib2_Statistical_Process_Type = "UnknownStatType--1";

    float u-component_of_wind_planetary_boundary(time=1, lat=721, lon=1440);
      :long_name = "u-component of wind @ Planetary Boundary Layer";
      :units = "m/s";
      :abbreviation = "UGRD";
      :missing_value = NaNf; // float
      :grid_mapping = "LatLon_Projection";
      :coordinates = "reftime time lat lon ";
      :Grib_Variable_Id = "VAR_0-2-2_L220";
      :Grib2_Parameter = 0, 2, 2; // int
      :Grib2_Parameter_Discipline = "Meteorological products";
      :Grib2_Parameter_Category = "Momentum";
      :Grib2_Parameter_Name = "u-component of wind";
      :Grib2_Level_Type = 220; // int
      :Grib2_Level_Desc = "Planetary Boundary Layer";
      :Grib2_Generating_Process_Type = "Forecast";
      :Grib2_Statistical_Process_Type = "UnknownStatType--1";

    float u-component_of_wind_isobaric(time=1, isobaric4=31, lat=721, lon=1440);
      :long_name = "u-component of wind @ Isobaric surface";
      :units = "m/s";
      :abbreviation = "UGRD";
      :missing_value = NaNf; // float
      :grid_mapping = "LatLon_Projection";
      :coordinates = "reftime time isobaric4 lat lon ";
      :Grib_Variable_Id = "VAR_0-2-2_L100";
      :Grib2_Parameter = 0, 2, 2; // int
      :Grib2_Parameter_Discipline = "Meteorological products";
      :Grib2_Parameter_Category = "Momentum";
      :Grib2_Parameter_Name = "u-component of wind";
      :Grib2_Level_Type = 100; // int
      :Grib2_Level_Desc = "Isobaric surface";
      :Grib2_Generating_Process_Type = "Forecast";
      :Grib2_Statistical_Process_Type = "UnknownStatType--1";

    float u-component_of_wind_potential_vorticity_surface(time=1, potential_vorticity_surface=2, lat=721, lon=1440);
      :long_name = "u-component of wind @ Potential vorticity surface";
      :units = "m/s";
      :abbreviation = "UGRD";
      :missing_value = NaNf; // float
      :grid_mapping = "LatLon_Projection";
      :coordinates = "reftime time potential_vorticity_surface lat lon ";
      :Grib_Variable_Id = "VAR_0-2-2_L109";
      :Grib2_Parameter = 0, 2, 2; // int
      :Grib2_Parameter_Discipline = "Meteorological products";
      :Grib2_Parameter_Category = "Momentum";
      :Grib2_Parameter_Name = "u-component of wind";
      :Grib2_Level_Type = 109; // int
      :Grib2_Level_Desc = "Potential vorticity surface";
      :Grib2_Generating_Process_Type = "Forecast";
      :Grib2_Statistical_Process_Type = "UnknownStatType--1";

    float u-component_of_wind_maximum_wind(time=1, lat=721, lon=1440);
      :long_name = "u-component of wind @ Maximum wind level";
      :units = "m/s";
      :abbreviation = "UGRD";
      :missing_value = NaNf; // float
      :grid_mapping = "LatLon_Projection";
      :coordinates = "reftime time lat lon ";
      :Grib_Variable_Id = "VAR_0-2-2_L6";
      :Grib2_Parameter = 0, 2, 2; // int
      :Grib2_Parameter_Discipline = "Meteorological products";
      :Grib2_Parameter_Category = "Momentum";
      :Grib2_Parameter_Name = "u-component of wind";
      :Grib2_Level_Type = 6; // int
      :Grib2_Level_Desc = "Maximum wind level";
      :Grib2_Generating_Process_Type = "Forecast";
      :Grib2_Statistical_Process_Type = "UnknownStatType--1";

    float u-component_of_wind_altitude_above_msl(time=1, altitude_above_msl=3, lat=721, lon=1440);
      :long_name = "u-component of wind @ Specific altitude above mean sea level";
      :units = "m/s";
      :abbreviation = "UGRD";
      :missing_value = NaNf; // float
      :grid_mapping = "LatLon_Projection";
      :coordinates = "reftime time altitude_above_msl lat lon ";
      :Grib_Variable_Id = "VAR_0-2-2_L102";
      :Grib2_Parameter = 0, 2, 2; // int
      :Grib2_Parameter_Discipline = "Meteorological products";
      :Grib2_Parameter_Category = "Momentum";
      :Grib2_Parameter_Name = "u-component of wind";
      :Grib2_Level_Type = 102; // int
      :Grib2_Level_Desc = "Specific altitude above mean sea level";
      :Grib2_Generating_Process_Type = "Forecast";
      :Grib2_Statistical_Process_Type = "UnknownStatType--1";

    float u-component_of_wind_height_above_ground(time=1, height_above_ground4=3, lat=721, lon=1440);
      :long_name = "u-component of wind @ Specified height level above ground";
      :units = "m/s";
      :abbreviation = "UGRD";
      :missing_value = NaNf; // float
      :grid_mapping = "LatLon_Projection";
      :coordinates = "reftime time height_above_ground4 lat lon ";
      :Grib_Variable_Id = "VAR_0-2-2_L103";
      :Grib2_Parameter = 0, 2, 2; // int
      :Grib2_Parameter_Discipline = "Meteorological products";
      :Grib2_Parameter_Category = "Momentum";
      :Grib2_Parameter_Name = "u-component of wind";
      :Grib2_Level_Type = 103; // int
      :Grib2_Level_Desc = "Specified height level above ground";
      :Grib2_Generating_Process_Type = "Forecast";
      :Grib2_Statistical_Process_Type = "UnknownStatType--1";

    float u-component_of_wind_tropopause(time=1, lat=721, lon=1440);
      :long_name = "u-component of wind @ Tropopause";
      :units = "m/s";
      :abbreviation = "UGRD";
      :missing_value = NaNf; // float
      :grid_mapping = "LatLon_Projection";
      :coordinates = "reftime time lat lon ";
      :Grib_Variable_Id = "VAR_0-2-2_L7";
      :Grib2_Parameter = 0, 2, 2; // int
      :Grib2_Parameter_Discipline = "Meteorological products";
      :Grib2_Parameter_Category = "Momentum";
      :Grib2_Parameter_Name = "u-component of wind";
      :Grib2_Level_Type = 7; // int
      :Grib2_Level_Desc = "Tropopause";
      :Grib2_Generating_Process_Type = "Forecast";
      :Grib2_Statistical_Process_Type = "UnknownStatType--1";

    float u-component_of_wind_sigma(time=1, sigma=1, lat=721, lon=1440);
      :long_name = "u-component of wind @ Sigma level";
      :units = "m/s";
      :abbreviation = "UGRD";
      :missing_value = NaNf; // float
      :grid_mapping = "LatLon_Projection";
      :coordinates = "reftime time sigma lat lon ";
      :Grib_Variable_Id = "VAR_0-2-2_L104";
      :Grib2_Parameter = 0, 2, 2; // int
      :Grib2_Parameter_Discipline = "Meteorological products";
      :Grib2_Parameter_Category = "Momentum";
      :Grib2_Parameter_Name = "u-component of wind";
      :Grib2_Level_Type = 104; // int
      :Grib2_Level_Desc = "Sigma level";
      :Grib2_Generating_Process_Type = "Forecast";
      :Grib2_Statistical_Process_Type = "UnknownStatType--1";

    float u-component_of_wind_pressure_difference_layer(time=1, pressure_difference_layer1=1, lat=721, lon=1440);
      :long_name = "u-component of wind @ Level at specified pressure difference from ground to level layer";
      :units = "m/s";
      :abbreviation = "UGRD";
      :missing_value = NaNf; // float
      :grid_mapping = "LatLon_Projection";
      :coordinates = "reftime time pressure_difference_layer1 lat lon ";
      :Grib_Variable_Id = "VAR_0-2-2_L108_layer";
      :Grib2_Parameter = 0, 2, 2; // int
      :Grib2_Parameter_Discipline = "Meteorological products";
      :Grib2_Parameter_Category = "Momentum";
      :Grib2_Parameter_Name = "u-component of wind";
      :Grib2_Level_Type = 108; // int
      :Grib2_Level_Desc = "Level at specified pressure difference from ground to level";
      :Grib2_Generating_Process_Type = "Forecast";
      :Grib2_Statistical_Process_Type = "UnknownStatType--1";

    float v-component_of_wind_isobaric(time=1, isobaric4=31, lat=721, lon=1440);
      :long_name = "v-component of wind @ Isobaric surface";
      :units = "m/s";
      :abbreviation = "VGRD";
      :missing_value = NaNf; // float
      :grid_mapping = "LatLon_Projection";
      :coordinates = "reftime time isobaric4 lat lon ";
      :Grib_Variable_Id = "VAR_0-2-3_L100";
      :Grib2_Parameter = 0, 2, 3; // int
      :Grib2_Parameter_Discipline = "Meteorological products";
      :Grib2_Parameter_Category = "Momentum";
      :Grib2_Parameter_Name = "v-component of wind";
      :Grib2_Level_Type = 100; // int
      :Grib2_Level_Desc = "Isobaric surface";
      :Grib2_Generating_Process_Type = "Forecast";
      :Grib2_Statistical_Process_Type = "UnknownStatType--1";

    float v-component_of_wind_potential_vorticity_surface(time=1, potential_vorticity_surface=2, lat=721, lon=1440);
      :long_name = "v-component of wind @ Potential vorticity surface";
      :units = "m/s";
      :abbreviation = "VGRD";
      :missing_value = NaNf; // float
      :grid_mapping = "LatLon_Projection";
      :coordinates = "reftime time potential_vorticity_surface lat lon ";
      :Grib_Variable_Id = "VAR_0-2-3_L109";
      :Grib2_Parameter = 0, 2, 3; // int
      :Grib2_Parameter_Discipline = "Meteorological products";
      :Grib2_Parameter_Category = "Momentum";
      :Grib2_Parameter_Name = "v-component of wind";
      :Grib2_Level_Type = 109; // int
      :Grib2_Level_Desc = "Potential vorticity surface";
      :Grib2_Generating_Process_Type = "Forecast";
      :Grib2_Statistical_Process_Type = "UnknownStatType--1";

    float v-component_of_wind_planetary_boundary(time=1, lat=721, lon=1440);
      :long_name = "v-component of wind @ Planetary Boundary Layer";
      :units = "m/s";
      :abbreviation = "VGRD";
      :missing_value = NaNf; // float
      :grid_mapping = "LatLon_Projection";
      :coordinates = "reftime time lat lon ";
      :Grib_Variable_Id = "VAR_0-2-3_L220";
      :Grib2_Parameter = 0, 2, 3; // int
      :Grib2_Parameter_Discipline = "Meteorological products";
      :Grib2_Parameter_Category = "Momentum";
      :Grib2_Parameter_Name = "v-component of wind";
      :Grib2_Level_Type = 220; // int
      :Grib2_Level_Desc = "Planetary Boundary Layer";
      :Grib2_Generating_Process_Type = "Forecast";
      :Grib2_Statistical_Process_Type = "UnknownStatType--1";

    float v-component_of_wind_maximum_wind(time=1, lat=721, lon=1440);
      :long_name = "v-component of wind @ Maximum wind level";
      :units = "m/s";
      :abbreviation = "VGRD";
      :missing_value = NaNf; // float
      :grid_mapping = "LatLon_Projection";
      :coordinates = "reftime time lat lon ";
      :Grib_Variable_Id = "VAR_0-2-3_L6";
      :Grib2_Parameter = 0, 2, 3; // int
      :Grib2_Parameter_Discipline = "Meteorological products";
      :Grib2_Parameter_Category = "Momentum";
      :Grib2_Parameter_Name = "v-component of wind";
      :Grib2_Level_Type = 6; // int
      :Grib2_Level_Desc = "Maximum wind level";
      :Grib2_Generating_Process_Type = "Forecast";
      :Grib2_Statistical_Process_Type = "UnknownStatType--1";

    float v-component_of_wind_altitude_above_msl(time=1, altitude_above_msl=3, lat=721, lon=1440);
      :long_name = "v-component of wind @ Specific altitude above mean sea level";
      :units = "m/s";
      :abbreviation = "VGRD";
      :missing_value = NaNf; // float
      :grid_mapping = "LatLon_Projection";
      :coordinates = "reftime time altitude_above_msl lat lon ";
      :Grib_Variable_Id = "VAR_0-2-3_L102";
      :Grib2_Parameter = 0, 2, 3; // int
      :Grib2_Parameter_Discipline = "Meteorological products";
      :Grib2_Parameter_Category = "Momentum";
      :Grib2_Parameter_Name = "v-component of wind";
      :Grib2_Level_Type = 102; // int
      :Grib2_Level_Desc = "Specific altitude above mean sea level";
      :Grib2_Generating_Process_Type = "Forecast";
      :Grib2_Statistical_Process_Type = "UnknownStatType--1";

    float v-component_of_wind_height_above_ground(time=1, height_above_ground4=3, lat=721, lon=1440);
      :long_name = "v-component of wind @ Specified height level above ground";
      :units = "m/s";
      :abbreviation = "VGRD";
      :missing_value = NaNf; // float
      :grid_mapping = "LatLon_Projection";
      :coordinates = "reftime time height_above_ground4 lat lon ";
      :Grib_Variable_Id = "VAR_0-2-3_L103";
      :Grib2_Parameter = 0, 2, 3; // int
      :Grib2_Parameter_Discipline = "Meteorological products";
      :Grib2_Parameter_Category = "Momentum";
      :Grib2_Parameter_Name = "v-component of wind";
      :Grib2_Level_Type = 103; // int
      :Grib2_Level_Desc = "Specified height level above ground";
      :Grib2_Generating_Process_Type = "Forecast";
      :Grib2_Statistical_Process_Type = "UnknownStatType--1";

    float v-component_of_wind_tropopause(time=1, lat=721, lon=1440);
      :long_name = "v-component of wind @ Tropopause";
      :units = "m/s";
      :abbreviation = "VGRD";
      :missing_value = NaNf; // float
      :grid_mapping = "LatLon_Projection";
      :coordinates = "reftime time lat lon ";
      :Grib_Variable_Id = "VAR_0-2-3_L7";
      :Grib2_Parameter = 0, 2, 3; // int
      :Grib2_Parameter_Discipline = "Meteorological products";
      :Grib2_Parameter_Category = "Momentum";
      :Grib2_Parameter_Name = "v-component of wind";
      :Grib2_Level_Type = 7; // int
      :Grib2_Level_Desc = "Tropopause";
      :Grib2_Generating_Process_Type = "Forecast";
      :Grib2_Statistical_Process_Type = "UnknownStatType--1";

    float v-component_of_wind_sigma(time=1, sigma=1, lat=721, lon=1440);
      :long_name = "v-component of wind @ Sigma level";
      :units = "m/s";
      :abbreviation = "VGRD";
      :missing_value = NaNf; // float
      :grid_mapping = "LatLon_Projection";
      :coordinates = "reftime time sigma lat lon ";
      :Grib_Variable_Id = "VAR_0-2-3_L104";
      :Grib2_Parameter = 0, 2, 3; // int
      :Grib2_Parameter_Discipline = "Meteorological products";
      :Grib2_Parameter_Category = "Momentum";
      :Grib2_Parameter_Name = "v-component of wind";
      :Grib2_Level_Type = 104; // int
      :Grib2_Level_Desc = "Sigma level";
      :Grib2_Generating_Process_Type = "Forecast";
      :Grib2_Statistical_Process_Type = "UnknownStatType--1";

    float v-component_of_wind_pressure_difference_layer(time=1, pressure_difference_layer1=1, lat=721, lon=1440);
      :long_name = "v-component of wind @ Level at specified pressure difference from ground to level layer";
      :units = "m/s";
      :abbreviation = "VGRD";
      :missing_value = NaNf; // float
      :grid_mapping = "LatLon_Projection";
      :coordinates = "reftime time pressure_difference_layer1 lat lon ";
      :Grib_Variable_Id = "VAR_0-2-3_L108_layer";
      :Grib2_Parameter = 0, 2, 3; // int
      :Grib2_Parameter_Discipline = "Meteorological products";
      :Grib2_Parameter_Category = "Momentum";
      :Grib2_Parameter_Name = "v-component of wind";
      :Grib2_Level_Type = 108; // int
      :Grib2_Level_Desc = "Level at specified pressure difference from ground to level";
      :Grib2_Generating_Process_Type = "Forecast";
      :Grib2_Statistical_Process_Type = "UnknownStatType--1";

  // global attributes:
  :Originating_or_generating_Center = "US National Weather Service, National Centres for Environmental Prediction (NCEP)";
  :Originating_or_generating_Subcenter = "0";
  :GRIB_table_version = "2,1";
  :Type_of_generating_process = "Forecast";
  :Analysis_or_forecast_generating_process_identifier_defined_by_originating_centre = "Analysis from GFS (Global Forecast System)";
  :file_format = "GRIB-2";
  :Conventions = "CF-1.6";
  :history = "Read using CDM IOSP GribCollection v3";
  :featureType = "GRID";