netcdf files/g/d113001/ec.oper.fc.sfc/201706/ { dimensions: forecast_hour = 2; forecast_initial_time = UNLIMITED; // (2 currently) latitude = 2560; longitude = 5120; variables: float VAR_10FG(forecast_initial_time=2, forecast_hour=2, latitude=2560, longitude=5120); :long_name = "10 metre wind gust since previous post-processing"; :short_name = "10fg"; :units = "m s**-1"; :original_format = "WMO GRIB 1 with ECMWF local table"; :ecmwf_local_table = 128; // int :ecmwf_parameter = 49; // int :_FillValue = 9.999E20f; // float :missing_value = 9.999E20f; // float :data_min = 0.15166098f; // float :data_max = 50.981068f; // float :grid_specification = "5120 longitude x 2560 Gaussian latitude (0.07deg x ~0.07deg from 0E to 359.93E and 89.946N to 89.946S)"; :original_data_representation = "Reduced Gaussian grid (N1280)"; :rda_dataset = "ds113.1"; :rda_dataset_url = "https:/"; :rda_dataset_doi = "DOI: 10.5065/D68050ZV"; :rda_dataset_group = "ECMWF Operational 6-hourly atmospheric surface forecast"; :number_of_significant_digits = 7; // int :_ChunkSizes = 1U, 2U, 2560U, 5120U; // uint int forecast_hour(forecast_hour=2); :long_name = "forecast hour"; :short_name = "fhr"; :standard_name = "forecast_period"; :units = "hour"; :units_qualifier = "hours since forecast_initial_time"; :note = "forecast_hour = 0 corresponds to the analysis"; :_ChunkSizes = 2U; // uint int forecast_initial_time(forecast_initial_time=2); :long_name = "forecast initial time"; :short_name = "fitime"; :standard_name = "forecast_reference_time"; :units = "hours since 1900-01-01 00:00:00"; :calendar = "gregorian"; :_ChunkSizes = 1024U; // uint double latitude(latitude=2560); :long_name = "latitude"; :short_name = "lat"; :units = "degrees_north"; :qualifier = "Gaussian"; :_ChunkSizes = 2560U; // uint double longitude(longitude=5120); :long_name = "longitude"; :short_name = "lon"; :units = "degrees_east"; :_ChunkSizes = 5120U; // uint int utc_date(forecast_initial_time=2); :long_name = "UTC date yyyy-mm-dd hh:00:00 as yyyymmddhh"; :units = "Gregorian_year month day hour"; :_ChunkSizes = 1024U; // uint // global attributes: :DATA_SOURCE = "ECMWF: ECOPER GRIB 1 spherical harmonics (T2559) and reduced Gaussian grid data (N1280)."; :DATA_INTERPOLATION = "CISL RDA: ECOPER GRIB 1 N1280/T2559 data interpolated (or synthesized) to 5120 longitude x 2560 Gaussian latitude GRIB 1 data using emoslib-4.3.9 (compiled with cmake with grib_api-1.14.7 and fftw-3.3.7 support for gnu/gfortran-7.3.0)."; :NETCDF_CONVERSION = "CISL RDA: Conversion from interpolated/synthesized GRIB 1 data to netCDF4."; :NETCDF_VERSION = "4.6.1"; :CONVERSION_PLATFORM = "Linux caldera11 3.10.0-693.21.1.el7.x86_64 #1 SMP Wed Mar 7 19:03:37 UTC 2018 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux"; :CONVERSION_DATE = "Sun Jul 22 21:47:56 MDT 2018"; :Conventions = "CF-1.6"; :NETCDF_COMPRESSION = "NCO: Precision-preserving compression to netCDF4/HDF5 (see \"history\" and \"NCO\" global attributes below for specifics)."; :history = "Sun Jul 22 21:47:58 2018: ncks -4 --ppc default=7"; :NCO = "netCDF Operators version 4.7.4 ("; }