netcdf files/g/d262000/GFDL_gold/ { dimensions: time = UNLIMITED; // (720 currently) yh = 210; xh = 360; yq = 210; xq = 360; nv = 2; variables: double average_DT(time=720); :long_name = "Length of average period"; :units = "days"; double average_T1(time=720); :long_name = "Start time for average period"; :units = "days since 1708-01-01 00:00:00"; double average_T2(time=720); :long_name = "End time for average period"; :units = "days since 1708-01-01 00:00:00"; float geolat(yh=210, xh=360); :long_name = "Latitude of tracer (h) points"; :units = "degrees_N"; :cell_methods = "time: point"; float geolat_c(yq=210, xq=360); :long_name = "Latitude of corner (q) points"; :units = "degrees_N"; :cell_methods = "time: point"; float geolat_u(yh=210, xq=360); :long_name = "Latitude of zonal velocity (u) points"; :units = "degrees_N"; :cell_methods = "time: point"; float geolat_v(yq=210, xh=360); :long_name = "Latitude of meridional velocity (v) points"; :units = "degrees_N"; :cell_methods = "time: point"; float geolon(yh=210, xh=360); :long_name = "Longitude of tracer (h) points"; :units = "degrees_E"; :cell_methods = "time: point"; float geolon_c(yq=210, xq=360); :long_name = "Longitude of corner (q) points"; :units = "degrees_E"; :cell_methods = "time: point"; float geolon_u(yh=210, xq=360); :long_name = "Longitude of zonal velocity (u) points"; :units = "degrees_E"; :cell_methods = "time: point"; float geolon_v(yq=210, xh=360); :long_name = "Longitude of meridional velocity (v) points"; :units = "degrees_E"; :cell_methods = "time: point"; double nv(nv=2); :long_name = "vertex number"; :units = "none"; :cartesian_axis = "N"; float tauy(time=720, yq=210, xh=360); :long_name = "Meridional Wind Stress"; :units = "Pascal"; :cell_methods = "time: mean"; :time_avg_info = "average_T1,average_T2,average_DT"; :standard_name = "surface_downward_y_stress"; double time(time=720); :long_name = "time"; :units = "days since 1708-01-01 00:00:00"; :cartesian_axis = "T"; :calendar_type = "NOLEAP"; :calendar = "NOLEAP"; :bounds = "time_bounds"; double time_bounds(time=720, nv=2); :long_name = "time axis boundaries"; :units = "days"; double xh(xh=360); :long_name = "h point nominal longitude"; :units = "degrees_E"; :cartesian_axis = "X"; double xq(xq=360); :long_name = "q point nominal longitude"; :units = "degrees_E"; :cartesian_axis = "X"; double yh(yh=210); :long_name = "h point nominal latitude"; :units = "degrees_N"; :cartesian_axis = "Y"; double yq(yq=210); :long_name = "q point nominal latitude"; :units = "degrees_N"; :cartesian_axis = "Y"; // global attributes: :NCO = "\"4.5.5\""; :history = "Fri Dec 2 14:58:05 2016: ncks -d time,2880,3599 ../\nTue Oct 1 12:54:19 2013: ncrcat -O"; :nco_openmp_thread_number = 1; // int }