netcdf files/g/d314000/fixed/ { dimensions: longitude = 360; latitude = 180; z = 1; time = UNLIMITED; // (1 currently) variables: float longitude(longitude=360); :units = "degrees_east"; :point_spacing = "even"; :modulo = " "; float latitude(latitude=180); :units = "degrees_north"; :point_spacing = "even"; float z(z=1); :units = "level"; :positive = "up"; float time(time=1); :units = "days since 2001-01-01 00:00:00"; :time_origin = "01-JAN-2001:00:00:00"; float elevation(time=1, z=1, latitude=180, longitude=360); :source = "ISLSCP"; :name = "elevation"; :title = "ISLSCP land surface elevation"; :date = "01/01/01"; :time = "00:00"; :long_name = "land surface elevation"; :units = "m"; :missing_value = 2.0E20f; // float :_FillValue = 2.0E20f; // float :valid_min = -40.98f; // float :valid_max = 5423.67f; // float // global attributes: :history = "Fri May 29 15:18:38 EDT 2009: created by JS using"; :title = "ISLSCP elevation data"; :institution = "ISLSCP"; :contact = "Justin Sheffield ("; :source = "ISLSCP 1.0 degree elevation data (Hall, Forrest G., G. Collatz, S. Los, E. Brown de Colstoun, D. Landis, eds. ISLSCP Initiative II. NASA. DVD/CD-ROM. NASA, 2005.)"; :comment = "This is the elevation dataset used in the development of the Princeton University Hydroclimatology Group Bias Corrected Meteorological Forcing Dataset (Sheffield et al., J. Climate, 2006)"; }