netcdf files/g/d314003/1920_1929/ {
    scalar = 1;
    time = UNLIMITED;   // (124 currently)
    lat = 360;
    lon = 720;
    float EDGEE(scalar=1);
      :long_name = "eastern edge in atmospheric data";
      :units = "degrees_east";
      :mode = "time-invariant";

    float EDGEN(scalar=1);
      :long_name = "northern edge in atmospheric data";
      :units = "degrees_north";
      :mode = "time-invariant";

    float EDGES(scalar=1);
      :long_name = "southern edge in atmospheric data";
      :units = "degrees_north";
      :mode = "time-invariant";

    float EDGEW(scalar=1);
      :long_name = "western edge in atmospheric data";
      :units = "degrees_east";
      :mode = "time-invariant";

    float FLDS(time=124, lat=360, lon=720);
      :long_name = "incident longwave radiation";
      :units = "W/m**2";
      :mode = "time-dependent";
      :_FillValue = 1.0E36f; // float
      :missing_value = 1.0E36f; // float

    float LATIXY(lat=360, lon=720);
      :long_name = "latitude";
      :units = "degrees_north";
      :mode = "time-invariant";

    float LONGXY(lat=360, lon=720);
      :long_name = "longitude";
      :units = "degrees_east";
      :mode = "time-invariant";

    float PSRF(time=124, lat=360, lon=720);
      :long_name = "surface pressure at the lowest atm level";
      :units = "Pa";
      :mode = "time-dependent";
      :_FillValue = 1.0E36f; // float
      :missing_value = 1.0E36f; // float

    float QBOT(time=124, lat=360, lon=720);
      :long_name = "specific humidity at the lowest atm level";
      :units = "kg/kg";
      :mode = "time-dependent";
      :_FillValue = 1.0E36f; // float
      :missing_value = 1.0E36f; // float

    float TBOT(time=124, lat=360, lon=720);
      :long_name = "temperature at the lowest atm level";
      :units = "K";
      :mode = "time-dependent";
      :_FillValue = 1.0E36f; // float
      :missing_value = 1.0E36f; // float

    float WIND(time=124, lat=360, lon=720);
      :long_name = "wind at the lowest atm level";
      :units = "m/s";
      :mode = "time-dependent";
      :_FillValue = 1.0E36f; // float
      :missing_value = 1.0E36f; // float

    float lat(lat=360);
      :description = "grid box center";
      :lon = 0.25f; // float
      :long_name = "latitude";
      :units = "degrees_north";
      :mode = "time-invariant";

    float lon(lon=720);
      :description = "grid box center";
      :lat = -89.75f; // float
      :long_name = "longitude";
      :units = "degrees_east";
      :mode = "time-invariant";

    float time(time=124);
      :long_name = "observation time";
      :units = "days since 1922-03-01 00:00:00";
      :calendar = "noleap";

  // global attributes:
  :case_title = "CRUNCEP 6-Hourly Atmospheric Forcing: Temperature, Pressure, Winds, Humidity, and Downward Longwave Radiation.  Missing values filled with 1948 Qian data interpolated by datm to CRUNCEP grid.  See in /glade/p/cesm/lmwg/atm_forcing.datm7.cruncep_qianFill.0.5d.V7.c160715 for valid (not filled) CRUNCEP data.";
  :history = "Fri Jan 26 10:35:59 2018: ncks --mk_rec_dmn time /glade/p/uges0001/clm_forcing/CRUNCEP/original/\nFri Jan 26 10:35:56 2018: ncatted -O -a title,,d,, /glade/p/uges0001/clm_forcing/CRUNCEP/original/\nFri Jan 26 10:35:49 2018: ncatted --glb Conventions=CF-1.6 /glade/p/uges0001/clm_forcing/CRUNCEP/original/\nSat Jan 20 04:30:30 2018: ncks --mk_rec_dmn time /glade/p/uges0001/clm_forcing/CRUNCEP/original/\nSat Jan 20 04:30:28 2018: ncatted -O -a title,,d,, /glade/p/uges0001/clm_forcing/CRUNCEP/original/\nSat Jan 20 04:30:25 2018: ncatted --glb Conventions=CF-1.6 /glade/p/uges0001/clm_forcing/CRUNCEP/original/";
  :Conventions = "CF-1.6";
  :NCO = "4.6.9";