netcdf files/g/d609002/2011/G43146 { dimensions: x = 185; y = 129; time = 236; time1 = 236; isobaric = 1; isobaric1 = 2; layer_between_two_depths_below_surface_layer = 1; layer_between_two_depths_below_surface_layer1 = 1; height_above_ground = 1; layer_between_two_pressure_difference_from_ground_layer = 1; hybrid = 1; layer_between_two_pressure_difference_from_ground_layer1 = 1; layer_between_two_depths_below_surface_layer2 = 4; isobaric2 = 1; isobaric3 = 4; depth_below_surface = 1; isobaric4 = 1; height_above_ground1 = 1; variables: int LambertConformal_Projection; :grid_mapping_name = "lambert_conformal_conic"; :latitude_of_projection_origin = 25.000001907348633; // double :longitude_of_central_meridian = -95.00000762939453; // double :standard_parallel = 25.000001907348633; // double :earth_radius = 6367470.0; // double float x(x=185); :standard_name = "projection_x_coordinate"; :units = "km"; float y(y=129); :standard_name = "projection_y_coordinate"; :units = "km"; double time(time=236); :units = "Hour since 2011-11-30T12:00:00Z"; :standard_name = "time"; :long_name = "GRIB forecast or observation time"; :calendar = "proleptic_gregorian"; double reftime(time=236); :standard_name = "forecast_reference_time"; :long_name = "GRIB reference time"; :calendar = "proleptic_gregorian"; :units = "Hour since 2011-11-30T12:00:00Z"; double time1(time1=236); :units = "Hour since 2011-11-30T12:00:00Z"; :standard_name = "time"; :long_name = "GRIB forecast or observation time"; :calendar = "proleptic_gregorian"; :bounds = "time1_bounds"; double time1_bounds(time1=236, 2); :units = "Hour since 2011-11-30T12:00:00Z"; :long_name = "bounds for time1"; double reftime1(time1=236); :standard_name = "forecast_reference_time"; :long_name = "GRIB reference time"; :calendar = "proleptic_gregorian"; :units = "Hour since 2011-11-30T12:00:00Z"; float isobaric(isobaric=1); :units = "hPa"; :long_name = "Isobaric surface"; :positive = "down"; :Grib_level_type = 100; // int float isobaric1(isobaric1=2); :units = "hPa"; :long_name = "Isobaric surface"; :positive = "down"; :Grib_level_type = 100; // int float layer_between_two_depths_below_surface_layer(layer_between_two_depths_below_surface_layer=1); :units = "cm"; :long_name = "Layer between 2 depths below land surface"; :positive = "down"; :Grib_level_type = 112; // int :datum = "ground"; :bounds = "layer_between_two_depths_below_surface_layer_bounds"; float layer_between_two_depths_below_surface_layer_bounds(layer_between_two_depths_below_surface_layer=1, 2); :units = "cm"; :long_name = "bounds for layer_between_two_depths_below_surface_layer"; float layer_between_two_depths_below_surface_layer1(layer_between_two_depths_below_surface_layer1=1); :units = "cm"; :long_name = "Layer between 2 depths below land surface"; :positive = "down"; :Grib_level_type = 112; // int :datum = "ground"; :bounds = "layer_between_two_depths_below_surface_layer1_bounds"; float layer_between_two_depths_below_surface_layer1_bounds(layer_between_two_depths_below_surface_layer1=1, 2); :units = "cm"; :long_name = "bounds for layer_between_two_depths_below_surface_layer1"; float height_above_ground(height_above_ground=1); :units = "m"; :long_name = "Specified height level above ground"; :positive = "up"; :Grib_level_type = 105; // int :datum = "ground"; float layer_between_two_pressure_difference_from_ground_layer(layer_between_two_pressure_difference_from_ground_layer=1); :units = "hPa"; :long_name = "Layer between 2 level at pressure difference from ground to level"; :positive = "down"; :Grib_level_type = 116; // int :datum = "ground"; :bounds = "layer_between_two_pressure_difference_from_ground_layer_bounds"; float layer_between_two_pressure_difference_from_ground_layer_bounds(layer_between_two_pressure_difference_from_ground_layer=1, 2); :units = "hPa"; :long_name = "bounds for layer_between_two_pressure_difference_from_ground_layer"; float hybrid(hybrid=1); :units = ""; :long_name = "Hybrid level"; :positive = "down"; :Grib_level_type = 109; // int float layer_between_two_pressure_difference_from_ground_layer1(layer_between_two_pressure_difference_from_ground_layer1=1); :units = "hPa"; :long_name = "Layer between 2 level at pressure difference from ground to level"; :positive = "down"; :Grib_level_type = 116; // int :datum = "ground"; :bounds = "layer_between_two_pressure_difference_from_ground_layer1_bounds"; float layer_between_two_pressure_difference_from_ground_layer1_bounds(layer_between_two_pressure_difference_from_ground_layer1=1, 2); :units = "hPa"; :long_name = "bounds for layer_between_two_pressure_difference_from_ground_layer1"; float layer_between_two_depths_below_surface_layer2(layer_between_two_depths_below_surface_layer2=4); :units = "cm"; :long_name = "Layer between 2 depths below land surface"; :positive = "down"; :Grib_level_type = 112; // int :datum = "ground"; :bounds = "layer_between_two_depths_below_surface_layer2_bounds"; float layer_between_two_depths_below_surface_layer2_bounds(layer_between_two_depths_below_surface_layer2=4, 2); :units = "cm"; :long_name = "bounds for layer_between_two_depths_below_surface_layer2"; float isobaric2(isobaric2=1); :units = "hPa"; :long_name = "Isobaric surface"; :positive = "down"; :Grib_level_type = 100; // int float isobaric3(isobaric3=4); :units = "hPa"; :long_name = "Isobaric surface"; :positive = "down"; :Grib_level_type = 100; // int float depth_below_surface(depth_below_surface=1); :units = "cm"; :long_name = "Depth below land surface"; :positive = "down"; :Grib_level_type = 111; // int :datum = "ground"; float isobaric4(isobaric4=1); :units = "hPa"; :long_name = "Isobaric surface"; :positive = "down"; :Grib_level_type = 100; // int float height_above_ground1(height_above_ground1=1); :units = "m"; :long_name = "Specified height level above ground"; :positive = "up"; :Grib_level_type = 105; // int :datum = "ground"; float Land_Surface_Precipitation_Accumulation_LSPA_surface_3_Hour_Accumulation(time1=236, y=129, x=185); :long_name = "Land Surface Precipitation Accumulation LSPA (3_Hour Accumulation) @ Ground or water surface"; :units = "kg/m2"; :description = "Ozone mixing ratio"; :missing_value = NaNf; // float :grid_mapping = "LambertConformal_Projection"; :coordinates = "reftime1 time1 y x "; :Grib_Statistical_Interval_Type = "Accumulation"; :Grib_Variable_Id = "VAR_7-0-130-154_L1_I3_Hour_S4"; :Grib1_Center = 7; // int :Grib1_Subcenter = 0; // int :Grib1_TableVersion = 130; // int :Grib1_Parameter = 154; // int :Grib1_Parameter_Name = "LSPA"; :Grib1_Level_Type = 1; // int :Grib1_Level_Desc = "Ground or water surface"; :Grib1_Interval_Type = 4; // int :Grib1_Interval_Name = "Accumulation, interval = (RT + P1) to (RT + P2)"; float Pressure_surface(time=236, y=129, x=185); :long_name = "Pressure @ Ground or water surface"; :units = "Pa"; :description = "Pressure"; :missing_value = NaNf; // float :grid_mapping = "LambertConformal_Projection"; :coordinates = "reftime time y x "; :Grib_Variable_Id = "VAR_7-0-2-1_L1"; :Grib1_Center = 7; // int :Grib1_Subcenter = 0; // int :Grib1_TableVersion = 2; // int :Grib1_Parameter = 1; // int :Grib1_Parameter_Name = "PRES"; :Grib1_Level_Type = 1; // int :Grib1_Level_Desc = "Ground or water surface"; :Grib1_Interval_Type = -1; // int :Grib1_Interval_Name = "Unknown Time Range Indicator -1"; float Pressure_hybrid(time=236, hybrid=1, y=129, x=185); :long_name = "Pressure @ Hybrid level"; :units = "Pa"; :description = "Pressure"; :missing_value = NaNf; // float :grid_mapping = "LambertConformal_Projection"; :coordinates = "reftime time hybrid y x "; :Grib_Variable_Id = "VAR_7-0-2-1_L109"; :Grib1_Center = 7; // int :Grib1_Subcenter = 0; // int :Grib1_TableVersion = 2; // int :Grib1_Parameter = 1; // int :Grib1_Parameter_Name = "PRES"; :Grib1_Level_Type = 109; // int :Grib1_Level_Desc = "Hybrid level"; :Grib1_Interval_Type = -1; // int :Grib1_Interval_Name = "Unknown Time Range Indicator -1"; float Pressure_layer_between_two_pressure_difference_from_ground_layer(time=236, layer_between_two_pressure_difference_from_ground_layer1=1, y=129, x=185); :long_name = "Pressure @ Layer between 2 level at pressure difference from ground to level layer"; :units = "Pa"; :description = "Pressure"; :missing_value = NaNf; // float :grid_mapping = "LambertConformal_Projection"; :coordinates = "reftime time layer_between_two_pressure_difference_from_ground_layer1 y x "; :Grib_Variable_Id = "VAR_7-0-2-1_L116_layer"; :Grib1_Center = 7; // int :Grib1_Subcenter = 0; // int :Grib1_TableVersion = 2; // int :Grib1_Parameter = 1; // int :Grib1_Parameter_Name = "PRES"; :Grib1_Level_Type = 116; // int :Grib1_Level_Desc = "Layer between 2 level at pressure difference from ground to level"; :Grib1_Interval_Type = -1; // int :Grib1_Interval_Name = "Unknown Time Range Indicator -1"; float Temperature_surface(time=236, y=129, x=185); :long_name = "Temperature @ Ground or water surface"; :units = "K"; :description = "Temperature"; :missing_value = NaNf; // float :grid_mapping = "LambertConformal_Projection"; :coordinates = "reftime time y x "; :Grib_Variable_Id = "VAR_7-0-2-11_L1"; :Grib1_Center = 7; // int :Grib1_Subcenter = 0; // int :Grib1_TableVersion = 2; // int :Grib1_Parameter = 11; // int :Grib1_Parameter_Name = "TMP"; :Grib1_Level_Type = 1; // int :Grib1_Level_Desc = "Ground or water surface"; :Grib1_Interval_Type = -1; // int :Grib1_Interval_Name = "Unknown Time Range Indicator -1"; float Temperature_hybrid(time=236, hybrid=1, y=129, x=185); :long_name = "Temperature @ Hybrid level"; :units = "K"; :description = "Temperature"; :missing_value = NaNf; // float :grid_mapping = "LambertConformal_Projection"; :coordinates = "reftime time hybrid y x "; :Grib_Variable_Id = "VAR_7-0-2-11_L109"; :Grib1_Center = 7; // int :Grib1_Subcenter = 0; // int :Grib1_TableVersion = 2; // int :Grib1_Parameter = 11; // int :Grib1_Parameter_Name = "TMP"; :Grib1_Level_Type = 109; // int :Grib1_Level_Desc = "Hybrid level"; :Grib1_Interval_Type = -1; // int :Grib1_Interval_Name = "Unknown Time Range Indicator -1"; float Temperature_height_above_ground(time=236, height_above_ground1=1, y=129, x=185); :long_name = "Temperature @ Specified height level above ground"; :units = "K"; :description = "Temperature"; :missing_value = NaNf; // float :grid_mapping = "LambertConformal_Projection"; :coordinates = "reftime time height_above_ground1 y x "; :Grib_Variable_Id = "VAR_7-0-2-11_L105"; :Grib1_Center = 7; // int :Grib1_Subcenter = 0; // int :Grib1_TableVersion = 2; // int :Grib1_Parameter = 11; // int :Grib1_Parameter_Name = "TMP"; :Grib1_Level_Type = 105; // int :Grib1_Level_Desc = "Specified height level above ground"; :Grib1_Interval_Type = -1; // int :Grib1_Interval_Name = "Unknown Time Range Indicator -1"; float Temperature_isobaric(time=236, isobaric4=1, y=129, x=185); :long_name = "Temperature @ Isobaric surface"; :units = "K"; :description = "Temperature"; :missing_value = NaNf; // float :grid_mapping = "LambertConformal_Projection"; :coordinates = "reftime time isobaric4 y x "; :Grib_Variable_Id = "VAR_7-0-2-11_L100"; :Grib1_Center = 7; // int :Grib1_Subcenter = 0; // int :Grib1_TableVersion = 2; // int :Grib1_Parameter = 11; // int :Grib1_Parameter_Name = "TMP"; :Grib1_Level_Type = 100; // int :Grib1_Level_Desc = "Isobaric surface"; :Grib1_Interval_Type = -1; // int :Grib1_Interval_Name = "Unknown Time Range Indicator -1"; float Temperature_layer_between_two_pressure_difference_from_ground_layer(time=236, layer_between_two_pressure_difference_from_ground_layer1=1, y=129, x=185); :long_name = "Temperature @ Layer between 2 level at pressure difference from ground to level layer"; :units = "K"; :description = "Temperature"; :missing_value = NaNf; // float :grid_mapping = "LambertConformal_Projection"; :coordinates = "reftime time layer_between_two_pressure_difference_from_ground_layer1 y x "; :Grib_Variable_Id = "VAR_7-0-2-11_L116_layer"; :Grib1_Center = 7; // int :Grib1_Subcenter = 0; // int :Grib1_TableVersion = 2; // int :Grib1_Parameter = 11; // int :Grib1_Parameter_Name = "TMP"; :Grib1_Level_Type = 116; // int :Grib1_Level_Desc = "Layer between 2 level at pressure difference from ground to level"; :Grib1_Interval_Type = -1; // int :Grib1_Interval_Name = "Unknown Time Range Indicator -1"; float Latent_heat_net_flux_surface_3_Hour_Average(time1=236, y=129, x=185); :long_name = "Latent heat net flux (3_Hour Average) @ Ground or water surface"; :units = "W/m2"; :description = "Latent heat net flux"; :missing_value = NaNf; // float :grid_mapping = "LambertConformal_Projection"; :coordinates = "reftime1 time1 y x "; :Grib_Statistical_Interval_Type = "Average"; :Grib_Variable_Id = "VAR_7-0-2-121_L1_I3_Hour_S3"; :Grib1_Center = 7; // int :Grib1_Subcenter = 0; // int :Grib1_TableVersion = 2; // int :Grib1_Parameter = 121; // int :Grib1_Parameter_Name = "LHTFL"; :Grib1_Level_Type = 1; // int :Grib1_Level_Desc = "Ground or water surface"; :Grib1_Interval_Type = 3; // int :Grib1_Interval_Name = "Average, interval = (RT + P1) to (RT + P2)"; float Latent_heat_net_flux_surface(time=236, y=129, x=185); :long_name = "Latent heat net flux @ Ground or water surface"; :units = "W/m2"; :description = "Latent heat net flux"; :missing_value = NaNf; // float :grid_mapping = "LambertConformal_Projection"; :coordinates = "reftime time y x "; :Grib_Variable_Id = "VAR_7-0-2-121_L1"; :Grib1_Center = 7; // int :Grib1_Subcenter = 0; // int :Grib1_TableVersion = 2; // int :Grib1_Parameter = 121; // int :Grib1_Parameter_Name = "LHTFL"; :Grib1_Level_Type = 1; // int :Grib1_Level_Desc = "Ground or water surface"; :Grib1_Interval_Type = -1; // int :Grib1_Interval_Name = "Unknown Time Range Indicator -1"; float Sensible_heat_net_flux_surface_3_Hour_Average(time1=236, y=129, x=185); :long_name = "Sensible heat net flux (3_Hour Average) @ Ground or water surface"; :units = "W/m2"; :description = "Sensible heat net flux"; :missing_value = NaNf; // float :grid_mapping = "LambertConformal_Projection"; :coordinates = "reftime1 time1 y x "; :Grib_Statistical_Interval_Type = "Average"; :Grib_Variable_Id = "VAR_7-0-2-122_L1_I3_Hour_S3"; :Grib1_Center = 7; // int :Grib1_Subcenter = 0; // int :Grib1_TableVersion = 2; // int :Grib1_Parameter = 122; // int :Grib1_Parameter_Name = "SHTFL"; :Grib1_Level_Type = 1; // int :Grib1_Level_Desc = "Ground or water surface"; :Grib1_Interval_Type = 3; // int :Grib1_Interval_Name = "Average, interval = (RT + P1) to (RT + P2)"; float Sensible_heat_net_flux_surface(time=236, y=129, x=185); :long_name = "Sensible heat net flux @ Ground or water surface"; :units = "W/m2"; :description = "Sensible heat net flux"; :missing_value = NaNf; // float :grid_mapping = "LambertConformal_Projection"; :coordinates = "reftime time y x "; :Grib_Variable_Id = "VAR_7-0-2-122_L1"; :Grib1_Center = 7; // int :Grib1_Subcenter = 0; // int :Grib1_TableVersion = 2; // int :Grib1_Parameter = 122; // int :Grib1_Parameter_Name = "SHTFL"; :Grib1_Level_Type = 1; // int :Grib1_Level_Desc = "Ground or water surface"; :Grib1_Interval_Type = -1; // int :Grib1_Interval_Name = "Unknown Time Range Indicator -1"; float Momentum_flux_u_component_surface(time=236, y=129, x=185); :long_name = "Momentum flux u component @ Ground or water surface"; :units = "N/m2"; :description = "Momentum flux u component"; :missing_value = NaNf; // float :grid_mapping = "LambertConformal_Projection"; :coordinates = "reftime time y x "; :Grib_Variable_Id = "VAR_7-0-2-124_L1"; :Grib1_Center = 7; // int :Grib1_Subcenter = 0; // int :Grib1_TableVersion = 2; // int :Grib1_Parameter = 124; // int :Grib1_Parameter_Name = "UFLX"; :Grib1_Level_Type = 1; // int :Grib1_Level_Desc = "Ground or water surface"; :Grib1_Interval_Type = -1; // int :Grib1_Interval_Name = "Unknown Time Range Indicator -1"; float Momentum_flux_v_component_surface(time=236, y=129, x=185); :long_name = "Momentum flux v component @ Ground or water surface"; :units = "N/m2"; :description = "Momentum flux v component"; :missing_value = NaNf; // float :grid_mapping = "LambertConformal_Projection"; :coordinates = "reftime time y x "; :Grib_Variable_Id = "VAR_7-0-2-125_L1"; :Grib1_Center = 7; // int :Grib1_Subcenter = 0; // int :Grib1_TableVersion = 2; // int :Grib1_Parameter = 125; // int :Grib1_Parameter_Name = "VFLX"; :Grib1_Level_Type = 1; // int :Grib1_Level_Desc = "Ground or water surface"; :Grib1_Interval_Type = -1; // int :Grib1_Interval_Name = "Unknown Time Range Indicator -1"; float Mean_Sea_Level_Pressure_NAM_Model_Reduction_msl(time=236, y=129, x=185); :long_name = "Mean Sea Level Pressure NAM Model Reduction @ Mean sea level"; :units = "Pa"; :description = "Mean Sea Level Pressure NAM Model Reduction"; :missing_value = NaNf; // float :grid_mapping = "LambertConformal_Projection"; :coordinates = "reftime time y x "; :Grib_Variable_Id = "VAR_7-0-2-130_L102"; :Grib1_Center = 7; // int :Grib1_Subcenter = 0; // int :Grib1_TableVersion = 2; // int :Grib1_Parameter = 130; // int :Grib1_Parameter_Name = "MSLET"; :Grib1_Level_Type = 102; // int :Grib1_Level_Desc = "Mean sea level"; :Grib1_Interval_Type = -1; // int :Grib1_Interval_Name = "Unknown Time Range Indicator -1"; float Best_4_layer_lifted_index_layer_between_two_pressure_difference_from_ground_layer(time=236, layer_between_two_pressure_difference_from_ground_layer=1, y=129, x=185); :long_name = "Best 4 layer lifted index @ Layer between 2 level at pressure difference from ground to level layer"; :units = "K"; :description = "Best 4 layer lifted index"; :missing_value = NaNf; // float :grid_mapping = "LambertConformal_Projection"; :coordinates = "reftime time layer_between_two_pressure_difference_from_ground_layer y x "; :Grib_Variable_Id = "VAR_7-0-2-132_L116_layer"; :Grib1_Center = 7; // int :Grib1_Subcenter = 0; // int :Grib1_TableVersion = 2; // int :Grib1_Parameter = 132; // int :Grib1_Parameter_Name = "4LFTX"; :Grib1_Level_Type = 116; // int :Grib1_Level_Desc = "Layer between 2 level at pressure difference from ground to level"; :Grib1_Interval_Type = -1; // int :Grib1_Interval_Name = "Unknown Time Range Indicator -1"; float Horizontal_moisture_divergence_isobaric(time=236, isobaric4=1, y=129, x=185); :long_name = "Horizontal moisture divergence @ Isobaric surface"; :units = "kg/kg/s"; :description = "Horizontal moisture divergence"; :missing_value = NaNf; // float :grid_mapping = "LambertConformal_Projection"; :coordinates = "reftime time isobaric4 y x "; :Grib_Variable_Id = "VAR_7-0-2-135_L100"; :Grib1_Center = 7; // int :Grib1_Subcenter = 0; // int :Grib1_TableVersion = 2; // int :Grib1_Parameter = 135; // int :Grib1_Parameter_Name = "MCONV"; :Grib1_Level_Type = 100; // int :Grib1_Level_Desc = "Isobaric surface"; :Grib1_Interval_Type = -1; // int :Grib1_Interval_Name = "Unknown Time Range Indicator -1"; float Categorical_rain_yes1_no0_surface(time=236, y=129, x=185); :long_name = "Categorical rain yes1 no0 @ Ground or water surface"; :units = "non-dim"; :description = "Categorical rain yes1 no0"; :missing_value = NaNf; // float :grid_mapping = "LambertConformal_Projection"; :coordinates = "reftime time y x "; :Grib_Variable_Id = "VAR_7-0-2-140_L1"; :Grib1_Center = 7; // int :Grib1_Subcenter = 0; // int :Grib1_TableVersion = 2; // int :Grib1_Parameter = 140; // int :Grib1_Parameter_Name = "CRAIN"; :Grib1_Level_Type = 1; // int :Grib1_Level_Desc = "Ground or water surface"; :Grib1_Interval_Type = -1; // int :Grib1_Interval_Name = "Unknown Time Range Indicator -1"; float Categorical_freezing_rain_yes1_no0_surface(time=236, y=129, x=185); :long_name = "Categorical freezing rain yes1 no0 @ Ground or water surface"; :units = "non-dim"; :description = "Categorical freezing rain yes1 no0"; :missing_value = NaNf; // float :grid_mapping = "LambertConformal_Projection"; :coordinates = "reftime time y x "; :Grib_Variable_Id = "VAR_7-0-2-141_L1"; :Grib1_Center = 7; // int :Grib1_Subcenter = 0; // int :Grib1_TableVersion = 2; // int :Grib1_Parameter = 141; // int :Grib1_Parameter_Name = "CFRZR"; :Grib1_Level_Type = 1; // int :Grib1_Level_Desc = "Ground or water surface"; :Grib1_Interval_Type = -1; // int :Grib1_Interval_Name = "Unknown Time Range Indicator -1"; float Categorical_ice_pellets_yes1_no0_surface(time=236, y=129, x=185); :long_name = "Categorical ice pellets yes1 no0 @ Ground or water surface"; :units = "non-dim"; :description = "Categorical ice pellets yes1 no0"; :missing_value = NaNf; // float :grid_mapping = "LambertConformal_Projection"; :coordinates = "reftime time y x "; :Grib_Variable_Id = "VAR_7-0-2-142_L1"; :Grib1_Center = 7; // int :Grib1_Subcenter = 0; // int :Grib1_TableVersion = 2; // int :Grib1_Parameter = 142; // int :Grib1_Parameter_Name = "CICEP"; :Grib1_Level_Type = 1; // int :Grib1_Level_Desc = "Ground or water surface"; :Grib1_Interval_Type = -1; // int :Grib1_Interval_Name = "Unknown Time Range Indicator -1"; float Categorical_snow_yes1_no0_surface(time=236, y=129, x=185); :long_name = "Categorical snow yes1 no0 @ Ground or water surface"; :units = "non-dim"; :description = "Categorical snow yes1 no0"; :missing_value = NaNf; // float :grid_mapping = "LambertConformal_Projection"; :coordinates = "reftime time y x "; :Grib_Variable_Id = "VAR_7-0-2-143_L1"; :Grib1_Center = 7; // int :Grib1_Subcenter = 0; // int :Grib1_TableVersion = 2; // int :Grib1_Parameter = 143; // int :Grib1_Parameter_Name = "CSNOW"; :Grib1_Level_Type = 1; // int :Grib1_Level_Desc = "Ground or water surface"; :Grib1_Interval_Type = -1; // int :Grib1_Interval_Name = "Unknown Time Range Indicator -1"; float Volumetric_soil_moisture_content_layer_between_two_depths_below_surface_layer(time=236, layer_between_two_depths_below_surface_layer2=4, y=129, x=185); :long_name = "Volumetric soil moisture content @ Layer between 2 depths below land surface layer"; :units = "fraction"; :description = "Volumetric soil moisture content"; :missing_value = NaNf; // float :grid_mapping = "LambertConformal_Projection"; :coordinates = "reftime time layer_between_two_depths_below_surface_layer2 y x "; :Grib_Variable_Id = "VAR_7-0-2-144_L112_layer"; :Grib1_Center = 7; // int :Grib1_Subcenter = 0; // int :Grib1_TableVersion = 2; // int :Grib1_Parameter = 144; // int :Grib1_Parameter_Name = "SOILW"; :Grib1_Level_Type = 112; // int :Grib1_Level_Desc = "Layer between 2 depths below land surface"; :Grib1_Interval_Type = -1; // int :Grib1_Interval_Name = "Unknown Time Range Indicator -1"; float Ground_Heat_Flux_surface_3_Hour_Average(time1=236, y=129, x=185); :long_name = "Ground Heat Flux (3_Hour Average) @ Ground or water surface"; :units = "W/m2"; :description = "Ground Heat Flux"; :missing_value = NaNf; // float :grid_mapping = "LambertConformal_Projection"; :coordinates = "reftime1 time1 y x "; :Grib_Statistical_Interval_Type = "Average"; :Grib_Variable_Id = "VAR_7-0-2-155_L1_I3_Hour_S3"; :Grib1_Center = 7; // int :Grib1_Subcenter = 0; // int :Grib1_TableVersion = 2; // int :Grib1_Parameter = 155; // int :Grib1_Parameter_Name = "GFLUX"; :Grib1_Level_Type = 1; // int :Grib1_Level_Desc = "Ground or water surface"; :Grib1_Interval_Type = 3; // int :Grib1_Interval_Name = "Average, interval = (RT + P1) to (RT + P2)"; float Convective_inhibition_surface(time=236, y=129, x=185); :long_name = "Convective inhibition @ Ground or water surface"; :units = "J/kg"; :description = "Convective inhibition"; :missing_value = NaNf; // float :grid_mapping = "LambertConformal_Projection"; :coordinates = "reftime time y x "; :Grib_Variable_Id = "VAR_7-0-2-156_L1"; :Grib1_Center = 7; // int :Grib1_Subcenter = 0; // int :Grib1_TableVersion = 2; // int :Grib1_Parameter = 156; // int :Grib1_Parameter_Name = "CIN"; :Grib1_Level_Type = 1; // int :Grib1_Level_Desc = "Ground or water surface"; :Grib1_Interval_Type = -1; // int :Grib1_Interval_Name = "Unknown Time Range Indicator -1"; float Convective_inhibition_layer_between_two_pressure_difference_from_ground_layer(time=236, layer_between_two_pressure_difference_from_ground_layer=1, y=129, x=185); :long_name = "Convective inhibition @ Layer between 2 level at pressure difference from ground to level layer"; :units = "J/kg"; :description = "Convective inhibition"; :missing_value = NaNf; // float :grid_mapping = "LambertConformal_Projection"; :coordinates = "reftime time layer_between_two_pressure_difference_from_ground_layer y x "; :Grib_Variable_Id = "VAR_7-0-2-156_L116_layer"; :Grib1_Center = 7; // int :Grib1_Subcenter = 0; // int :Grib1_TableVersion = 2; // int :Grib1_Parameter = 156; // int :Grib1_Parameter_Name = "CIN"; :Grib1_Level_Type = 116; // int :Grib1_Level_Desc = "Layer between 2 level at pressure difference from ground to level"; :Grib1_Interval_Type = -1; // int :Grib1_Interval_Name = "Unknown Time Range Indicator -1"; float Convective_Available_Potential_Energy_surface(time=236, y=129, x=185); :long_name = "Convective Available Potential Energy @ Ground or water surface"; :units = "J/kg"; :description = "Convective Available Potential Energy"; :missing_value = NaNf; // float :grid_mapping = "LambertConformal_Projection"; :coordinates = "reftime time y x "; :Grib_Variable_Id = "VAR_7-0-2-157_L1"; :Grib1_Center = 7; // int :Grib1_Subcenter = 0; // int :Grib1_TableVersion = 2; // int :Grib1_Parameter = 157; // int :Grib1_Parameter_Name = "CAPE"; :Grib1_Level_Type = 1; // int :Grib1_Level_Desc = "Ground or water surface"; :Grib1_Interval_Type = -1; // int :Grib1_Interval_Name = "Unknown Time Range Indicator -1"; float Convective_Available_Potential_Energy_layer_between_two_pressure_difference_from_ground_layer(time=236, layer_between_two_pressure_difference_from_ground_layer=1, y=129, x=185); :long_name = "Convective Available Potential Energy @ Layer between 2 level at pressure difference from ground to level layer"; :units = "J/kg"; :description = "Convective Available Potential Energy"; :missing_value = NaNf; // float :grid_mapping = "LambertConformal_Projection"; :coordinates = "reftime time layer_between_two_pressure_difference_from_ground_layer y x "; :Grib_Variable_Id = "VAR_7-0-2-157_L116_layer"; :Grib1_Center = 7; // int :Grib1_Subcenter = 0; // int :Grib1_TableVersion = 2; // int :Grib1_Parameter = 157; // int :Grib1_Parameter_Name = "CAPE"; :Grib1_Level_Type = 116; // int :Grib1_Level_Desc = "Layer between 2 level at pressure difference from ground to level"; :Grib1_Interval_Type = -1; // int :Grib1_Interval_Name = "Unknown Time Range Indicator -1"; float downward_short_wave_rad_flux_surface_3_Hour_Average(time1=236, y=129, x=185); :long_name = "downward short wave rad flux (3_Hour Average) @ Ground or water surface"; :units = "W/m2"; :description = "downward short wave rad flux"; :missing_value = NaNf; // float :grid_mapping = "LambertConformal_Projection"; :coordinates = "reftime1 time1 y x "; :Grib_Statistical_Interval_Type = "Average"; :Grib_Variable_Id = "VAR_7-0-2-204_L1_I3_Hour_S3"; :Grib1_Center = 7; // int :Grib1_Subcenter = 0; // int :Grib1_TableVersion = 2; // int :Grib1_Parameter = 204; // int :Grib1_Parameter_Name = "DSWRF"; :Grib1_Level_Type = 1; // int :Grib1_Level_Desc = "Ground or water surface"; :Grib1_Interval_Type = 3; // int :Grib1_Interval_Name = "Average, interval = (RT + P1) to (RT + P2)"; float downward_short_wave_rad_flux_surface(time=236, y=129, x=185); :long_name = "downward short wave rad flux @ Ground or water surface"; :units = "W/m2"; :description = "downward short wave rad flux"; :missing_value = NaNf; // float :grid_mapping = "LambertConformal_Projection"; :coordinates = "reftime time y x "; :Grib_Variable_Id = "VAR_7-0-2-204_L1"; :Grib1_Center = 7; // int :Grib1_Subcenter = 0; // int :Grib1_TableVersion = 2; // int :Grib1_Parameter = 204; // int :Grib1_Parameter_Name = "DSWRF"; :Grib1_Level_Type = 1; // int :Grib1_Level_Desc = "Ground or water surface"; :Grib1_Interval_Type = -1; // int :Grib1_Interval_Name = "Unknown Time Range Indicator -1"; float downward_long_wave_rad_flux_surface_3_Hour_Average(time1=236, y=129, x=185); :long_name = "downward long wave rad flux (3_Hour Average) @ Ground or water surface"; :units = "W/m2"; :description = "downward long wave rad flux"; :missing_value = NaNf; // float :grid_mapping = "LambertConformal_Projection"; :coordinates = "reftime1 time1 y x "; :Grib_Statistical_Interval_Type = "Average"; :Grib_Variable_Id = "VAR_7-0-2-205_L1_I3_Hour_S3"; :Grib1_Center = 7; // int :Grib1_Subcenter = 0; // int :Grib1_TableVersion = 2; // int :Grib1_Parameter = 205; // int :Grib1_Parameter_Name = "DLWRF"; :Grib1_Level_Type = 1; // int :Grib1_Level_Desc = "Ground or water surface"; :Grib1_Interval_Type = 3; // int :Grib1_Interval_Name = "Average, interval = (RT + P1) to (RT + P2)"; float downward_long_wave_rad_flux_surface(time=236, y=129, x=185); :long_name = "downward long wave rad flux @ Ground or water surface"; :units = "W/m2"; :description = "downward long wave rad flux"; :missing_value = NaNf; // float :grid_mapping = "LambertConformal_Projection"; :coordinates = "reftime time y x "; :Grib_Variable_Id = "VAR_7-0-2-205_L1"; :Grib1_Center = 7; // int :Grib1_Subcenter = 0; // int :Grib1_TableVersion = 2; // int :Grib1_Parameter = 205; // int :Grib1_Parameter_Name = "DLWRF"; :Grib1_Level_Type = 1; // int :Grib1_Level_Desc = "Ground or water surface"; :Grib1_Interval_Type = -1; // int :Grib1_Interval_Name = "Unknown Time Range Indicator -1"; float Moisture_availability_layer_between_two_depths_below_surface_layer(time=236, layer_between_two_depths_below_surface_layer=1, y=129, x=185); :long_name = "Moisture availability @ Layer between 2 depths below land surface layer"; :units = "%"; :description = "Moisture availability"; :missing_value = NaNf; // float :grid_mapping = "LambertConformal_Projection"; :coordinates = "reftime time layer_between_two_depths_below_surface_layer y x "; :Grib_Variable_Id = "VAR_7-0-2-207_L112_layer"; :Grib1_Center = 7; // int :Grib1_Subcenter = 0; // int :Grib1_TableVersion = 2; // int :Grib1_Parameter = 207; // int :Grib1_Parameter_Name = "MSTAV"; :Grib1_Level_Type = 112; // int :Grib1_Level_Desc = "Layer between 2 depths below land surface"; :Grib1_Interval_Type = -1; // int :Grib1_Interval_Name = "Unknown Time Range Indicator -1"; float Exchange_coefficient_surface(time=236, y=129, x=185); :long_name = "Exchange coefficient @ Ground or water surface"; :units = "(kg/m3)(m/s)"; :description = "Exchange coefficient"; :missing_value = NaNf; // float :grid_mapping = "LambertConformal_Projection"; :coordinates = "reftime time y x "; :Grib_Variable_Id = "VAR_7-0-2-208_L1"; :Grib1_Center = 7; // int :Grib1_Subcenter = 0; // int :Grib1_TableVersion = 2; // int :Grib1_Parameter = 208; // int :Grib1_Parameter_Name = "SFEXC"; :Grib1_Level_Type = 1; // int :Grib1_Level_Desc = "Ground or water surface"; :Grib1_Interval_Type = -1; // int :Grib1_Interval_Name = "Unknown Time Range Indicator -1"; float upward_short_wave_rad_flux_surface_3_Hour_Average(time1=236, y=129, x=185); :long_name = "upward short wave rad flux (3_Hour Average) @ Ground or water surface"; :units = "W/m2"; :description = "upward short wave rad flux"; :missing_value = NaNf; // float :grid_mapping = "LambertConformal_Projection"; :coordinates = "reftime1 time1 y x "; :Grib_Statistical_Interval_Type = "Average"; :Grib_Variable_Id = "VAR_7-0-2-211_L1_I3_Hour_S3"; :Grib1_Center = 7; // int :Grib1_Subcenter = 0; // int :Grib1_TableVersion = 2; // int :Grib1_Parameter = 211; // int :Grib1_Parameter_Name = "USWRF"; :Grib1_Level_Type = 1; // int :Grib1_Level_Desc = "Ground or water surface"; :Grib1_Interval_Type = 3; // int :Grib1_Interval_Name = "Average, interval = (RT + P1) to (RT + P2)"; float upward_short_wave_rad_flux_atmosphere_top_3_Hour_Average(time1=236, y=129, x=185); :long_name = "upward short wave rad flux (3_Hour Average) @ Nominal top of the atmosphere"; :units = "W/m2"; :description = "upward short wave rad flux"; :missing_value = NaNf; // float :grid_mapping = "LambertConformal_Projection"; :coordinates = "reftime1 time1 y x "; :Grib_Statistical_Interval_Type = "Average"; :Grib_Variable_Id = "VAR_7-0-2-211_L8_I3_Hour_S3"; :Grib1_Center = 7; // int :Grib1_Subcenter = 0; // int :Grib1_TableVersion = 2; // int :Grib1_Parameter = 211; // int :Grib1_Parameter_Name = "USWRF"; :Grib1_Level_Type = 8; // int :Grib1_Level_Desc = "Nominal top of the atmosphere"; :Grib1_Interval_Type = 3; // int :Grib1_Interval_Name = "Average, interval = (RT + P1) to (RT + P2)"; float upward_short_wave_rad_flux_surface(time=236, y=129, x=185); :long_name = "upward short wave rad flux @ Ground or water surface"; :units = "W/m2"; :description = "upward short wave rad flux"; :missing_value = NaNf; // float :grid_mapping = "LambertConformal_Projection"; :coordinates = "reftime time y x "; :Grib_Variable_Id = "VAR_7-0-2-211_L1"; :Grib1_Center = 7; // int :Grib1_Subcenter = 0; // int :Grib1_TableVersion = 2; // int :Grib1_Parameter = 211; // int :Grib1_Parameter_Name = "USWRF"; :Grib1_Level_Type = 1; // int :Grib1_Level_Desc = "Ground or water surface"; :Grib1_Interval_Type = -1; // int :Grib1_Interval_Name = "Unknown Time Range Indicator -1"; float upward_long_wave_rad_flux_surface_3_Hour_Average(time1=236, y=129, x=185); :long_name = "upward long wave rad flux (3_Hour Average) @ Ground or water surface"; :units = "W/m2"; :description = "upward long wave rad flux"; :missing_value = NaNf; // float :grid_mapping = "LambertConformal_Projection"; :coordinates = "reftime1 time1 y x "; :Grib_Statistical_Interval_Type = "Average"; :Grib_Variable_Id = "VAR_7-0-2-212_L1_I3_Hour_S3"; :Grib1_Center = 7; // int :Grib1_Subcenter = 0; // int :Grib1_TableVersion = 2; // int :Grib1_Parameter = 212; // int :Grib1_Parameter_Name = "ULWRF"; :Grib1_Level_Type = 1; // int :Grib1_Level_Desc = "Ground or water surface"; :Grib1_Interval_Type = 3; // int :Grib1_Interval_Name = "Average, interval = (RT + P1) to (RT + P2)"; float upward_long_wave_rad_flux_atmosphere_top_3_Hour_Average(time1=236, y=129, x=185); :long_name = "upward long wave rad flux (3_Hour Average) @ Nominal top of the atmosphere"; :units = "W/m2"; :description = "upward long wave rad flux"; :missing_value = NaNf; // float :grid_mapping = "LambertConformal_Projection"; :coordinates = "reftime1 time1 y x "; :Grib_Statistical_Interval_Type = "Average"; :Grib_Variable_Id = "VAR_7-0-2-212_L8_I3_Hour_S3"; :Grib1_Center = 7; // int :Grib1_Subcenter = 0; // int :Grib1_TableVersion = 2; // int :Grib1_Parameter = 212; // int :Grib1_Parameter_Name = "ULWRF"; :Grib1_Level_Type = 8; // int :Grib1_Level_Desc = "Nominal top of the atmosphere"; :Grib1_Interval_Type = 3; // int :Grib1_Interval_Name = "Average, interval = (RT + P1) to (RT + P2)"; float upward_long_wave_rad_flux_surface(time=236, y=129, x=185); :long_name = "upward long wave rad flux @ Ground or water surface"; :units = "W/m2"; :description = "upward long wave rad flux"; :missing_value = NaNf; // float :grid_mapping = "LambertConformal_Projection"; :coordinates = "reftime time y x "; :Grib_Variable_Id = "VAR_7-0-2-212_L1"; :Grib1_Center = 7; // int :Grib1_Subcenter = 0; // int :Grib1_TableVersion = 2; // int :Grib1_Parameter = 212; // int :Grib1_Parameter_Name = "ULWRF"; :Grib1_Level_Type = 1; // int :Grib1_Level_Desc = "Ground or water surface"; :Grib1_Interval_Type = -1; // int :Grib1_Interval_Name = "Unknown Time Range Indicator -1"; float Plant_canopy_surface_water_surface(time=236, y=129, x=185); :long_name = "Plant canopy surface water @ Ground or water surface"; :units = "kg/m2"; :description = "Plant canopy surface water"; :missing_value = NaNf; // float :grid_mapping = "LambertConformal_Projection"; :coordinates = "reftime time y x "; :Grib_Variable_Id = "VAR_7-0-2-223_L1"; :Grib1_Center = 7; // int :Grib1_Subcenter = 0; // int :Grib1_TableVersion = 2; // int :Grib1_Parameter = 223; // int :Grib1_Parameter_Name = "CNWAT"; :Grib1_Level_Type = 1; // int :Grib1_Level_Desc = "Ground or water surface"; :Grib1_Interval_Type = -1; // int :Grib1_Interval_Name = "Unknown Time Range Indicator -1"; float Potential_evaporation_surface_3_Hour_Accumulation(time1=236, y=129, x=185); :long_name = "Potential evaporation (3_Hour Accumulation) @ Ground or water surface"; :units = "kg/m2"; :description = "Potential evaporation"; :missing_value = NaNf; // float :grid_mapping = "LambertConformal_Projection"; :coordinates = "reftime1 time1 y x "; :Grib_Statistical_Interval_Type = "Accumulation"; :Grib_Variable_Id = "VAR_7-0-2-228_L1_I3_Hour_S4"; :Grib1_Center = 7; // int :Grib1_Subcenter = 0; // int :Grib1_TableVersion = 2; // int :Grib1_Parameter = 228; // int :Grib1_Parameter_Name = "PEVAP"; :Grib1_Level_Type = 1; // int :Grib1_Level_Desc = "Ground or water surface"; :Grib1_Interval_Type = 4; // int :Grib1_Interval_Name = "Accumulation, interval = (RT + P1) to (RT + P2)"; float Snow_phase-change_heat_flux_surface_3_Hour_Average(time1=236, y=129, x=185); :long_name = "Snow phase-change heat flux (3_Hour Average) @ Ground or water surface"; :units = "W/m2"; :description = "Snow phase-change heat flux"; :missing_value = NaNf; // float :grid_mapping = "LambertConformal_Projection"; :coordinates = "reftime1 time1 y x "; :Grib_Statistical_Interval_Type = "Average"; :Grib_Variable_Id = "VAR_7-0-2-229_L1_I3_Hour_S3"; :Grib1_Center = 7; // int :Grib1_Subcenter = 0; // int :Grib1_TableVersion = 2; // int :Grib1_Parameter = 229; // int :Grib1_Parameter_Name = "SNOHF"; :Grib1_Level_Type = 1; // int :Grib1_Level_Desc = "Ground or water surface"; :Grib1_Interval_Type = 3; // int :Grib1_Interval_Name = "Average, interval = (RT + P1) to (RT + P2)"; float Baseflow-groundwater_runoff_surface_3_Hour_Accumulation(time1=236, y=129, x=185); :long_name = "Baseflow-groundwater runoff (3_Hour Accumulation) @ Ground or water surface"; :units = "kg/m2"; :description = "Baseflow-groundwater runoff"; :missing_value = NaNf; // float :grid_mapping = "LambertConformal_Projection"; :coordinates = "reftime1 time1 y x "; :Grib_Statistical_Interval_Type = "Accumulation"; :Grib_Variable_Id = "VAR_7-0-2-234_L1_I3_Hour_S4"; :Grib1_Center = 7; // int :Grib1_Subcenter = 0; // int :Grib1_TableVersion = 2; // int :Grib1_Parameter = 234; // int :Grib1_Parameter_Name = "BGRUN"; :Grib1_Level_Type = 1; // int :Grib1_Level_Desc = "Ground or water surface"; :Grib1_Interval_Type = 4; // int :Grib1_Interval_Name = "Accumulation, interval = (RT + P1) to (RT + P2)"; float Storm_surface_runoff_surface_3_Hour_Accumulation(time1=236, y=129, x=185); :long_name = "Storm surface runoff (3_Hour Accumulation) @ Ground or water surface"; :units = "kg/m2"; :description = "Storm surface runoff"; :missing_value = NaNf; // float :grid_mapping = "LambertConformal_Projection"; :coordinates = "reftime1 time1 y x "; :Grib_Statistical_Interval_Type = "Accumulation"; :Grib_Variable_Id = "VAR_7-0-2-235_L1_I3_Hour_S4"; :Grib1_Center = 7; // int :Grib1_Subcenter = 0; // int :Grib1_TableVersion = 2; // int :Grib1_Parameter = 235; // int :Grib1_Parameter_Name = "SSRUN"; :Grib1_Level_Type = 1; // int :Grib1_Level_Desc = "Ground or water surface"; :Grib1_Interval_Type = 4; // int :Grib1_Interval_Name = "Accumulation, interval = (RT + P1) to (RT + P2)"; float Drag_coefficient_surface(time=236, y=129, x=185); :long_name = "Drag coefficient @ Ground or water surface"; :units = "non-dim"; :description = "Drag coefficient"; :missing_value = NaNf; // float :grid_mapping = "LambertConformal_Projection"; :coordinates = "reftime time y x "; :Grib_Variable_Id = "VAR_7-0-2-252_L1"; :Grib1_Center = 7; // int :Grib1_Subcenter = 0; // int :Grib1_TableVersion = 2; // int :Grib1_Parameter = 252; // int :Grib1_Parameter_Name = "CD"; :Grib1_Level_Type = 1; // int :Grib1_Level_Desc = "Ground or water surface"; :Grib1_Interval_Type = -1; // int :Grib1_Interval_Name = "Unknown Time Range Indicator -1"; float Friction_velocity_surface(time=236, y=129, x=185); :long_name = "Friction velocity @ Ground or water surface"; :units = "m/s"; :description = "Friction velocity"; :missing_value = NaNf; // float :grid_mapping = "LambertConformal_Projection"; :coordinates = "reftime time y x "; :Grib_Variable_Id = "VAR_7-0-2-253_L1"; :Grib1_Center = 7; // int :Grib1_Subcenter = 0; // int :Grib1_TableVersion = 2; // int :Grib1_Parameter = 253; // int :Grib1_Parameter_Name = "FRICV"; :Grib1_Level_Type = 1; // int :Grib1_Level_Desc = "Ground or water surface"; :Grib1_Interval_Type = -1; // int :Grib1_Interval_Name = "Unknown Time Range Indicator -1"; float u-component_of_wind_hybrid(time=236, hybrid=1, y=129, x=185); :long_name = "u-component of wind @ Hybrid level"; :units = "m/s"; :description = "u-component of wind"; :missing_value = NaNf; // float :grid_mapping = "LambertConformal_Projection"; :coordinates = "reftime time hybrid y x "; :Grib_Variable_Id = "VAR_7-0-2-33_L109"; :Grib1_Center = 7; // int :Grib1_Subcenter = 0; // int :Grib1_TableVersion = 2; // int :Grib1_Parameter = 33; // int :Grib1_Parameter_Name = "UGRD"; :Grib1_Level_Type = 109; // int :Grib1_Level_Desc = "Hybrid level"; :Grib1_Interval_Type = -1; // int :Grib1_Interval_Name = "Unknown Time Range Indicator -1"; float u-component_of_wind_height_above_ground(time=236, height_above_ground=1, y=129, x=185); :long_name = "u-component of wind @ Specified height level above ground"; :units = "m/s"; :description = "u-component of wind"; :missing_value = NaNf; // float :grid_mapping = "LambertConformal_Projection"; :coordinates = "reftime time height_above_ground y x "; :Grib_Variable_Id = "VAR_7-0-2-33_L105"; :Grib1_Center = 7; // int :Grib1_Subcenter = 0; // int :Grib1_TableVersion = 2; // int :Grib1_Parameter = 33; // int :Grib1_Parameter_Name = "UGRD"; :Grib1_Level_Type = 105; // int :Grib1_Level_Desc = "Specified height level above ground"; :Grib1_Interval_Type = -1; // int :Grib1_Interval_Name = "Unknown Time Range Indicator -1"; float u-component_of_wind_isobaric(time=236, isobaric1=2, y=129, x=185); :long_name = "u-component of wind @ Isobaric surface"; :units = "m/s"; :description = "u-component of wind"; :missing_value = NaNf; // float :grid_mapping = "LambertConformal_Projection"; :coordinates = "reftime time isobaric1 y x "; :Grib_Variable_Id = "VAR_7-0-2-33_L100"; :Grib1_Center = 7; // int :Grib1_Subcenter = 0; // int :Grib1_TableVersion = 2; // int :Grib1_Parameter = 33; // int :Grib1_Parameter_Name = "UGRD"; :Grib1_Level_Type = 100; // int :Grib1_Level_Desc = "Isobaric surface"; :Grib1_Interval_Type = -1; // int :Grib1_Interval_Name = "Unknown Time Range Indicator -1"; float u-component_of_wind_layer_between_two_pressure_difference_from_ground_layer(time=236, layer_between_two_pressure_difference_from_ground_layer1=1, y=129, x=185); :long_name = "u-component of wind @ Layer between 2 level at pressure difference from ground to level layer"; :units = "m/s"; :description = "u-component of wind"; :missing_value = NaNf; // float :grid_mapping = "LambertConformal_Projection"; :coordinates = "reftime time layer_between_two_pressure_difference_from_ground_layer1 y x "; :Grib_Variable_Id = "VAR_7-0-2-33_L116_layer"; :Grib1_Center = 7; // int :Grib1_Subcenter = 0; // int :Grib1_TableVersion = 2; // int :Grib1_Parameter = 33; // int :Grib1_Parameter_Name = "UGRD"; :Grib1_Level_Type = 116; // int :Grib1_Level_Desc = "Layer between 2 level at pressure difference from ground to level"; :Grib1_Interval_Type = -1; // int :Grib1_Interval_Name = "Unknown Time Range Indicator -1"; float v-component_of_wind_hybrid(time=236, hybrid=1, y=129, x=185); :long_name = "v-component of wind @ Hybrid level"; :units = "m/s"; :description = "v-component of wind"; :missing_value = NaNf; // float :grid_mapping = "LambertConformal_Projection"; :coordinates = "reftime time hybrid y x "; :Grib_Variable_Id = "VAR_7-0-2-34_L109"; :Grib1_Center = 7; // int :Grib1_Subcenter = 0; // int :Grib1_TableVersion = 2; // int :Grib1_Parameter = 34; // int :Grib1_Parameter_Name = "VGRD"; :Grib1_Level_Type = 109; // int :Grib1_Level_Desc = "Hybrid level"; :Grib1_Interval_Type = -1; // int :Grib1_Interval_Name = "Unknown Time Range Indicator -1"; float v-component_of_wind_height_above_ground(time=236, height_above_ground=1, y=129, x=185); :long_name = "v-component of wind @ Specified height level above ground"; :units = "m/s"; :description = "v-component of wind"; :missing_value = NaNf; // float :grid_mapping = "LambertConformal_Projection"; :coordinates = "reftime time height_above_ground y x "; :Grib_Variable_Id = "VAR_7-0-2-34_L105"; :Grib1_Center = 7; // int :Grib1_Subcenter = 0; // int :Grib1_TableVersion = 2; // int :Grib1_Parameter = 34; // int :Grib1_Parameter_Name = "VGRD"; :Grib1_Level_Type = 105; // int :Grib1_Level_Desc = "Specified height level above ground"; :Grib1_Interval_Type = -1; // int :Grib1_Interval_Name = "Unknown Time Range Indicator -1"; float v-component_of_wind_isobaric(time=236, isobaric1=2, y=129, x=185); :long_name = "v-component of wind @ Isobaric surface"; :units = "m/s"; :description = "v-component of wind"; :missing_value = NaNf; // float :grid_mapping = "LambertConformal_Projection"; :coordinates = "reftime time isobaric1 y x "; :Grib_Variable_Id = "VAR_7-0-2-34_L100"; :Grib1_Center = 7; // int :Grib1_Subcenter = 0; // int :Grib1_TableVersion = 2; // int :Grib1_Parameter = 34; // int :Grib1_Parameter_Name = "VGRD"; :Grib1_Level_Type = 100; // int :Grib1_Level_Desc = "Isobaric surface"; :Grib1_Interval_Type = -1; // int :Grib1_Interval_Name = "Unknown Time Range Indicator -1"; float v-component_of_wind_layer_between_two_pressure_difference_from_ground_layer(time=236, layer_between_two_pressure_difference_from_ground_layer1=1, y=129, x=185); :long_name = "v-component of wind @ Layer between 2 level at pressure difference from ground to level layer"; :units = "m/s"; :description = "v-component of wind"; :missing_value = NaNf; // float :grid_mapping = "LambertConformal_Projection"; :coordinates = "reftime time layer_between_two_pressure_difference_from_ground_layer1 y x "; :Grib_Variable_Id = "VAR_7-0-2-34_L116_layer"; :Grib1_Center = 7; // int :Grib1_Subcenter = 0; // int :Grib1_TableVersion = 2; // int :Grib1_Parameter = 34; // int :Grib1_Parameter_Name = "VGRD"; :Grib1_Level_Type = 116; // int :Grib1_Level_Desc = "Layer between 2 level at pressure difference from ground to level"; :Grib1_Interval_Type = -1; // int :Grib1_Interval_Name = "Unknown Time Range Indicator -1"; float Vertical_velocity_pressure_isobaric(time=236, isobaric=1, y=129, x=185); :long_name = "Vertical velocity pressure @ Isobaric surface"; :units = "Pa/s"; :description = "Vertical velocity pressure"; :missing_value = NaNf; // float :grid_mapping = "LambertConformal_Projection"; :coordinates = "reftime time isobaric y x "; :Grib_Variable_Id = "VAR_7-0-2-39_L100"; :Grib1_Center = 7; // int :Grib1_Subcenter = 0; // int :Grib1_TableVersion = 2; // int :Grib1_Parameter = 39; // int :Grib1_Parameter_Name = "VVEL"; :Grib1_Level_Type = 100; // int :Grib1_Level_Desc = "Isobaric surface"; :Grib1_Interval_Type = -1; // int :Grib1_Interval_Name = "Unknown Time Range Indicator -1"; float Absolute_vorticity_isobaric(time=236, isobaric2=1, y=129, x=185); :long_name = "Absolute vorticity @ Isobaric surface"; :units = "/s"; :description = "Absolute vorticity"; :missing_value = NaNf; // float :grid_mapping = "LambertConformal_Projection"; :coordinates = "reftime time isobaric2 y x "; :Grib_Variable_Id = "VAR_7-0-2-41_L100"; :Grib1_Center = 7; // int :Grib1_Subcenter = 0; // int :Grib1_TableVersion = 2; // int :Grib1_Parameter = 41; // int :Grib1_Parameter_Name = "ABSV"; :Grib1_Level_Type = 100; // int :Grib1_Level_Desc = "Isobaric surface"; :Grib1_Interval_Type = -1; // int :Grib1_Interval_Name = "Unknown Time Range Indicator -1"; float Specific_humidity_hybrid(time=236, hybrid=1, y=129, x=185); :long_name = "Specific humidity @ Hybrid level"; :units = "kg/kg"; :description = "Specific humidity"; :missing_value = NaNf; // float :grid_mapping = "LambertConformal_Projection"; :coordinates = "reftime time hybrid y x "; :Grib_Variable_Id = "VAR_7-0-2-51_L109"; :Grib1_Center = 7; // int :Grib1_Subcenter = 0; // int :Grib1_TableVersion = 2; // int :Grib1_Parameter = 51; // int :Grib1_Parameter_Name = "SPFH"; :Grib1_Level_Type = 109; // int :Grib1_Level_Desc = "Hybrid level"; :Grib1_Interval_Type = -1; // int :Grib1_Interval_Name = "Unknown Time Range Indicator -1"; float Specific_humidity_height_above_ground(time=236, height_above_ground1=1, y=129, x=185); :long_name = "Specific humidity @ Specified height level above ground"; :units = "kg/kg"; :description = "Specific humidity"; :missing_value = NaNf; // float :grid_mapping = "LambertConformal_Projection"; :coordinates = "reftime time height_above_ground1 y x "; :Grib_Variable_Id = "VAR_7-0-2-51_L105"; :Grib1_Center = 7; // int :Grib1_Subcenter = 0; // int :Grib1_TableVersion = 2; // int :Grib1_Parameter = 51; // int :Grib1_Parameter_Name = "SPFH"; :Grib1_Level_Type = 105; // int :Grib1_Level_Desc = "Specified height level above ground"; :Grib1_Interval_Type = -1; // int :Grib1_Interval_Name = "Unknown Time Range Indicator -1"; float Specific_humidity_isobaric(time=236, isobaric4=1, y=129, x=185); :long_name = "Specific humidity @ Isobaric surface"; :units = "kg/kg"; :description = "Specific humidity"; :missing_value = NaNf; // float :grid_mapping = "LambertConformal_Projection"; :coordinates = "reftime time isobaric4 y x "; :Grib_Variable_Id = "VAR_7-0-2-51_L100"; :Grib1_Center = 7; // int :Grib1_Subcenter = 0; // int :Grib1_TableVersion = 2; // int :Grib1_Parameter = 51; // int :Grib1_Parameter_Name = "SPFH"; :Grib1_Level_Type = 100; // int :Grib1_Level_Desc = "Isobaric surface"; :Grib1_Interval_Type = -1; // int :Grib1_Interval_Name = "Unknown Time Range Indicator -1"; float Specific_humidity_layer_between_two_pressure_difference_from_ground_layer(time=236, layer_between_two_pressure_difference_from_ground_layer1=1, y=129, x=185); :long_name = "Specific humidity @ Layer between 2 level at pressure difference from ground to level layer"; :units = "kg/kg"; :description = "Specific humidity"; :missing_value = NaNf; // float :grid_mapping = "LambertConformal_Projection"; :coordinates = "reftime time layer_between_two_pressure_difference_from_ground_layer1 y x "; :Grib_Variable_Id = "VAR_7-0-2-51_L116_layer"; :Grib1_Center = 7; // int :Grib1_Subcenter = 0; // int :Grib1_TableVersion = 2; // int :Grib1_Parameter = 51; // int :Grib1_Parameter_Name = "SPFH"; :Grib1_Level_Type = 116; // int :Grib1_Level_Desc = "Layer between 2 level at pressure difference from ground to level"; :Grib1_Interval_Type = -1; // int :Grib1_Interval_Name = "Unknown Time Range Indicator -1"; float Precipitable_water_entire_atmosphere(time=236, y=129, x=185); :long_name = "Precipitable water @ Entire atmosphere (considered as a single layer)"; :units = "kg/m2"; :description = "Precipitable water"; :missing_value = NaNf; // float :grid_mapping = "LambertConformal_Projection"; :coordinates = "reftime time y x "; :Grib_Variable_Id = "VAR_7-0-2-54_L200"; :Grib1_Center = 7; // int :Grib1_Subcenter = 0; // int :Grib1_TableVersion = 2; // int :Grib1_Parameter = 54; // int :Grib1_Parameter_Name = "PWAT"; :Grib1_Level_Type = 200; // int :Grib1_Level_Desc = "Entire atmosphere (considered as a single layer)"; :Grib1_Interval_Type = -1; // int :Grib1_Interval_Name = "Unknown Time Range Indicator -1"; float Evaporation_surface_3_Hour_Accumulation(time1=236, y=129, x=185); :long_name = "Evaporation (3_Hour Accumulation) @ Ground or water surface"; :units = "kg/m2"; :description = "Evaporation"; :missing_value = NaNf; // float :grid_mapping = "LambertConformal_Projection"; :coordinates = "reftime1 time1 y x "; :Grib_Statistical_Interval_Type = "Accumulation"; :Grib_Variable_Id = "VAR_7-0-2-57_L1_I3_Hour_S4"; :Grib1_Center = 7; // int :Grib1_Subcenter = 0; // int :Grib1_TableVersion = 2; // int :Grib1_Parameter = 57; // int :Grib1_Parameter_Name = "EVP"; :Grib1_Level_Type = 1; // int :Grib1_Level_Desc = "Ground or water surface"; :Grib1_Interval_Type = 4; // int :Grib1_Interval_Name = "Accumulation, interval = (RT + P1) to (RT + P2)"; float Total_precipitation_surface_3_Hour_Accumulation(time1=236, y=129, x=185); :long_name = "Total precipitation (3_Hour Accumulation) @ Ground or water surface"; :units = "kg/m2"; :description = "Total precipitation"; :missing_value = NaNf; // float :grid_mapping = "LambertConformal_Projection"; :coordinates = "reftime1 time1 y x "; :Grib_Statistical_Interval_Type = "Accumulation"; :Grib_Variable_Id = "VAR_7-0-2-61_L1_I3_Hour_S4"; :Grib1_Center = 7; // int :Grib1_Subcenter = 0; // int :Grib1_TableVersion = 2; // int :Grib1_Parameter = 61; // int :Grib1_Parameter_Name = "APCP"; :Grib1_Level_Type = 1; // int :Grib1_Level_Desc = "Ground or water surface"; :Grib1_Interval_Type = 4; // int :Grib1_Interval_Name = "Accumulation, interval = (RT + P1) to (RT + P2)"; float Convective_precipitation_surface_3_Hour_Accumulation(time1=236, y=129, x=185); :long_name = "Convective precipitation (3_Hour Accumulation) @ Ground or water surface"; :units = "kg/m2"; :description = "Convective precipitation"; :missing_value = NaNf; // float :grid_mapping = "LambertConformal_Projection"; :coordinates = "reftime1 time1 y x "; :Grib_Statistical_Interval_Type = "Accumulation"; :Grib_Variable_Id = "VAR_7-0-2-63_L1_I3_Hour_S4"; :Grib1_Center = 7; // int :Grib1_Subcenter = 0; // int :Grib1_TableVersion = 2; // int :Grib1_Parameter = 63; // int :Grib1_Parameter_Name = "ACPCP"; :Grib1_Level_Type = 1; // int :Grib1_Level_Desc = "Ground or water surface"; :Grib1_Interval_Type = 4; // int :Grib1_Interval_Name = "Accumulation, interval = (RT + P1) to (RT + P2)"; float Water_equiv_of_accum_snow_depth_surface_3_Hour_Accumulation(time1=236, y=129, x=185); :long_name = "Water equiv of accum snow depth (3_Hour Accumulation) @ Ground or water surface"; :units = "kg/m2"; :description = "Water equiv of accum snow depth"; :missing_value = NaNf; // float :grid_mapping = "LambertConformal_Projection"; :coordinates = "reftime1 time1 y x "; :Grib_Statistical_Interval_Type = "Accumulation"; :Grib_Variable_Id = "VAR_7-0-2-65_L1_I3_Hour_S4"; :Grib1_Center = 7; // int :Grib1_Subcenter = 0; // int :Grib1_TableVersion = 2; // int :Grib1_Parameter = 65; // int :Grib1_Parameter_Name = "WEASD"; :Grib1_Level_Type = 1; // int :Grib1_Level_Desc = "Ground or water surface"; :Grib1_Interval_Type = 4; // int :Grib1_Interval_Name = "Accumulation, interval = (RT + P1) to (RT + P2)"; float Water_equiv_of_accum_snow_depth_surface(time=236, y=129, x=185); :long_name = "Water equiv of accum snow depth @ Ground or water surface"; :units = "kg/m2"; :description = "Water equiv of accum snow depth"; :missing_value = NaNf; // float :grid_mapping = "LambertConformal_Projection"; :coordinates = "reftime time y x "; :Grib_Variable_Id = "VAR_7-0-2-65_L1"; :Grib1_Center = 7; // int :Grib1_Subcenter = 0; // int :Grib1_TableVersion = 2; // int :Grib1_Parameter = 65; // int :Grib1_Parameter_Name = "WEASD"; :Grib1_Level_Type = 1; // int :Grib1_Level_Desc = "Ground or water surface"; :Grib1_Interval_Type = -1; // int :Grib1_Interval_Name = "Unknown Time Range Indicator -1"; float Geopotential_height_zeroDegC_isotherm(time=236, y=129, x=185); :long_name = "Geopotential height @ Level of 0deg C isotherm"; :units = "gpm"; :description = "Geopotential height"; :missing_value = NaNf; // float :grid_mapping = "LambertConformal_Projection"; :coordinates = "reftime time y x "; :Grib_Variable_Id = "VAR_7-0-2-7_L4"; :Grib1_Center = 7; // int :Grib1_Subcenter = 0; // int :Grib1_TableVersion = 2; // int :Grib1_Parameter = 7; // int :Grib1_Parameter_Name = "HGT"; :Grib1_Level_Type = 4; // int :Grib1_Level_Desc = "Level of 0deg C isotherm"; :Grib1_Interval_Type = -1; // int :Grib1_Interval_Name = "Unknown Time Range Indicator -1"; float Geopotential_height_surface(time=236, y=129, x=185); :long_name = "Geopotential height @ Ground or water surface"; :units = "gpm"; :description = "Geopotential height"; :missing_value = NaNf; // float :grid_mapping = "LambertConformal_Projection"; :coordinates = "reftime time y x "; :Grib_Variable_Id = "VAR_7-0-2-7_L1"; :Grib1_Center = 7; // int :Grib1_Subcenter = 0; // int :Grib1_TableVersion = 2; // int :Grib1_Parameter = 7; // int :Grib1_Parameter_Name = "HGT"; :Grib1_Level_Type = 1; // int :Grib1_Level_Desc = "Ground or water surface"; :Grib1_Interval_Type = -1; // int :Grib1_Interval_Name = "Unknown Time Range Indicator -1"; float Geopotential_height_hybrid(time=236, hybrid=1, y=129, x=185); :long_name = "Geopotential height @ Hybrid level"; :units = "gpm"; :description = "Geopotential height"; :missing_value = NaNf; // float :grid_mapping = "LambertConformal_Projection"; :coordinates = "reftime time hybrid y x "; :Grib_Variable_Id = "VAR_7-0-2-7_L109"; :Grib1_Center = 7; // int :Grib1_Subcenter = 0; // int :Grib1_TableVersion = 2; // int :Grib1_Parameter = 7; // int :Grib1_Parameter_Name = "HGT"; :Grib1_Level_Type = 109; // int :Grib1_Level_Desc = "Hybrid level"; :Grib1_Interval_Type = -1; // int :Grib1_Interval_Name = "Unknown Time Range Indicator -1"; float Geopotential_height_isobaric(time=236, isobaric3=4, y=129, x=185); :long_name = "Geopotential height @ Isobaric surface"; :units = "gpm"; :description = "Geopotential height"; :missing_value = NaNf; // float :grid_mapping = "LambertConformal_Projection"; :coordinates = "reftime time isobaric3 y x "; :Grib_Variable_Id = "VAR_7-0-2-7_L100"; :Grib1_Center = 7; // int :Grib1_Subcenter = 0; // int :Grib1_TableVersion = 2; // int :Grib1_Parameter = 7; // int :Grib1_Parameter_Name = "HGT"; :Grib1_Level_Type = 100; // int :Grib1_Level_Desc = "Isobaric surface"; :Grib1_Interval_Type = -1; // int :Grib1_Interval_Name = "Unknown Time Range Indicator -1"; float Total_cloud_cover_entire_atmosphere(time=236, y=129, x=185); :long_name = "Total cloud cover @ Entire atmosphere (considered as a single layer)"; :units = "%"; :description = "Total cloud cover"; :missing_value = NaNf; // float :grid_mapping = "LambertConformal_Projection"; :coordinates = "reftime time y x "; :Grib_Variable_Id = "VAR_7-0-2-71_L200"; :Grib1_Center = 7; // int :Grib1_Subcenter = 0; // int :Grib1_TableVersion = 2; // int :Grib1_Parameter = 71; // int :Grib1_Parameter_Name = "TCDC"; :Grib1_Level_Type = 200; // int :Grib1_Level_Desc = "Entire atmosphere (considered as a single layer)"; :Grib1_Interval_Type = -1; // int :Grib1_Interval_Name = "Unknown Time Range Indicator -1"; float Total_cloud_cover_entire_atmosphere_3_Hour_Average(time1=236, y=129, x=185); :long_name = "Total cloud cover (3_Hour Average) @ Entire atmosphere (considered as a single layer)"; :units = "%"; :description = "Total cloud cover"; :missing_value = NaNf; // float :grid_mapping = "LambertConformal_Projection"; :coordinates = "reftime1 time1 y x "; :Grib_Statistical_Interval_Type = "Average"; :Grib_Variable_Id = "VAR_7-0-2-71_L200_I3_Hour_S3"; :Grib1_Center = 7; // int :Grib1_Subcenter = 0; // int :Grib1_TableVersion = 2; // int :Grib1_Parameter = 71; // int :Grib1_Parameter_Name = "TCDC"; :Grib1_Level_Type = 200; // int :Grib1_Level_Desc = "Entire atmosphere (considered as a single layer)"; :Grib1_Interval_Type = 3; // int :Grib1_Interval_Name = "Average, interval = (RT + P1) to (RT + P2)"; float Low_cloud_cover_LCY(time=236, y=129, x=185); :long_name = "Low cloud cover @ Low cloud layer"; :units = "%"; :description = "Low cloud cover"; :missing_value = NaNf; // float :grid_mapping = "LambertConformal_Projection"; :coordinates = "reftime time y x "; :Grib_Variable_Id = "VAR_7-0-2-73_L214"; :Grib1_Center = 7; // int :Grib1_Subcenter = 0; // int :Grib1_TableVersion = 2; // int :Grib1_Parameter = 73; // int :Grib1_Parameter_Name = "LCDC"; :Grib1_Level_Type = 214; // int :Grib1_Level_Desc = "Low cloud layer"; :Grib1_Interval_Type = -1; // int :Grib1_Interval_Name = "Unknown Time Range Indicator -1"; float Medium_cloud_cover_MCY(time=236, y=129, x=185); :long_name = "Medium cloud cover @ Middle cloud layer"; :units = "%"; :description = "Medium cloud cover"; :missing_value = NaNf; // float :grid_mapping = "LambertConformal_Projection"; :coordinates = "reftime time y x "; :Grib_Variable_Id = "VAR_7-0-2-74_L224"; :Grib1_Center = 7; // int :Grib1_Subcenter = 0; // int :Grib1_TableVersion = 2; // int :Grib1_Parameter = 74; // int :Grib1_Parameter_Name = "MCDC"; :Grib1_Level_Type = 224; // int :Grib1_Level_Desc = "Middle cloud layer"; :Grib1_Interval_Type = -1; // int :Grib1_Interval_Name = "Unknown Time Range Indicator -1"; float High_cloud_cover_HCY(time=236, y=129, x=185); :long_name = "High cloud cover @ High cloud layer"; :units = "%"; :description = "High cloud cover"; :missing_value = NaNf; // float :grid_mapping = "LambertConformal_Projection"; :coordinates = "reftime time y x "; :Grib_Variable_Id = "VAR_7-0-2-75_L234"; :Grib1_Center = 7; // int :Grib1_Subcenter = 0; // int :Grib1_TableVersion = 2; // int :Grib1_Parameter = 75; // int :Grib1_Parameter_Name = "HCDC"; :Grib1_Level_Type = 234; // int :Grib1_Level_Desc = "High cloud layer"; :Grib1_Interval_Type = -1; // int :Grib1_Interval_Name = "Unknown Time Range Indicator -1"; float Land_cover_land1_sea0_surface(time=236, y=129, x=185); :long_name = "Land cover land1 sea0 @ Ground or water surface"; :units = "proportion"; :description = "Land cover land1 sea0"; :missing_value = NaNf; // float :grid_mapping = "LambertConformal_Projection"; :coordinates = "reftime time y x "; :Grib_Variable_Id = "VAR_7-0-2-81_L1"; :Grib1_Center = 7; // int :Grib1_Subcenter = 0; // int :Grib1_TableVersion = 2; // int :Grib1_Parameter = 81; // int :Grib1_Parameter_Name = "LAND"; :Grib1_Level_Type = 1; // int :Grib1_Level_Desc = "Ground or water surface"; :Grib1_Interval_Type = -1; // int :Grib1_Interval_Name = "Unknown Time Range Indicator -1"; float Albedo_surface(time=236, y=129, x=185); :long_name = "Albedo @ Ground or water surface"; :units = "%"; :description = "Albedo"; :missing_value = NaNf; // float :grid_mapping = "LambertConformal_Projection"; :coordinates = "reftime time y x "; :Grib_Variable_Id = "VAR_7-0-2-84_L1"; :Grib1_Center = 7; // int :Grib1_Subcenter = 0; // int :Grib1_TableVersion = 2; // int :Grib1_Parameter = 84; // int :Grib1_Parameter_Name = "ALBDO"; :Grib1_Level_Type = 1; // int :Grib1_Level_Desc = "Ground or water surface"; :Grib1_Interval_Type = -1; // int :Grib1_Interval_Name = "Unknown Time Range Indicator -1"; float Soil_temperature_depth_below_surface(time=236, depth_below_surface=1, y=129, x=185); :long_name = "Soil temperature @ Depth below land surface"; :units = "K"; :description = "Soil temperature"; :missing_value = NaNf; // float :grid_mapping = "LambertConformal_Projection"; :coordinates = "reftime time depth_below_surface y x "; :Grib_Variable_Id = "VAR_7-0-2-85_L111"; :Grib1_Center = 7; // int :Grib1_Subcenter = 0; // int :Grib1_TableVersion = 2; // int :Grib1_Parameter = 85; // int :Grib1_Parameter_Name = "TSOIL"; :Grib1_Level_Type = 111; // int :Grib1_Level_Desc = "Depth below land surface"; :Grib1_Interval_Type = -1; // int :Grib1_Interval_Name = "Unknown Time Range Indicator -1"; float Soil_temperature_layer_between_two_depths_below_surface_layer(time=236, layer_between_two_depths_below_surface_layer2=4, y=129, x=185); :long_name = "Soil temperature @ Layer between 2 depths below land surface layer"; :units = "K"; :description = "Soil temperature"; :missing_value = NaNf; // float :grid_mapping = "LambertConformal_Projection"; :coordinates = "reftime time layer_between_two_depths_below_surface_layer2 y x "; :Grib_Variable_Id = "VAR_7-0-2-85_L112_layer"; :Grib1_Center = 7; // int :Grib1_Subcenter = 0; // int :Grib1_TableVersion = 2; // int :Grib1_Parameter = 85; // int :Grib1_Parameter_Name = "TSOIL"; :Grib1_Level_Type = 112; // int :Grib1_Level_Desc = "Layer between 2 depths below land surface"; :Grib1_Interval_Type = -1; // int :Grib1_Interval_Name = "Unknown Time Range Indicator -1"; float Soil_moisture_content_layer_between_two_depths_below_surface_layer(time=236, layer_between_two_depths_below_surface_layer1=1, y=129, x=185); :long_name = "Soil moisture content @ Layer between 2 depths below land surface layer"; :units = "kg/m2"; :description = "Soil moisture content"; :missing_value = NaNf; // float :grid_mapping = "LambertConformal_Projection"; :coordinates = "reftime time layer_between_two_depths_below_surface_layer1 y x "; :Grib_Variable_Id = "VAR_7-0-2-86_L112_layer"; :Grib1_Center = 7; // int :Grib1_Subcenter = 0; // int :Grib1_TableVersion = 2; // int :Grib1_Parameter = 86; // int :Grib1_Parameter_Name = "SOILM"; :Grib1_Level_Type = 112; // int :Grib1_Level_Desc = "Layer between 2 depths below land surface"; :Grib1_Interval_Type = -1; // int :Grib1_Interval_Name = "Unknown Time Range Indicator -1"; float Vegetation_surface(time=236, y=129, x=185); :long_name = "Vegetation @ Ground or water surface"; :units = "%"; :description = "Vegetation"; :missing_value = NaNf; // float :grid_mapping = "LambertConformal_Projection"; :coordinates = "reftime time y x "; :Grib_Variable_Id = "VAR_7-0-2-87_L1"; :Grib1_Center = 7; // int :Grib1_Subcenter = 0; // int :Grib1_TableVersion = 2; // int :Grib1_Parameter = 87; // int :Grib1_Parameter_Name = "VEG"; :Grib1_Level_Type = 1; // int :Grib1_Level_Desc = "Ground or water surface"; :Grib1_Interval_Type = -1; // int :Grib1_Interval_Name = "Unknown Time Range Indicator -1"; float Ice_cover_ice1_no_ice0_surface(time=236, y=129, x=185); :long_name = "Ice cover ice1 no ice0 @ Ground or water surface"; :units = "proportion"; :description = "Ice cover ice1 no ice0"; :missing_value = NaNf; // float :grid_mapping = "LambertConformal_Projection"; :coordinates = "reftime time y x "; :Grib_Variable_Id = "VAR_7-0-2-91_L1"; :Grib1_Center = 7; // int :Grib1_Subcenter = 0; // int :Grib1_TableVersion = 2; // int :Grib1_Parameter = 91; // int :Grib1_Parameter_Name = "ICEC"; :Grib1_Level_Type = 1; // int :Grib1_Level_Desc = "Ground or water surface"; :Grib1_Interval_Type = -1; // int :Grib1_Interval_Name = "Unknown Time Range Indicator -1"; float Snow_melt_surface_3_Hour_Accumulation(time1=236, y=129, x=185); :long_name = "Snow melt (3_Hour Accumulation) @ Ground or water surface"; :units = "kg/m2"; :description = "Snow melt"; :missing_value = NaNf; // float :grid_mapping = "LambertConformal_Projection"; :coordinates = "reftime1 time1 y x "; :Grib_Statistical_Interval_Type = "Accumulation"; :Grib_Variable_Id = "VAR_7-0-2-99_L1_I3_Hour_S4"; :Grib1_Center = 7; // int :Grib1_Subcenter = 0; // int :Grib1_TableVersion = 2; // int :Grib1_Parameter = 99; // int :Grib1_Parameter_Name = "SNOM"; :Grib1_Level_Type = 1; // int :Grib1_Level_Desc = "Ground or water surface"; :Grib1_Interval_Type = 4; // int :Grib1_Interval_Name = "Accumulation, interval = (RT + P1) to (RT + P2)"; // global attributes: :Originating_or_generating_Center = "US National Weather Service, National Centres for Environmental Prediction (NCEP)"; :Originating_or_generating_Subcenter = "0"; :GRIB_table_version = "0,130"; :Generating_process_or_model = "MESO NAM Model (currently 12 km)"; :file_format = "GRIB-1"; :Conventions = "CF-1.6"; :history = "Read using CDM IOSP GribCollection v3"; :featureType = "GRID"; }