netcdf files/g/d627001/ { dimensions: lon = 512; lat = 256; reftime = 1; time = 1; isentrope = 15; variables: int GaussianLatLon_Projection; :grid_mapping_name = "latitude_longitude"; :earth_radius = 6367470.0; // double float lat(lat=256); :units = "degrees_north"; :gaussian_lats = "true"; float lon(lon=512); :units = "degrees_east"; double reftime; :units = "Hour since 2004-05-01T00:00:00Z"; :standard_name = "forecast_reference_time"; :long_name = "GRIB reference time"; :calendar = "proleptic_gregorian"; double time(time=1); :units = "Hour since 2004-05-01T00:00:00Z"; :standard_name = "time"; :long_name = "GRIB forecast or observation time"; :calendar = "proleptic_gregorian"; :bounds = "time_bounds"; double time_bounds(time=1, 2); :units = "Hour since 2004-05-01T00:00:00Z"; :long_name = "bounds for time"; float isentrope(isentrope=15); :units = "K"; :long_name = "Isentropic theta level"; :positive = "down"; :Grib_level_type = 113; // int float Specific_humidity_isentrope_744_Hour_Average(time=1, isentrope=15, lat=256, lon=512); :long_name = "Specific humidity (744_Hour Average) @ Isentropic theta level"; :units = "kg kg**-1"; :missing_value = NaNf; // float :grid_mapping = "GaussianLatLon_Projection"; :coordinates = "reftime time isentrope lat lon "; :Grib_Statistical_Interval_Type = "Average"; :Grib_Variable_Id = "VAR_98-0-128-133_L113_I744_Hour_S123"; :Grib1_Center = 98; // int :Grib1_Subcenter = 0; // int :Grib1_TableVersion = 128; // int :Grib1_Parameter = 133; // int :Grib1_Parameter_Name = "q"; :Grib1_Level_Type = 113; // int :Grib1_Level_Desc = "Isentropic theta level"; :Grib1_Interval_Type = 123; // int :Grib1_Interval_Name = "Average of N uninitialized analyses, intervals = (refTime, refTime + i * P2)"; float Vorticity_relative_isentrope_744_Hour_Average(time=1, isentrope=15, lat=256, lon=512); :long_name = "Vorticity relative (744_Hour Average) @ Isentropic theta level"; :units = "s**-1"; :missing_value = NaNf; // float :grid_mapping = "GaussianLatLon_Projection"; :coordinates = "reftime time isentrope lat lon "; :Grib_Statistical_Interval_Type = "Average"; :Grib_Variable_Id = "VAR_98-0-128-138_L113_I744_Hour_S123"; :Grib1_Center = 98; // int :Grib1_Subcenter = 0; // int :Grib1_TableVersion = 128; // int :Grib1_Parameter = 138; // int :Grib1_Parameter_Name = "vo"; :Grib1_Level_Type = 113; // int :Grib1_Level_Desc = "Isentropic theta level"; :Grib1_Interval_Type = 123; // int :Grib1_Interval_Name = "Average of N uninitialized analyses, intervals = (refTime, refTime + i * P2)"; float Divergence_isentrope_744_Hour_Average(time=1, isentrope=15, lat=256, lon=512); :long_name = "Divergence (744_Hour Average) @ Isentropic theta level"; :units = "s**-1"; :missing_value = NaNf; // float :grid_mapping = "GaussianLatLon_Projection"; :coordinates = "reftime time isentrope lat lon "; :Grib_Statistical_Interval_Type = "Average"; :Grib_Variable_Id = "VAR_98-0-128-155_L113_I744_Hour_S123"; :Grib1_Center = 98; // int :Grib1_Subcenter = 0; // int :Grib1_TableVersion = 128; // int :Grib1_Parameter = 155; // int :Grib1_Parameter_Name = "d"; :Grib1_Level_Type = 113; // int :Grib1_Level_Desc = "Isentropic theta level"; :Grib1_Interval_Type = 123; // int :Grib1_Interval_Name = "Average of N uninitialized analyses, intervals = (refTime, refTime + i * P2)"; float Ozone_mass_mixing_ratio_isentrope_744_Hour_Average(time=1, isentrope=15, lat=256, lon=512); :long_name = "Ozone mass mixing ratio (744_Hour Average) @ Isentropic theta level"; :units = "kg kg**-1"; :missing_value = NaNf; // float :grid_mapping = "GaussianLatLon_Projection"; :coordinates = "reftime time isentrope lat lon "; :Grib_Statistical_Interval_Type = "Average"; :Grib_Variable_Id = "VAR_98-0-128-203_L113_I744_Hour_S123"; :Grib1_Center = 98; // int :Grib1_Subcenter = 0; // int :Grib1_TableVersion = 128; // int :Grib1_Parameter = 203; // int :Grib1_Parameter_Name = "o3"; :Grib1_Level_Type = 113; // int :Grib1_Level_Desc = "Isentropic theta level"; :Grib1_Interval_Type = 123; // int :Grib1_Interval_Name = "Average of N uninitialized analyses, intervals = (refTime, refTime + i * P2)"; float Montgomery_potential_isentrope_744_Hour_Average(time=1, isentrope=15, lat=256, lon=512); :long_name = "Montgomery potential (744_Hour Average) @ Isentropic theta level"; :units = "m**2 s**-2"; :description = "Humidity mixing ratio"; :missing_value = NaNf; // float :grid_mapping = "GaussianLatLon_Projection"; :coordinates = "reftime time isentrope lat lon "; :Grib_Statistical_Interval_Type = "Average"; :Grib_Variable_Id = "VAR_98-0-128-53_L113_I744_Hour_S123"; :Grib1_Center = 98; // int :Grib1_Subcenter = 0; // int :Grib1_TableVersion = 128; // int :Grib1_Parameter = 53; // int :Grib1_Parameter_Name = "mont"; :Grib1_Level_Type = 113; // int :Grib1_Level_Desc = "Isentropic theta level"; :Grib1_Interval_Type = 123; // int :Grib1_Interval_Name = "Average of N uninitialized analyses, intervals = (refTime, refTime + i * P2)"; float Pressure_isentrope_744_Hour_Average(time=1, isentrope=15, lat=256, lon=512); :long_name = "Pressure (744_Hour Average) @ Isentropic theta level"; :units = "Pa"; :description = "Precipitable water"; :missing_value = NaNf; // float :grid_mapping = "GaussianLatLon_Projection"; :coordinates = "reftime time isentrope lat lon "; :Grib_Statistical_Interval_Type = "Average"; :Grib_Variable_Id = "VAR_98-0-128-54_L113_I744_Hour_S123"; :Grib1_Center = 98; // int :Grib1_Subcenter = 0; // int :Grib1_TableVersion = 128; // int :Grib1_Parameter = 54; // int :Grib1_Parameter_Name = "pres"; :Grib1_Level_Type = 113; // int :Grib1_Level_Desc = "Isentropic theta level"; :Grib1_Interval_Type = 123; // int :Grib1_Interval_Name = "Average of N uninitialized analyses, intervals = (refTime, refTime + i * P2)"; float Potential_vorticity_isentrope_744_Hour_Average(time=1, isentrope=15, lat=256, lon=512); :long_name = "Potential vorticity (744_Hour Average) @ Isentropic theta level"; :units = "K m**2 kg**-1 s**-1"; :description = "Thunderstorm probability"; :missing_value = NaNf; // float :grid_mapping = "GaussianLatLon_Projection"; :coordinates = "reftime time isentrope lat lon "; :Grib_Statistical_Interval_Type = "Average"; :Grib_Variable_Id = "VAR_98-0-128-60_L113_I744_Hour_S123"; :Grib1_Center = 98; // int :Grib1_Subcenter = 0; // int :Grib1_TableVersion = 128; // int :Grib1_Parameter = 60; // int :Grib1_Parameter_Name = "pv"; :Grib1_Level_Type = 113; // int :Grib1_Level_Desc = "Isentropic theta level"; :Grib1_Interval_Type = 123; // int :Grib1_Interval_Name = "Average of N uninitialized analyses, intervals = (refTime, refTime + i * P2)"; // global attributes: :Originating_or_generating_Center = "European Centre for Medium Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) (RSMC)"; :Originating_or_generating_Subcenter = "0"; :GRIB_table_version = "0,128"; :file_format = "GRIB-1"; :Conventions = "CF-1.6"; :history = "Read using CDM IOSP GribCollection v3"; :featureType = "GRID"; }