netcdf files/g/d631001/asr15.anl.2D/ { dimensions: Time = UNLIMITED; // (8 currently) south_north = 720; west_east = 720; soil_layers_stag = 4; ncl4 = 8; variables: double Time(Time=8); :long_name = "Time"; :units = "hours since 1901-01-01 00:00:00"; :calendar = "standard"; :_ChunkSizes = 524288U; // uint int DateTime(Time=8); :long_name = "Date and Time"; :units = "1"; :_ChunkSizes = 1U; // uint float LU_INDEX(Time=8, south_north=720, west_east=720); :long_name = "LAND USE CATEGORY"; :FieldType = 104; // int :MemoryOrder = "XY "; :units = "1"; :stagger = ""; :coordinates = "XLONG XLAT"; :_ChunkSizes = 1U, 720U, 720U; // uint float PSFC(Time=8, south_north=720, west_east=720); :long_name = "SFC PRESSURE"; :FieldType = 104; // int :MemoryOrder = "XY "; :units = "Pa"; :stagger = ""; :coordinates = "XLONG XLAT"; :_ChunkSizes = 1U, 720U, 720U; // uint float LANDMASK(Time=8, south_north=720, west_east=720); :long_name = "LAND MASK (1 FOR LAND, 0 FOR WATER)"; :FieldType = 104; // int :MemoryOrder = "XY "; :units = "1"; :stagger = ""; :coordinates = "XLONG XLAT"; :_ChunkSizes = 1U, 720U, 720U; // uint float SNOALB(Time=8, south_north=720, west_east=720); :long_name = "ANNUAL MAX SNOW ALBEDO IN FRACTION"; :MemoryOrder = "XY "; :units = "1.0"; :stagger = ""; :coordinates = "XLONG XLAT"; :FieldType = 104; // int :_ChunkSizes = 1U, 720U, 720U; // uint float TSLB(Time=8, soil_layers_stag=4, south_north=720, west_east=720); :long_name = "SOIL TEMPERATURE"; :FieldType = 104; // int :MemoryOrder = "XYZ"; :units = "K"; :stagger = "Z"; :coordinates = "XLONG XLAT"; :_ChunkSizes = 1U, 2U, 360U, 360U; // uint float SMOIS(Time=8, soil_layers_stag=4, south_north=720, west_east=720); :long_name = "SOIL MOISTURE"; :FieldType = 104; // int :MemoryOrder = "XYZ"; :units = "m3 m-3"; :stagger = "Z"; :coordinates = "XLONG XLAT"; :_ChunkSizes = 1U, 2U, 360U, 360U; // uint float SH2O(Time=8, soil_layers_stag=4, south_north=720, west_east=720); :long_name = "SOIL LIQUID WATER"; :FieldType = 104; // int :MemoryOrder = "XYZ"; :units = "m3 m-3"; :stagger = "Z"; :coordinates = "XLONG XLAT"; :_ChunkSizes = 1U, 2U, 360U, 360U; // uint float SEAICE(Time=8, south_north=720, west_east=720); :long_name = "SEA ICE FLAG"; :FieldType = 104; // int :MemoryOrder = "XY "; :units = "1.0"; :stagger = ""; :coordinates = "XLONG XLAT"; :_ChunkSizes = 1U, 720U, 720U; // uint float ICEDEPTH(Time=8, south_north=720, west_east=720); :long_name = "SEA ICE THICKNESS"; :FieldType = 104; // int :MemoryOrder = "XY "; :units = "m"; :stagger = ""; :coordinates = "XLONG XLAT"; :_ChunkSizes = 1U, 720U, 720U; // uint float ALBSI(Time=8, south_north=720, west_east=720); :long_name = "ALBEDO OF SEA ICE"; :FieldType = 104; // int :MemoryOrder = "XY "; :units = "1.0"; :stagger = ""; :coordinates = "XLONG XLAT"; :_ChunkSizes = 1U, 720U, 720U; // uint int IVGTYP(Time=8, south_north=720, west_east=720); :long_name = "DOMINANT VEGETATION CATEGORY"; :FieldType = 106; // int :MemoryOrder = "XY "; :units = "1"; :stagger = ""; :coordinates = "XLONG XLAT"; :_ChunkSizes = 1U, 720U, 720U; // uint int ISLTYP(Time=8, south_north=720, west_east=720); :long_name = "DOMINANT SOIL CATEGORY"; :FieldType = 106; // int :MemoryOrder = "XY "; :units = "1"; :stagger = ""; :coordinates = "XLONG XLAT"; :_ChunkSizes = 1U, 720U, 720U; // uint float VEGFRA(Time=8, south_north=720, west_east=720); :long_name = "VEGETATION FRACTION"; :FieldType = 104; // int :MemoryOrder = "XY "; :units = "%"; :stagger = ""; :coordinates = "XLONG XLAT"; :_ChunkSizes = 1U, 720U, 720U; // uint float SNOW(Time=8, south_north=720, west_east=720); :long_name = "SNOW WATER EQUIVALENT"; :FieldType = 104; // int :MemoryOrder = "XY "; :units = "kg m-2"; :stagger = ""; :coordinates = "XLONG XLAT"; :_ChunkSizes = 1U, 720U, 720U; // uint float SNOWH(Time=8, south_north=720, west_east=720); :long_name = "PHYSICAL SNOW DEPTH"; :MemoryOrder = "XY "; :units = "m"; :stagger = ""; :coordinates = "XLONG XLAT"; :FieldType = 104; // int :_ChunkSizes = 1U, 720U, 720U; // uint float SST(Time=8, south_north=720, west_east=720); :long_name = "SEA SURFACE TEMPERATURE"; :FieldType = 104; // int :MemoryOrder = "XY "; :units = "K"; :stagger = ""; :coordinates = "XLONG XLAT"; :_ChunkSizes = 1U, 720U, 720U; // uint float LAI(Time=8, south_north=720, west_east=720); :description = "area/area"; :FieldType = 104; // int :MemoryOrder = "XY "; :stagger = ""; :coordinates = "XLONG XLAT"; :long_name = "Leaf area index"; :units = "1"; :_ChunkSizes = 1U, 720U, 720U; // uint float SKINTEMP(Time=8, south_north=720, west_east=720); :long_name = "SURFACE SKIN TEMPERATURE"; :FieldType = 104; // int :MemoryOrder = "XY "; :units = "K"; :stagger = ""; :coordinates = "XLONG XLAT"; :_ChunkSizes = 1U, 720U, 720U; // uint float XLAT(south_north=720, west_east=720); :long_name = "LATITUDE, SOUTH IS NEGATIVE"; :FieldType = 104; // int :MemoryOrder = "XY "; :units = "degree_north"; :stagger = ""; :_ChunkSizes = 720U, 720U; // uint float XLONG(south_north=720, west_east=720); :long_name = "LONGITUDE, WEST IS NEGATIVE"; :FieldType = 104; // int :MemoryOrder = "XY "; :units = "degree_east"; :stagger = ""; :_ChunkSizes = 720U, 720U; // uint float ALBEDO(Time=8, south_north=720, west_east=720); :FieldType = 104; // int :MemoryOrder = "XY "; :units = "1.0"; :stagger = ""; :coordinates = "XLONG XLAT"; :long_name = "ALBEDO"; :_ChunkSizes = 1U, 720U, 720U; // uint float ALBBCK(Time=8, south_north=720, west_east=720); :long_name = "BACKGROUND ALBEDO"; :FieldType = 104; // int :MemoryOrder = "XY "; :units = "1.0"; :stagger = ""; :coordinates = "XLONG XLAT"; :_ChunkSizes = 1U, 720U, 720U; // uint float SNOWC(Time=8, south_north=720, west_east=720); :long_name = "FLAG INDICATING SNOW COVERAGE (1 FOR SNOW COVER)"; :FieldType = 104; // int :MemoryOrder = "XY "; :units = "1.0"; :stagger = ""; :coordinates = "XLONG XLAT"; :_ChunkSizes = 1U, 720U, 720U; // uint float PMSL(Time=8, south_north=720, west_east=720); :long_name = "Sea-level Pressure"; :FieldType = 104; // int :MemoryOrder = "XYZ"; :units = "Pa"; :stagger = "-"; :coordinates = "XLONG XLAT"; :_ChunkSizes = 1U, 720U, 720U; // uint float T2M(Time=8, south_north=720, west_east=720); :long_name = "TEMP at 2 M"; :FieldType = 104; // int :MemoryOrder = "XYZ"; :units = "K"; :stagger = "-"; :coordinates = "XLONG XLAT"; :_ChunkSizes = 1U, 720U, 720U; // uint float Q2M(Time=8, south_north=720, west_east=720); :FieldType = 104; // int :MemoryOrder = "XYZ"; :units = "kg kg-1"; :stagger = "-"; :coordinates = "XLONG XLAT"; :long_name = "QV at 2 M"; :_ChunkSizes = 1U, 720U, 720U; // uint float U10M(Time=8, south_north=720, west_east=720); :long_name = "x-grid relative wind conponent at 10 M"; :FieldType = 104; // int :MemoryOrder = "XYZ"; :units = "m s-1"; :stagger = "-"; :coordinates = "XLONG XLAT"; :_ChunkSizes = 1U, 720U, 720U; // uint float V10M(Time=8, south_north=720, west_east=720); :long_name = "y-grid relative wind conponent at 10 M"; :FieldType = 104; // int :MemoryOrder = "XYZ"; :units = "m s-1"; :stagger = "-"; :coordinates = "XLONG XLAT"; :_ChunkSizes = 1U, 720U, 720U; // uint float RH2M(Time=8, south_north=720, west_east=720); :long_name = "Relative Humidity at 2 M"; :MemoryOrder = "XYZ"; :units = "%"; :stagger = "-"; :coordinates = "XLONG XLAT"; :FieldType = 104; // int :_ChunkSizes = 1U, 720U, 720U; // uint float U10E(Time=8, south_north=720, west_east=720); :long_name = "Earth-relative zonal wind at 10 M"; :FieldType = 104; // int :MemoryOrder = "XYZ"; :units = "m s-1"; :stagger = "-"; :coordinates = "XLONG XLAT"; :_ChunkSizes = 1U, 720U, 720U; // uint float V10E(Time=8, south_north=720, west_east=720); :long_name = "Earth-relative meridional wind at 10 M"; :FieldType = 104; // int :MemoryOrder = "XYZ"; :units = "m s-1"; :stagger = "-"; :coordinates = "XLONG XLAT"; :_ChunkSizes = 1U, 720U, 720U; // uint // global attributes: :TITLE = "Arctic System Reanalysis - The Ohio State Univresity, Polar Meteorology Group"; :START_DATE = "2004-09-01_00:00:00"; :SIMULATION_START_DATE = "2004-09-01_00:00:00"; :WEST-EAST_GRID_DIMENSION = 721; // int :SOUTH-NORTH_GRID_DIMENSION = 721; // int :BOTTOM-TOP_GRID_DIMENSION = 34; // int :GRIDTYPE = "C"; :DIFF_OPT = 1; // int :KM_OPT = 1; // int :DAMP_OPT = 0; // int :MP_PHYSICS = 7; // int :RA_LW_PHYSICS = 0; // int :RA_SW_PHYSICS = 0; // int :SF_SFCLAY_PHYSICS = 5; // int :SF_SURFACE_PHYSICS = 2; // int :BL_PBL_PHYSICS = 1; // int :CU_PHYSICS = 1; // int :SURFACE_INPUT_SOURCE = 1; // int :SST_UPDATE = 0; // int :GRID_FDDA = 0; // int :GFDDA_INTERVAL_M = 0; // int :GFDDA_END_H = 0; // int :GRID_SFDDA = 0; // int :SGFDDA_INTERVAL_M = 0; // int :SGFDDA_END_H = 0; // int :HYPSOMETRIC_OPT = 1; // int :WEST-EAST_PATCH_START_UNSTAG = 1; // int :WEST-EAST_PATCH_END_UNSTAG = 720; // int :WEST-EAST_PATCH_START_STAG = 1; // int :WEST-EAST_PATCH_END_STAG = 721; // int :SOUTH-NORTH_PATCH_START_UNSTAG = 1; // int :SOUTH-NORTH_PATCH_END_UNSTAG = 720; // int :SOUTH-NORTH_PATCH_START_STAG = 1; // int :SOUTH-NORTH_PATCH_END_STAG = 721; // int :GRID_ID = 1; // int :PARENT_ID = 0; // int :PARENT_GRID_RATIO = 1; // int :JULYR = 2004; // int :JULDAY = 245; // int :MAP_PROJ = 2; // int :MMINLU = "MODIFIED_IGBP_MODIS_NOAH"; :NUM_LAND_CAT = 20; // int :ISWATER = 17; // int :ISLAKE = -1; // int :ISICE = 15; // int :ISURBAN = 13; // int :ISOILWATER = 14; // int :I_PARENT_START = 1; // int :J_PARENT_START = 1; // int :IFNDALBSI = 1; // int :IFNDICEDEPTH = 1; // int :IFNDSNOWSI = 1; // int :history = "Sun Feb 26 15:09:18 2017: ncrcat asr15km.anl.2D.2004090100 asr15km.anl.2D.2004090103 asr15km.anl.2D.2004090106 asr15km.anl.2D.2004090109 asr15km.anl.2D.2004090112 asr15km.anl.2D.2004090115 asr15km.anl.2D.2004090118 asr15km.anl.2D.2004090121\nSat Nov 12 02:53:14 2016: ncatted -a IFNDALBSI,global,c,l,1 -a IFNDICEDEPTH,global,c,l,1 -a IFNDSNOWSI,global,c,l,1 wrfinput_d02"; :NCO = "\"4.5.5\""; :nco_openmp_thread_number = 1; // int :Conventions = "CF-1.6"; }