netcdf files/g/ds262.0/FSU-HYCOM2/ { dimensions: d2 = 2; ni = 500; nj = 381; time = UNLIMITED; // (12 currently) variables: float time(time=12); :long_name = "model time"; :units = "days since 1900-12-31 00:00:00"; :calendar = "standard"; :bounds = "time_bounds"; float time_bounds(time=12, d2=2); :long_name = "boundaries for time-averaging interval"; :units = "days since 1900-12-31 00:00:00"; float TLON(nj=381, ni=500); :long_name = "T grid center longitude"; :units = "degrees_east"; float TLAT(nj=381, ni=500); :long_name = "T grid center latitude"; :units = "degrees_north"; float ULON(nj=381, ni=500); :long_name = "U grid center longitude"; :units = "degrees_east"; float ULAT(nj=381, ni=500); :long_name = "U grid center latitude"; :units = "degrees_north"; :comment = "Latitude of NE corner of T grid cell"; float hi(time=12, nj=381, ni=500); :units = "m"; :long_name = "grid cell mean ice thickness"; :coordinates = "TLON TLAT time"; :cell_measures = "area: tarea"; :missing_value = 1.0E30f; // float :_FillValue = 1.0E30f; // float :comment = "ice volume per unit grid cell area"; :cell_methods = "time: mean"; :time_rep = "averaged"; float hs(time=12, nj=381, ni=500); :units = "m"; :long_name = "grid cell mean snow thickness"; :coordinates = "TLON TLAT time"; :cell_measures = "area: tarea"; :missing_value = 1.0E30f; // float :_FillValue = 1.0E30f; // float :comment = "snow volume per unit grid cell area"; :cell_methods = "time: mean"; :time_rep = "averaged"; float Tsfc(time=12, nj=381, ni=500); :units = "degC"; :long_name = "snow/ice surface temperature"; :coordinates = "TLON TLAT time"; :cell_measures = "area: tarea"; :missing_value = 1.0E30f; // float :_FillValue = 1.0E30f; // float :comment = "averaged with Tf if no ice is present"; :cell_methods = "time: mean"; :time_rep = "averaged"; float aice(time=12, nj=381, ni=500); :units = "1"; :long_name = "ice area (aggregate)"; :coordinates = "TLON TLAT time"; :cell_measures = "area: tarea"; :missing_value = 1.0E30f; // float :_FillValue = 1.0E30f; // float :comment = "none"; :cell_methods = "time: mean"; :time_rep = "averaged"; float uvel(time=12, nj=381, ni=500); :units = "m/s"; :long_name = "ice velocity (x)"; :coordinates = "ULON ULAT time"; :cell_measures = "area: uarea"; :missing_value = 1.0E30f; // float :_FillValue = 1.0E30f; // float :comment = "positive is x direction on U grid"; :cell_methods = "time: mean"; :time_rep = "averaged"; float vvel(time=12, nj=381, ni=500); :units = "m/s"; :long_name = "ice velocity (y)"; :coordinates = "ULON ULAT time"; :cell_measures = "area: uarea"; :missing_value = 1.0E30f; // float :_FillValue = 1.0E30f; // float :comment = "positive is y direction on U grid"; :cell_methods = "time: mean"; :time_rep = "averaged"; float fswdn(time=12, nj=381, ni=500); :units = "W/m^2"; :long_name = "down solar flux"; :coordinates = "TLON TLAT time"; :cell_measures = "area: tarea"; :missing_value = 1.0E30f; // float :_FillValue = 1.0E30f; // float :comment = "positive downward"; :cell_methods = "time: mean"; :time_rep = "averaged"; float flwdn(time=12, nj=381, ni=500); :units = "W/m^2"; :long_name = "down longwave flux"; :coordinates = "TLON TLAT time"; :cell_measures = "area: tarea"; :missing_value = 1.0E30f; // float :_FillValue = 1.0E30f; // float :comment = "positive downward"; :cell_methods = "time: mean"; :time_rep = "averaged"; float snow_ai(time=12, nj=381, ni=500); :units = "cm/day"; :long_name = "snowfall rate"; :coordinates = "TLON TLAT time"; :cell_measures = "area: tarea"; :missing_value = 1.0E30f; // float :_FillValue = 1.0E30f; // float :comment = "weighted by ice area"; :cell_methods = "time: mean"; :time_rep = "averaged"; float rain_ai(time=12, nj=381, ni=500); :units = "cm/day"; :long_name = "rainfall rate"; :coordinates = "TLON TLAT time"; :cell_measures = "area: tarea"; :missing_value = 1.0E30f; // float :_FillValue = 1.0E30f; // float :comment = "weighted by ice area"; :cell_methods = "time: mean"; :time_rep = "averaged"; float sst(time=12, nj=381, ni=500); :units = "C"; :long_name = "sea surface temperature"; :coordinates = "TLON TLAT time"; :cell_measures = "area: tarea"; :missing_value = 1.0E30f; // float :_FillValue = 1.0E30f; // float :comment = "none"; :cell_methods = "time: mean"; :time_rep = "averaged"; float sss(time=12, nj=381, ni=500); :units = "psu"; :long_name = "sea surface salinity"; :coordinates = "TLON TLAT time"; :cell_measures = "area: tarea"; :missing_value = 1.0E30f; // float :_FillValue = 1.0E30f; // float :comment = "none"; :cell_methods = "time: mean"; :time_rep = "averaged"; float uocn(time=12, nj=381, ni=500); :units = "m/s"; :long_name = "ocean current (x)"; :coordinates = "ULON ULAT time"; :cell_measures = "area: uarea"; :missing_value = 1.0E30f; // float :_FillValue = 1.0E30f; // float :comment = "positive is x direction on U grid"; :cell_methods = "time: mean"; :time_rep = "averaged"; float vocn(time=12, nj=381, ni=500); :units = "m/s"; :long_name = "ocean current (y)"; :coordinates = "ULON ULAT time"; :cell_measures = "area: uarea"; :missing_value = 1.0E30f; // float :_FillValue = 1.0E30f; // float :comment = "positive is y direction on U grid"; :cell_methods = "time: mean"; :time_rep = "averaged"; float frzmlt(time=12, nj=381, ni=500); :units = "W/m^2"; :long_name = "freeze/melt potential"; :coordinates = "TLON TLAT time"; :cell_measures = "area: tarea"; :missing_value = 1.0E30f; // float :_FillValue = 1.0E30f; // float :comment = "if >0, new ice forms; if <0, ice melts"; :cell_methods = "time: mean"; :time_rep = "averaged"; float fswabs_ai(time=12, nj=381, ni=500); :units = "W/m^2"; :long_name = "snow/ice/ocn absorbed solar flux"; :coordinates = "TLON TLAT time"; :cell_measures = "area: tarea"; :missing_value = 1.0E30f; // float :_FillValue = 1.0E30f; // float :comment = "weighted by ice area"; :cell_methods = "time: mean"; :time_rep = "averaged"; float albsni(time=12, nj=381, ni=500); :units = "%"; :long_name = "snw/ice broad band albedo"; :coordinates = "TLON TLAT time"; :cell_measures = "area: tarea"; :missing_value = 1.0E30f; // float :_FillValue = 1.0E30f; // float :comment = "none"; :cell_methods = "time: mean"; :time_rep = "averaged"; float flat_ai(time=12, nj=381, ni=500); :units = "W/m^2"; :long_name = "latent heat flux"; :coordinates = "TLON TLAT time"; :cell_measures = "area: tarea"; :missing_value = 1.0E30f; // float :_FillValue = 1.0E30f; // float :comment = "weighted by ice area"; :cell_methods = "time: mean"; :time_rep = "averaged"; float fsens_ai(time=12, nj=381, ni=500); :units = "W/m^2"; :long_name = "sensible heat flux"; :coordinates = "TLON TLAT time"; :cell_measures = "area: tarea"; :missing_value = 1.0E30f; // float :_FillValue = 1.0E30f; // float :comment = "weighted by ice area"; :cell_methods = "time: mean"; :time_rep = "averaged"; float flwup_ai(time=12, nj=381, ni=500); :units = "W/m^2"; :long_name = "upward longwave flux"; :coordinates = "TLON TLAT time"; :cell_measures = "area: tarea"; :missing_value = 1.0E30f; // float :_FillValue = 1.0E30f; // float :comment = "weighted by ice area"; :cell_methods = "time: mean"; :time_rep = "averaged"; float evap_ai(time=12, nj=381, ni=500); :units = "cm/day"; :long_name = "evaporative water flux"; :coordinates = "TLON TLAT time"; :cell_measures = "area: tarea"; :missing_value = 1.0E30f; // float :_FillValue = 1.0E30f; // float :comment = "weighted by ice area"; :cell_methods = "time: mean"; :time_rep = "averaged"; float congel(time=12, nj=381, ni=500); :units = "cm/day"; :long_name = "congelation ice growth"; :coordinates = "TLON TLAT time"; :cell_measures = "area: tarea"; :missing_value = 1.0E30f; // float :_FillValue = 1.0E30f; // float :comment = "none"; :cell_methods = "time: mean"; :time_rep = "averaged"; float frazil(time=12, nj=381, ni=500); :units = "cm/day"; :long_name = "frazil ice growth"; :coordinates = "TLON TLAT time"; :cell_measures = "area: tarea"; :missing_value = 1.0E30f; // float :_FillValue = 1.0E30f; // float :comment = "none"; :cell_methods = "time: mean"; :time_rep = "averaged"; float snoice(time=12, nj=381, ni=500); :units = "cm/day"; :long_name = "snow-ice formation"; :coordinates = "TLON TLAT time"; :cell_measures = "area: tarea"; :missing_value = 1.0E30f; // float :_FillValue = 1.0E30f; // float :comment = "none"; :cell_methods = "time: mean"; :time_rep = "averaged"; float meltt(time=12, nj=381, ni=500); :units = "cm/day"; :long_name = "top ice melt"; :coordinates = "TLON TLAT time"; :cell_measures = "area: tarea"; :missing_value = 1.0E30f; // float :_FillValue = 1.0E30f; // float :comment = "none"; :cell_methods = "time: mean"; :time_rep = "averaged"; float meltb(time=12, nj=381, ni=500); :units = "cm/day"; :long_name = "basal ice melt"; :coordinates = "TLON TLAT time"; :cell_measures = "area: tarea"; :missing_value = 1.0E30f; // float :_FillValue = 1.0E30f; // float :comment = "none"; :cell_methods = "time: mean"; :time_rep = "averaged"; float meltl(time=12, nj=381, ni=500); :units = "cm/day"; :long_name = "lateral ice melt"; :coordinates = "TLON TLAT time"; :cell_measures = "area: tarea"; :missing_value = 1.0E30f; // float :_FillValue = 1.0E30f; // float :comment = "none"; :cell_methods = "time: mean"; :time_rep = "averaged"; float fresh_ai(time=12, nj=381, ni=500); :units = "cm/day"; :long_name = "freshwtr flx ice to ocn"; :coordinates = "TLON TLAT time"; :cell_measures = "area: tarea"; :missing_value = 1.0E30f; // float :_FillValue = 1.0E30f; // float :comment = "weighted by ice area"; :cell_methods = "time: mean"; :time_rep = "averaged"; float fsalt_ai(time=12, nj=381, ni=500); :units = "kg/m^2/s"; :long_name = "salt flux ice to ocean"; :coordinates = "TLON TLAT time"; :cell_measures = "area: tarea"; :missing_value = 1.0E30f; // float :_FillValue = 1.0E30f; // float :comment = "weighted by ice area"; :cell_methods = "time: mean"; :time_rep = "averaged"; float fhocn_ai(time=12, nj=381, ni=500); :units = "W/m^2"; :long_name = "heat flux ice to ocean"; :coordinates = "TLON TLAT time"; :cell_measures = "area: tarea"; :missing_value = 1.0E30f; // float :_FillValue = 1.0E30f; // float :comment = "weighted by ice area"; :cell_methods = "time: mean"; :time_rep = "averaged"; float fswthru_ai(time=12, nj=381, ni=500); :units = "W/m^2"; :long_name = "SW flux thru ice to ocean"; :coordinates = "TLON TLAT time"; :cell_measures = "area: tarea"; :missing_value = 1.0E30f; // float :_FillValue = 1.0E30f; // float :comment = "weighted by ice area"; :cell_methods = "time: mean"; :time_rep = "averaged"; float strairx(time=12, nj=381, ni=500); :units = "N/m^2"; :long_name = "atm/ice stress (x)"; :coordinates = "ULON ULAT time"; :cell_measures = "area: uarea"; :missing_value = 1.0E30f; // float :_FillValue = 1.0E30f; // float :comment = "positive is x direction on U grid"; :cell_methods = "time: mean"; :time_rep = "averaged"; float strairy(time=12, nj=381, ni=500); :units = "N/m^2"; :long_name = "atm/ice stress (y)"; :coordinates = "ULON ULAT time"; :cell_measures = "area: uarea"; :missing_value = 1.0E30f; // float :_FillValue = 1.0E30f; // float :comment = "positive is y direction on U grid"; :cell_methods = "time: mean"; :time_rep = "averaged"; float strcorx(time=12, nj=381, ni=500); :units = "N/m^2"; :long_name = "coriolis stress (x)"; :coordinates = "ULON ULAT time"; :cell_measures = "area: uarea"; :missing_value = 1.0E30f; // float :_FillValue = 1.0E30f; // float :comment = "positive is x direction on U grid"; :cell_methods = "time: mean"; :time_rep = "averaged"; float strcory(time=12, nj=381, ni=500); :units = "N/m^2"; :long_name = "coriolis stress (y)"; :coordinates = "ULON ULAT time"; :cell_measures = "area: uarea"; :missing_value = 1.0E30f; // float :_FillValue = 1.0E30f; // float :comment = "positive is y direction on U grid"; :cell_methods = "time: mean"; :time_rep = "averaged"; float strocnx(time=12, nj=381, ni=500); :units = "N/m^2"; :long_name = "ocean/ice stress (x)"; :coordinates = "ULON ULAT time"; :cell_measures = "area: uarea"; :missing_value = 1.0E30f; // float :_FillValue = 1.0E30f; // float :comment = "positive is x direction on U grid"; :cell_methods = "time: mean"; :time_rep = "averaged"; float strocny(time=12, nj=381, ni=500); :units = "N/m^2"; :long_name = "ocean/ice stress (y)"; :coordinates = "ULON ULAT time"; :cell_measures = "area: uarea"; :missing_value = 1.0E30f; // float :_FillValue = 1.0E30f; // float :comment = "positive is y direction on U grid"; :cell_methods = "time: mean"; :time_rep = "averaged"; float strength(time=12, nj=381, ni=500); :units = "N/m"; :long_name = "compressive ice strength"; :coordinates = "TLON TLAT time"; :cell_measures = "area: tarea"; :missing_value = 1.0E30f; // float :_FillValue = 1.0E30f; // float :comment = "none"; :cell_methods = "time: mean"; :time_rep = "averaged"; float divu(time=12, nj=381, ni=500); :units = "%/day"; :long_name = "strain rate (divergence)"; :coordinates = "TLON TLAT time"; :cell_measures = "area: tarea"; :missing_value = 1.0E30f; // float :_FillValue = 1.0E30f; // float :comment = "none"; :cell_methods = "time: mean"; :time_rep = "instantaneous"; float opening(time=12, nj=381, ni=500); :units = "%/day"; :long_name = "lead area opening rate"; :coordinates = "TLON TLAT time"; :cell_measures = "area: tarea"; :missing_value = 1.0E30f; // float :_FillValue = 1.0E30f; // float :comment = "none"; :cell_methods = "time: mean"; :time_rep = "averaged"; float Tair(time=12, nj=381, ni=500); :units = "C"; :long_name = "air temperature"; :coordinates = "TLON TLAT time"; :cell_measures = "area: tarea"; :missing_value = 1.0E30f; // float :_FillValue = 1.0E30f; // float :comment = "none"; :cell_methods = "time: mean"; :time_rep = "averaged"; float fswfac(time=12, nj=381, ni=500); :units = "1"; :long_name = "shortwave scaling factor"; :coordinates = "TLON TLAT time"; :cell_measures = "area: tarea"; :missing_value = 1.0E30f; // float :_FillValue = 1.0E30f; // float :comment = "ratio of netsw new:old"; :cell_methods = "time: mean"; :time_rep = "averaged"; // global attributes: :title = "sea ice model output for CICE"; :contents = "Diagnostic and Prognostic Variables"; :source = "sea ice model: Community Ice Code (CICE)"; :comment2 = "File written on model date 19640201"; :comment3 = "seconds elapsed into model date: 0"; :conventions = "CF-1.0"; :history = "Sun Oct 19 17:38:45 2014: ncrcat -O /scr/abozec/hycom/GLBt0.72/expt_71.1/data/tarc_064/ /scr/abozec/hycom/GLBt0.72/expt_71.1/data/tarc_064/ /scr/abozec/hycom/GLBt0.72/expt_71.1/data/tarc_064/ /scr/abozec/hycom/GLBt0.72/expt_71.1/data/tarc_064/ /scr/abozec/hycom/GLBt0.72/expt_71.1/data/tarc_064/ /scr/abozec/hycom/GLBt0.72/expt_71.1/data/tarc_064/ /scr/abozec/hycom/GLBt0.72/expt_71.1/data/tarc_064/ /scr/abozec/hycom/GLBt0.72/expt_71.1/data/tarc_064/ /scr/abozec/hycom/GLBt0.72/expt_71.1/data/tarc_064/ /scr/abozec/hycom/GLBt0.72/expt_71.1/data/tarc_064/ /scr/abozec/hycom/GLBt0.72/expt_71.1/data/tarc_064/ /scr/abozec/hycom/GLBt0.72/expt_71.1/data/tarc_064/ /scr/abozec/hycom/GLBt0.72/expt_71.1/data/tarc_064/\nThis dataset was created on 2014-10-19 at 07:30:35.3"; :nco_openmp_thread_number = 1; // int }