netcdf files/g/ds262.0/NOCS/ { dimensions: x = 362; y = 292; tbnds = 2; time_counter = UNLIMITED; // (1 currently) variables: float nav_lon(y=292, x=362); :standard_name = "longitude"; :units = "degrees_east"; :valid_min = 72.5f; // float :valid_max = 117.5f; // float :long_name = "Longitude"; :nav_model = "Default grid"; :_FillValue = 0.0f; // float :_ChunkSizes = 37U, 23U; // uint float nav_lat(y=292, x=362); :standard_name = "latitude"; :units = "degrees_north"; :valid_min = -78.3935f; // float :valid_max = -72.129135f; // float :long_name = "Latitude"; :nav_model = "Default grid"; :_FillValue = 0.0f; // float :_ChunkSizes = 37U, 23U; // uint double time_counter(time_counter=1); :axis = "T"; :standard_name = "time"; :units = "seconds since 1708-01-01 00:00:00"; :calendar = "noleap"; :title = "Time"; :long_name = "Time axis"; :time_origin = " 1708-JAN-01 00:00:00"; :bounds = "time_counter_bnds"; :_ChunkSizes = 1U; // uint double time_counter_bnds(time_counter=1, tbnds=2); :_FillValue = 0.0; // double :_ChunkSizes = 1U, 2U; // uint float ice_pres(time_counter=1, y=292, x=362); :units = "-"; :standard_name = "Ice presence"; :_FillValue = 0.0f; // float :long_name = "Ice presence"; :online_operation = "ave(X)"; :interval_operation = 21600.0f; // float :interval_write = -1.0f; // float :coordinates = "time_counter nav_lat nav_lon"; :_ChunkSizes = 1U, 37U, 23U; // uint float isnowthi(time_counter=1, y=292, x=362); :units = "m"; :standard_name = "Snow thickness (cell average)"; :_FillValue = 0.0f; // float :long_name = "Snow thickness (cell average)"; :online_operation = "ave(X)"; :interval_operation = 21600.0f; // float :interval_write = -1.0f; // float :coordinates = "time_counter nav_lat nav_lon"; :_ChunkSizes = 1U, 37U, 23U; // uint float iicethic(time_counter=1, y=292, x=362); :units = "m"; :standard_name = "Ice thickness (cell average)"; :_FillValue = 0.0f; // float :long_name = "Ice thickness (cell average)"; :online_operation = "ave(X)"; :interval_operation = 21600.0f; // float :interval_write = -1.0f; // float :coordinates = "time_counter nav_lat nav_lon"; :_ChunkSizes = 1U, 37U, 23U; // uint float iiceprod(time_counter=1, y=292, x=362); :units = "m/s"; :standard_name = "Ice production (cell average)"; :_FillValue = 0.0f; // float :long_name = "Ice production (cell average)"; :online_operation = "ave(X)"; :interval_operation = 21600.0f; // float :interval_write = -1.0f; // float :coordinates = "time_counter nav_lat nav_lon"; :_ChunkSizes = 1U, 37U, 23U; // uint float iicetemp(time_counter=1, y=292, x=362); :units = "degC"; :standard_name = "Ice surface temperature (ice presence average)"; :_FillValue = 0.0f; // float :long_name = "Ice surface temperature (ice presence average)"; :online_operation = "ave(X)"; :interval_operation = 21600.0f; // float :interval_write = -1.0f; // float :coordinates = "time_counter nav_lat nav_lon"; :_ChunkSizes = 1U, 37U, 23U; // uint float ioceflxb(time_counter=1, y=292, x=362); :units = "W/m2"; :standard_name = "Oceanic flux at the ice base"; :_FillValue = 0.0f; // float :long_name = "Oceanic flux at the ice base"; :online_operation = "ave(X)"; :interval_operation = 21600.0f; // float :interval_write = -1.0f; // float :coordinates = "time_counter nav_lat nav_lon"; :_ChunkSizes = 1U, 37U, 23U; // uint float iicevelu(time_counter=1, y=292, x=362); :units = "m/s"; :standard_name = "Ice velocity along i-axis at I-point (ice presence average)"; :_FillValue = 0.0f; // float :long_name = "Ice velocity along i-axis at I-point (ice presence average)"; :online_operation = "ave(X)"; :interval_operation = 21600.0f; // float :interval_write = -1.0f; // float :coordinates = "time_counter nav_lat nav_lon"; :_ChunkSizes = 1U, 37U, 23U; // uint float iicevelv(time_counter=1, y=292, x=362); :units = "m/s"; :standard_name = "Ice velocity along j-axis at I-point (ice presence average)"; :_FillValue = 0.0f; // float :long_name = "Ice velocity along j-axis at I-point (ice presence average)"; :online_operation = "ave(X)"; :interval_operation = 21600.0f; // float :interval_write = -1.0f; // float :coordinates = "time_counter nav_lat nav_lon"; :_ChunkSizes = 1U, 37U, 23U; // uint float iicestru(time_counter=1, y=292, x=362); :units = "N/m2"; :standard_name = "Wind stress along i-axis over the ice at i-point"; :_FillValue = 0.0f; // float :long_name = "Wind stress along i-axis over the ice at i-point"; :online_operation = "ave(X)"; :interval_operation = 21600.0f; // float :interval_write = -1.0f; // float :coordinates = "time_counter nav_lat nav_lon"; :_ChunkSizes = 1U, 37U, 23U; // uint float iicestrv(time_counter=1, y=292, x=362); :units = "N/m2"; :standard_name = "Wind stress along j-axis over the ice at i-point"; :_FillValue = 0.0f; // float :long_name = "Wind stress along j-axis over the ice at i-point"; :online_operation = "ave(X)"; :interval_operation = 21600.0f; // float :interval_write = -1.0f; // float :coordinates = "time_counter nav_lat nav_lon"; :_ChunkSizes = 1U, 37U, 23U; // uint float iicesflx(time_counter=1, y=292, x=362); :units = "W/m2"; :standard_name = "Ice-Oce downward solar heat flux (cell average)"; :_FillValue = 0.0f; // float :long_name = "Ice-Oce downward solar heat flux (cell average)"; :online_operation = "ave(X)"; :interval_operation = 21600.0f; // float :interval_write = -1.0f; // float :coordinates = "time_counter nav_lat nav_lon"; :_ChunkSizes = 1U, 37U, 23U; // uint float iicenflx(time_counter=1, y=292, x=362); :units = "W/m2"; :standard_name = "Ice-Oce downward non-solar heat flux (cell average)"; :_FillValue = 0.0f; // float :long_name = "Ice-Oce downward non-solar heat flux (cell average)"; :online_operation = "ave(X)"; :interval_operation = 21600.0f; // float :interval_write = -1.0f; // float :coordinates = "time_counter nav_lat nav_lon"; :_ChunkSizes = 1U, 37U, 23U; // uint float isnowpre(time_counter=1, y=292, x=362); :units = "kg/m2/s"; :standard_name = "Snow precipitation"; :_FillValue = 0.0f; // float :long_name = "Snow precipitation"; :online_operation = "ave(X)"; :interval_operation = 21600.0f; // float :interval_write = -1.0f; // float :coordinates = "time_counter nav_lat nav_lon"; :_ChunkSizes = 1U, 37U, 23U; // uint // global attributes: :DOMAIN_number_total = 96; // int :DOMAIN_size_global = 362, 292; // int :TimeStamp = "2012-AUG-05 15:18:26 GMT+0100"; :Conventions = "CF-1.1"; :production = "An IPSL model"; }