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Dataset { Int32 time[time = 1426]; Float32 lat[time = 1426]; Float32 lon[time = 1426]; Float32 hfss[time = 1426]; Float32 hfls[time = 1426]; Float32 z_over_L[time = 1426]; Float32 zo_m[time = 1426]; Float32 u_10[time = 1426]; Float32 t_10[time = 1426]; Float32 q_10[time = 1426]; Float32 tau[time = 1426]; Float32 tauu[time = 1426]; Float32 tauv[time = 1426]; Float32 uas[time = 1426]; Float32 vas[time = 1426]; String flag[time = 1426]; } files/g/d260004/C35/2014/;