OPeNDAP Dataset Access Form


Data URL:

Global Attributes:


Time: Array of 64 bit Reals [Time = 0..7]

SPD10M: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..7][south_north = 0..359][west_east = 0..359]
Time: south_north: west_east:

DateTime: Array of 32 bit Integers [Time = 0..7]

LU_INDEX: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..7][south_north = 0..359][west_east = 0..359]
Time: south_north: west_east:

PSFC: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..7][south_north = 0..359][west_east = 0..359]
Time: south_north: west_east:

LANDMASK: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..7][south_north = 0..359][west_east = 0..359]
Time: south_north: west_east:

SNOALB: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..7][south_north = 0..359][west_east = 0..359]
Time: south_north: west_east:

TSLB: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..7][soil_layers_stag = 0..3][south_north = 0..359][west_east = 0..359]
Time: soil_layers_stag: south_north: west_east:

SMOIS: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..7][soil_layers_stag = 0..3][south_north = 0..359][west_east = 0..359]
Time: soil_layers_stag: south_north: west_east:

SH2O: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..7][soil_layers_stag = 0..3][south_north = 0..359][west_east = 0..359]
Time: soil_layers_stag: south_north: west_east:

SEAICE: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..7][south_north = 0..359][west_east = 0..359]
Time: south_north: west_east:

SITHIK: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..7][south_north = 0..359][west_east = 0..359]
Time: south_north: west_east:

ALBSI: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..7][south_north = 0..359][west_east = 0..359]
Time: south_north: west_east:

IVGTYP: Array of 32 bit Integers [Time = 0..7][south_north = 0..359][west_east = 0..359]
Time: south_north: west_east:

ISLTYP: Array of 32 bit Integers [Time = 0..7][south_north = 0..359][west_east = 0..359]
Time: south_north: west_east:

VEGFRA: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..7][south_north = 0..359][west_east = 0..359]
Time: south_north: west_east:

SNOW: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..7][south_north = 0..359][west_east = 0..359]
Time: south_north: west_east:

SNOWH: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..7][south_north = 0..359][west_east = 0..359]
Time: south_north: west_east:

SST: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..7][south_north = 0..359][west_east = 0..359]
Time: south_north: west_east:

SKINTEMP: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..7][south_north = 0..359][west_east = 0..359]
Time: south_north: west_east:

XLAT: Array of 32 bit Reals [south_north = 0..359][west_east = 0..359]
south_north: west_east:

XLONG: Array of 32 bit Reals [south_north = 0..359][west_east = 0..359]
south_north: west_east:

ALBEDO: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..7][south_north = 0..359][west_east = 0..359]
Time: south_north: west_east:

ALBBCK: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..7][south_north = 0..359][west_east = 0..359]
Time: south_north: west_east:

SNOWC: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..7][south_north = 0..359][west_east = 0..359]
Time: south_north: west_east:

PMSL: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..7][south_north = 0..359][west_east = 0..359]
Time: south_north: west_east:

T2M: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..7][south_north = 0..359][west_east = 0..359]
Time: south_north: west_east:

Q2M: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..7][south_north = 0..359][west_east = 0..359]
Time: south_north: west_east:

U10M: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..7][south_north = 0..359][west_east = 0..359]
Time: south_north: west_east:

V10M: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..7][south_north = 0..359][west_east = 0..359]
Time: south_north: west_east:

RH2M: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..7][south_north = 0..359][west_east = 0..359]
Time: south_north: west_east:

U10E: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..7][south_north = 0..359][west_east = 0..359]
Time: south_north: west_east:

V10E: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..7][south_north = 0..359][west_east = 0..359]
Time: south_north: west_east:

SOIL_BNDS: Array of 32 bit Reals [soil_layers_stag = 0..3][soil_bounds = 0..1]
soil_layers_stag: soil_bounds:

ZS: Array of 32 bit Reals [soil_layers_stag = 0..3]

For questions or comments about this dataset, contact the administrator of this server [Support] at:

For questions or comments about the OPeNDAP service bundled with the TDS, email THREDDS support at:


Dataset {
    Float64 Time[Time = 8];
    Float32 SPD10M[Time = 8][south_north = 360][west_east = 360];
    Int32 DateTime[Time = 8];
    Float32 LU_INDEX[Time = 8][south_north = 360][west_east = 360];
    Float32 PSFC[Time = 8][south_north = 360][west_east = 360];
    Float32 LANDMASK[Time = 8][south_north = 360][west_east = 360];
    Float32 SNOALB[Time = 8][south_north = 360][west_east = 360];
    Float32 TSLB[Time = 8][soil_layers_stag = 4][south_north = 360][west_east = 360];
    Float32 SMOIS[Time = 8][soil_layers_stag = 4][south_north = 360][west_east = 360];
    Float32 SH2O[Time = 8][soil_layers_stag = 4][south_north = 360][west_east = 360];
    Float32 SEAICE[Time = 8][south_north = 360][west_east = 360];
    Float32 SITHIK[Time = 8][south_north = 360][west_east = 360];
    Float32 ALBSI[Time = 8][south_north = 360][west_east = 360];
    Int32 IVGTYP[Time = 8][south_north = 360][west_east = 360];
    Int32 ISLTYP[Time = 8][south_north = 360][west_east = 360];
    Float32 VEGFRA[Time = 8][south_north = 360][west_east = 360];
    Float32 SNOW[Time = 8][south_north = 360][west_east = 360];
    Float32 SNOWH[Time = 8][south_north = 360][west_east = 360];
    Float32 SST[Time = 8][south_north = 360][west_east = 360];
    Float32 SKINTEMP[Time = 8][south_north = 360][west_east = 360];
    Float32 XLAT[south_north = 360][west_east = 360];
    Float32 XLONG[south_north = 360][west_east = 360];
    Float32 ALBEDO[Time = 8][south_north = 360][west_east = 360];
    Float32 ALBBCK[Time = 8][south_north = 360][west_east = 360];
    Float32 SNOWC[Time = 8][south_north = 360][west_east = 360];
    Float32 PMSL[Time = 8][south_north = 360][west_east = 360];
    Float32 T2M[Time = 8][south_north = 360][west_east = 360];
    Float32 Q2M[Time = 8][south_north = 360][west_east = 360];
    Float32 U10M[Time = 8][south_north = 360][west_east = 360];
    Float32 V10M[Time = 8][south_north = 360][west_east = 360];
    Float32 RH2M[Time = 8][south_north = 360][west_east = 360];
    Float32 U10E[Time = 8][south_north = 360][west_east = 360];
    Float32 V10E[Time = 8][south_north = 360][west_east = 360];
    Float32 SOIL_BNDS[soil_layers_stag = 4][soil_bounds = 2];
    Float32 ZS[soil_layers_stag = 4];
} files/g/d631000/asr30fnl.anl.2D/;