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Dataset { Float64 Time[Time = 8]; Float32 SPD10M[Time = 8][south_north = 360][west_east = 360]; Int32 DateTime[Time = 8]; Float32 Q2M[Time = 8][south_north = 360][west_east = 360]; Float32 T2M[Time = 8][south_north = 360][west_east = 360]; Float32 PSFC[Time = 8][south_north = 360][west_east = 360]; Float32 U10M[Time = 8][south_north = 360][west_east = 360]; Float32 V10M[Time = 8][south_north = 360][west_east = 360]; Float32 SNOALB[Time = 8][south_north = 360][west_east = 360]; Float32 TSLB[Time = 8][soil_layers_stag = 4][south_north = 360][west_east = 360]; Float32 SMOIS[Time = 8][soil_layers_stag = 4][south_north = 360][west_east = 360]; Float32 SH2O[Time = 8][soil_layers_stag = 4][south_north = 360][west_east = 360]; Float32 SFROFF[Time = 8][south_north = 360][west_east = 360]; Float32 UDROFF[Time = 8][south_north = 360][west_east = 360]; Float32 GRDFLX[Time = 8][south_north = 360][west_east = 360]; Float32 ACGRDFLX[Time = 8][south_north = 360][west_east = 360]; Float32 SNOW[Time = 8][south_north = 360][west_east = 360]; Float32 SNOWH[Time = 8][south_north = 360][west_east = 360]; Float32 CANWAT[Time = 8][south_north = 360][west_east = 360]; Float32 SKINTEMP[Time = 8][south_north = 360][west_east = 360]; Float32 RAINC[Time = 8][south_north = 360][west_east = 360]; Float32 RAINNC[Time = 8][south_north = 360][west_east = 360]; Float32 SNOWNC[Time = 8][south_north = 360][west_east = 360]; Float32 GRAUPELNC[Time = 8][south_north = 360][west_east = 360]; Float32 SWDOWN[Time = 8][south_north = 360][west_east = 360]; Float32 GLW[Time = 8][south_north = 360][west_east = 360]; Float32 ACSWUPT[Time = 8][south_north = 360][west_east = 360]; Float32 ACSWUPTC[Time = 8][south_north = 360][west_east = 360]; Float32 ACSWDNT[Time = 8][south_north = 360][west_east = 360]; Float32 ACSWDNTC[Time = 8][south_north = 360][west_east = 360]; Float32 ACSWUPB[Time = 8][south_north = 360][west_east = 360]; Float32 ACSWUPBC[Time = 8][south_north = 360][west_east = 360]; Float32 ACSWDNB[Time = 8][south_north = 360][west_east = 360]; Float32 ACSWDNBC[Time = 8][south_north = 360][west_east = 360]; Float32 ACLWUPT[Time = 8][south_north = 360][west_east = 360]; Float32 ACLWUPTC[Time = 8][south_north = 360][west_east = 360]; Float32 ACLWDNT[Time = 8][south_north = 360][west_east = 360]; Float32 ACLWDNTC[Time = 8][south_north = 360][west_east = 360]; Float32 ACLWUPB[Time = 8][south_north = 360][west_east = 360]; Float32 ACLWUPBC[Time = 8][south_north = 360][west_east = 360]; Float32 ACLWDNB[Time = 8][south_north = 360][west_east = 360]; Float32 ACLWDNBC[Time = 8][south_north = 360][west_east = 360]; Float32 SWUPT[Time = 8][south_north = 360][west_east = 360]; Float32 SWUPTC[Time = 8][south_north = 360][west_east = 360]; Float32 SWDNT[Time = 8][south_north = 360][west_east = 360]; Float32 SWDNTC[Time = 8][south_north = 360][west_east = 360]; Float32 SWUPB[Time = 8][south_north = 360][west_east = 360]; Float32 SWUPBC[Time = 8][south_north = 360][west_east = 360]; Float32 SWDNB[Time = 8][south_north = 360][west_east = 360]; Float32 SWDNBC[Time = 8][south_north = 360][west_east = 360]; Float32 LWUPT[Time = 8][south_north = 360][west_east = 360]; Float32 LWUPTC[Time = 8][south_north = 360][west_east = 360]; Float32 LWDNT[Time = 8][south_north = 360][west_east = 360]; Float32 LWDNTC[Time = 8][south_north = 360][west_east = 360]; Float32 LWUPB[Time = 8][south_north = 360][west_east = 360]; Float32 LWUPBC[Time = 8][south_north = 360][west_east = 360]; Float32 LWDNB[Time = 8][south_north = 360][west_east = 360]; Float32 LWDNBC[Time = 8][south_north = 360][west_east = 360]; Float32 OLR[Time = 8][south_north = 360][west_east = 360]; Float32 XLAT[south_north = 360][west_east = 360]; Float32 XLONG[south_north = 360][west_east = 360]; Float32 ALBEDO[Time = 8][south_north = 360][west_east = 360]; Float32 EMISS[Time = 8][south_north = 360][west_east = 360]; Float32 ZNT[Time = 8][south_north = 360][west_east = 360]; Float32 UST[Time = 8][south_north = 360][west_east = 360]; Float32 PBLH[Time = 8][south_north = 360][west_east = 360]; Float32 HFX[Time = 8][south_north = 360][west_east = 360]; Float32 QFX[Time = 8][south_north = 360][west_east = 360]; Float32 LH[Time = 8][south_north = 360][west_east = 360]; Float32 ACHFX[Time = 8][south_north = 360][west_east = 360]; Float32 ACLHF[Time = 8][south_north = 360][west_east = 360]; Float32 SNOWC[Time = 8][south_north = 360][west_east = 360]; Float32 SR[Time = 8][south_north = 360][west_east = 360]; Float32 POTEVP[Time = 8][south_north = 360][west_east = 360]; Float32 SNOPCX[Time = 8][south_north = 360][west_east = 360]; Float32 RH2M[Time = 8][south_north = 360][west_east = 360]; Float32 U10E[Time = 8][south_north = 360][west_east = 360]; Float32 V10E[Time = 8][south_north = 360][west_east = 360]; Float64 FCST_REF_TIME[Time = 8]; Float32 SOIL_BNDS[soil_layers_stag = 4][soil_bounds = 2]; Float32 ZS[soil_layers_stag = 4]; } files/g/ds631.0/asr30fnl.fcst3.2D/;