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Dataset { Float32 RetrievedX_CO[time = 12]; Int32 time[time = 12]; Float32 RetrievedX_CORegionStats[time = 12][ncl1 = 12]; Float32 RetrievedX_CORegion5th95th[time = 12][ncl2 = 2]; Float32 AvgAPrioriX_CO[time = 12]; Float32 AvgDegreesofFreedomforSignal[time = 12]; Float32 AvgSurfacePressure[time = 12]; Float32 AvgDryAirColumn[time = 12]; Float32 AvgError[time = 12]; Float32 AvgRandomError[time = 12]; Float32 AvgSmoothingError[time = 12]; Float32 AvgAPrioriCOMixingRatioProfile[time = 12][lev = 10]; Float32 AvgRetrievedCOMixingRatioProfile[time = 12][lev = 10]; Float32 AvgTotalColumnAveragingKernel[time = 12][lev = 10]; Float32 AvgRetrievalAveragingKernelMatrix[time = 12][nPrs2_MOP02 = 10][nPrs2_MOP02 = 10]; } files/g/ds682.3/BBWRus/;