This directory contains perfect model experiments of the CESM2 Simulations have been performed initialized in 2010. These have the casename prefix of 'b.e21.BHIST_CESM2_2010_' For the 2010 set: Simulations have been initialized on: Jan 1 (casename prefix 'b.e21.BHIST_CESM2_2010_01') March 1 (casename prefix 'b.e21.BHIST_CESM2_2010_03') May 1 (casename prefix 'b.e21.BHIST_CESM2_2010_05') July 1 (casename prefix 'b.e21.BHIST_CESM2_2010_07') Sept 1 (casename prefix 'b.e21.BHIST_CESM2_2010_09') Nov 1. (casename prefix 'b.e21.BHIST_CESM2_2010_11') For each initialization timing, 5 different initial conditions have been used and 15 ensemble members have been run for each initial state. The 5 different initial conditions are taken from different CESM2 ensemble members (to obtain initial states for everything except for the January 1 start, a year of simulation initialized from a standard CESM2 ensemble member was performed). The 5 different initial condition states are identified in the case names as: 1. No final letter, 2. "b" for the final letter of the casename, 3. "c" for the final letter of the casename, 4. "d" for the final letter of the casename, and 5. "e" for the final letter of the casename. For each of these 5 initial states, ens001 - ense0015 are present to denote the 15 individual ensemble members. MORE ON INITIAL CONDITIONS: Original restart files were not saved monthly for the CESM2-LE and so additional years of simulation were performed to get restart files (and initial conditions for the prediction ensemble) at different monthly timings. David Bailey ran the simulations to obtain the monthly initial condition files for the 2010 runs. These had run names of b.e21.BHIST.f09_g17.CMIP6-historical.00Xb (where X were numbered from 1-5). They were initialized from: b.e21.BHIST.f09_g17.CMIP6-historical.00X (where X are from 1-5).